Halloween Town
Hello~ I'm Cielle, a cat-loving comic creator! My comic is Reus if you're interested in muffins, vigilantes, magic, and mystery.
find me on twitter @Cielle_17
Random facts: my favorite food is Ramen, I love coffee, and Halloween is my favorite holiday.
the second one with a little text. the first one just has too much text that renders your drawings redundant. (allow us to think those unnecessary thought for ourselves) lol the coloring looks freaking good, not sure what else is there to do.
@dgilcraft Absolutely mad amount of details and colours, this is a tremendously striking page! The light and energy flares are just sublime, brilliant work! [image] Chapter 12, pages 11 and 12 of There's No Such Thing as Jason - I.T. ! Missing halos and delicious smells, oho~
[image] Friday's update of There's No Such Thing as Jason - I.T., a double pager with a double intruder, oho!
[image][image] TriWorld Journey calm before the storm..
[image] finished another batch today, lotsa spoilers so it was hard to pick which one to share :V
[image][image] (Warning, stuff is about to get even more jacked up than the rest of the comic up to this point)
Well, I haven't put together an art summary yet, but I did take a pic of this year's stack of completed pages.149 finished pages this year. [image]
Last day of september update!
Had to take a break from digital, and tried something cute and black and white [image]
Aside from a few sketches this is the latest art I posted, I just love drawing plants which I don't get to do a lot in my comic. [image]
Made some animated pixel art. [image] [image] [image]
currently unreleased page im really pleased with :))) [image]
the latest page of Polyphemus!! It's not always about wine I promise [image]
[image] Latest update for There's No Such Thing as Jason - I.T., sensitive topic (and melodrama to the tenth decimal of pie, wow)
Here's todays (before it's even uploaded!) and last friday's Holy crap, guys! I've been able to keep up with the Mon/Wed/Fri update schedule! I'm doing it! I'M DOING IT!!! [image] [image]
I made some One Piece fan arts, crossing the characters with video game one, here it goes
Luffy x Mario [image]
Zorro X Link [image]
Franky X Megaman [image]
hope you like it
Mallory Bash #40: "Before These Crowded Streets" Ava and Opal take to the sky on their way to beat Mallory to Isaac's house, and the view of Moonblush Village is quite a thing. [image]
<3 <3 YAH! Only two more pages until the finish of Tempest Red chapter 1! x__x [image]