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- Sep 1, '20
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I knew that, that's why I made basically no changes, its just that this post is about redesigning weird concepts and making them legit.
Ok, now that's what I'm talking about xD
[image] Ok so this isn't really something I'd call "terrible concept" but thanks for replying and I hope this helps.
[image] Ok so I gave this a shot, but this does not qualify as a terrible idea made great. Here's an example, the focus is the concept and concept making. This is just a sample but if it was someone else's creation I would put more effort into the art. But the concept is what's this post about. […
how do I delete this post lol
This is why I dont socialize not even online, I just dont, like how does a 2020 society work, school did not prepare me for this D;
I thought it would be a fun thing to do, but then again we live in a society. I'm not applying for a job so no credentials, if anyone's interested they can test it out and people can judge the outcome.
I will show you how to bring to life the potential of your "crappy" drawings. Reply with an image of a character or a concept that you want to make but you feel its missing something (or that it just isn't right/not good enough ...etc). A different perspective might help you find the perfect design!…
boys doing boy stuff
I stay home to not have to see or talk to people. Bye. xD
yo you gonna bring back the covers or wut
I can redo it, and it would look much better, but it will never be the same.
I tried putting a banner in webtoon, i think only contracted artists get to have one, which makes me think that webtoon bought tapas or something along with tons of other similarities, tapas is the new baby webtoon.
how dare you take away our banners! I want my banner back T_T (I lost all my files on the labtop and now you deleted it xD its funny cause life sucks, but still, its sad cause I really liked that one). I like the changes but some are inconvenient, the next/previous arrows dont look cool where you pu…
Why hello there general kenobi. It is time to duel. first of this: Trap card: lock up: A creator can lock up his content, meaning not anyone can just stroll in, and not just premium comics get to lock episodes, for instance: share to: subscribers only. Or: lock until subbed. or lock until given p…
I might have missed the answer, but I'll go ahead and ask anyways xD I'm not from the USA, what about me do I get no love? v_v I'm pretty sure this is for citizens only but whatevs