131 / 587
Mar 2020

Yep, unfortunately it seems so. I literally cannot think of any reason to go the easy and preferred by just about everyone route of a rollback (which'll then developed upon for new features). Like, other than maybe somebody at Tapas HQ really dropped the ball and completely lost/deleted backups of the previous layout and all that made it work. But surely, that wouldn't be possible, right???

Well then again, this lemon of an redesign was clearly pushed out without any prior testing so...such failures aren't outside of the realm of possibility now, are they?

Thank you for your hard work!
I'm sure it's not easy to have to moderate a very upset forum.
You have earned an honorary NMS flavored Sean Murray stamp for facing the criticism head on lol.

Might I suggest an occasional voting poll when your team has new plans for the website?
I've seen these before from your team, but never very often, and not directly hosted on the site where it's a simple, one or two question, pop up poll that every reader and writer has a chance to answer. (Like Deviantart's site polls that pop up in your notifications)

Simple things like
- 'do you use this feature?' yes/no
- 'Would you use this planned new feature?' yes/no
- 'How would you rate your ability to navigate this version of the site/app?'
- 'Out of this feature list, which features would you like to see most on the site?'

Perhaps you could even have a link to a more specific survey about these features if people have time, with a small ink reward if people opt to take the longer survey!

And of course, beta testers!! More opinions on developing features is always useful, especially when they're free and volunteers. Whether they're chosen by you, or if there's just a site wide option to beta test, community beta testing is definitely something you guys should utilize.

This new interface is clumsy and awkward. There are quite a few comics that I read here just for the ease even though their available on other platforms, i guess I'll be reading those elsewhere till you fix it.

A possible shift in the majority of shareholders resulting in the push for this new direction, and will keep pushing for more changes in the future? :no_mouth:

how dare you take away our banners! I want my banner back T_T (I lost all my files on the labtop and now you deleted it xD its funny cause life sucks, but still, its sad cause I really liked that one). I like the changes but some are inconvenient, the next/previous arrows dont look cool where you put them.
the number of notifications or updates dont show.
when you click a comment that someone replied to, it doesn't automatically take you to the comment. (in the notification bell)
when you enter a comic it doesn't show what episodes you've seen so far and what episodes you didn't.
the continue thingy is cool but sometimes you just wanna see how many episodes you haven't seen or something.
also the continue button takes you to the last page, but sometimes it takes you to the last page that you already seen and not the new update that you haven't yet seen.
the comic front page is plastic has no soul and looks like a cut out cardboard of a 12 year old, professional and talented 12 year old, but not an artist.
I suggest the episode list becomes shorter with a slider and pages, and putting everything in one layout and not hiding the description and stuff under "details".
I can't stress how much I really truly like and want a banner image (it doesn't have to be visible on every page of the comic even on the comic page alone would be enough even though seeing it everywhere would be really nice, plz dont pull the webtoon crap where featured artists get to have banners and others dont, that's just mean) and even an other corner or square or something to put extras and pretty stuff to make the comic page more of the artist style to make it feel as if you're entering a different home (or house) each time and not just jumping from ditch to ditch. (sort of a mini gallery or slide show that'd be really cool)

I tried putting a banner in webtoon, i think only contracted artists get to have one, which makes me think that webtoon bought tapas or something along with tons of other similarities, tapas is the new baby webtoon.

I'm sad now. I just uploaded a new chapter from one of my novels, and i wanted to check something.

Usually when i was uploading, the new chapter was shoring in the section of nobels at fresh new uploads, but now no

Which means, nobody will see and might want to check... now
this new update is a lose for me, as a small writer here [well cant say either before much happen,but i did gather few as i updating new chapters]

other thing i hate, is how the covers now look at the comic/novels section

and yes i had a banner too but good is saved :))))

in rest i do not mind the changes but the 2 above are unsettling me

In case this is the better thread for noting issues, here's the bug or feature loss I mentioned from the other thread:

I spotted another bug: On an episodes page, when sorted from oldest to newest, if there is a scheduled comic, it displays just like all the other comics, aside from having a future date and zero views. If you click on it, it just takes you back to the episodes page. (I noticed this on the comic Jamie3.)

Sorry Tapas but i did try.
That popup menu is getting on my nerves. I really tried to get used to is... But it is just ignoring. On mobile web and desktop

Just go back to the old design, and add the things you've been wanting to add that were good in the new update. Less work on your hands, isn't it?

@michaelson You could add 2 dailyupdates sections on the front page for novels and comics. This will give exposure to novels and comics who update daily. They will get promoted once or twice a month or every two months. these two sections would get refreshed after 24 hours with a new batch of novels and comics. Coming from Webnovel as an author that has many contracts with them this helped alot with exposure to lesser known novels. I also suggest a tab on the search for both comics and novels as well for recently updated novels and comics. it would get updated once someone updates their novel or comic. this will fix exposure issues for all lesser known novels and allow for authors and artist to get more views on their novel it self. while still keeping the other major sections that give better exposure for more popular novels and commics. It would be a win win for both creators and staff in this way.

Also you should not hide the subscribe button that is a killer to every one. it should be more visible.

Oh, here's another change, which I don't remember anyone mentioning. When you do bring up the sidebar with the list of episodes (which I really would prefer be visible by default, as before), it doesn't give the date anymore, just the episode number and title. Even for a scheduled comic, it doesn't say when it's scheduled for. This was useful and should be back too.

I'm also going to express my worries for completed comics. Are they going to dissapear in the void since searching genres by subs and likes is now gone?

Here is a mobile user experience.

The popup menu on the mobile web is a dark color and it flashes in and out.

The same size popup menu on the mobile app is white and smoothly rolls in and out.

Somehow I feel the screen on mobile web smaller because of the dark color frame. And I feel the menu gets in my face because of the hard way it flashes in and out.

I prefer the mobile app over the mobile web.

And about color. The withe menu works better on mobile. I’m not talking about the desktop.

Edit. Somehow when I scroll quick up on on app. I get the menu. This seems logical to me because when I typically need to scroll up is because I'm looking for the menu. I don't get that on mobile web

Yea... The new heavy loading time makes it flash and jump around.

They probably still have it stored somewhere and not completely deleted. You might be able to email their support and ask if they can find it for you. If, y'know, it would take too long to just remake it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I've had time to collect my thoughts on this more. Here are my main three concerns with the new site:

-No banner
-No scrolling
-Nav bar disappearing/reappearing

Obviously, scrolling has been addressed and will supposedly be available again soon. But the other two issues have yet to be addressed (from what I could see. Too many posts ;_;)

There are some benefits to the new site. I do like how the comic is centered on the page now. I also like that it hasn't been resized poorly and is the same as before (this was the main reason I left SJ after the update. They squished pages down into a really tiny width). I do like the options available ON the nav bar. I just hate the functionality of it.

Fourthly, but more minor, I really don't like all the extra clicking, like when I click an update in my notifications it should bring me TO THE UPDATE and the continue button shouldn't bring me to episodes I have already read. I also shouldn't have to click around to find a description of my comic. It should be right there for some to read and see what the comic is about. Especially since I have a content warning in my description and people can now easily miss it.

If all these things are fixed, then I think I would be satisfied with the new site.

I'm going to speak frank here again. This new layout was rolled out extremely prematurely and it's obvious from all the bugs and loss of features that it was rushed. From these things, plus the "I can't comment on why I can't roll it back", it really does not help anyone have faith in Tapas's future. There's some other deadline... someone else that this update was for. It was not for the users because there's no way they would have rolled out something riddled with so many bugs.

And if that is the case (where it was for the users), then I am extremely worried about the competency of Tapas staff. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Like when I worked at a job before, I wasn't supposed to write three exclamation marks in an email for fear the customer might interpret it as "yelling". But Tapas thinks it's okay to roll out a whole new, drastically different layout without fear of community lashback?

Sorry but I am simply not buying that. Unless if you're really stupid. I mean like... flat Earth level stupid.

I’m starting to like the app better and better. Things seem so logical from a mobile perspective

This is not a new thing in the business world. And I have seen this so many times before. Over and over again.
Like when you are selling a house and make some fancy looking changes that gives no functional meanings. Just to make it look good for the sale.

But let’s not conspire on this. We can’t control stuff like that. But what we can do is make the new fancy stuff functional again.