
Inspector Spinda

Omg I was obsessed with cyberchase in it's early years (happened to take a peek at newer seasons and doens't really hit the same) but honestly out of curiosity would be willing to check it out even if i have forgotten bits of the lore :sweat_smile:

Hello! It's hard for me to pick a favorite character, but I'm very proud of how Dr. Yes came out. His inspiration came as I was looking up nuclear anxiety in media. Specifically, he's a a combination of Dr. No from James Bond and giant bug films like Them! In terms of drawing, I like how he comes of…

Hello! I really love my characters, but one in particular: Eva. Sometimes I feel like she's a real person, and not just a character on a piece of paper. When I think about her my brain goes like:" yes, Eva, that girl you met 5 years ago!". I look at her face and I feel strange, as if I'm looking at …

Made this to try out Procreate's animation feature back when it was new. [image] Also, turned my model sheets into GIFs for fun as well. [image]

Awesome idea! This is Mandy, the main character of my serie! [image]

It's not being rude to feel proud about your heritage, at least I think so. I'm sure we all have interesting ancestors if we dig deep enough

Tbh, I get this feeling and I'm not joking lol

Inspired by a comment from @Lady_T_Musings, I thought I'd share a little bit about how I approach drawing beards! Of course the best way to start drawing is to check out photos of real people with beards, and there are lots of great tutorials on the internet too! But this is how I go about the sty…

I'm not sure if considering the little information you've given it's possible to assist you on getting characters ideas. Korean mythology during modern times. Ok. Is it a romance? Horror? Mystery? What do you want to tell in this story? Humans, spirits, gods? Royalty, current people... Too many …

I'm talking about webcomics that were made less than ten years ago though.... Like yes, stories about the handsome young man who goes on an adventure and gets a hot young wife who is also a princess who comes with money and land are their own classic oldskool flavour of terrible, but I was specifi…

Ahh yes, the reusing & repetitions builds familiarity with the audience and further engrosses them. Its fun finding these details like a cool Easter egg hunt Many times I have seen character popularity polls and random background characters end up placing on the list just for continuously being th…

All of my art and pages come up. Coicidencially, other artists are called "Jenny Toons" and some variances, but my stuff seems to come up top, hehee :blush: [image]

I don't think that this is true in many cases, especially with classic animation. Pinocchio didn't feature pop culture references, but its sense of humor was exactly in line with its era. Other contemporary Disney films--e.g. Fantasia, Dumbo--featured things that are exceedingly 40s, especially with…

Oh wow, someone other than me watches indie animation series? I thought I was in some secret dweeb club. I didn't think too much into it. The lore is interesting, it keeps me entertained. I can't comment too much on the whole disability thing, being a fully able-bodied person, but I didn't see a…

hmmm How interesting then, ohh when I looked up My pride I saw a tv show with people on then and I believe the other was of lions

The only story I have with any outward nobility is my ongoing Webtoon comic Belief. About a family that goes against a Nameless God to stop her reign of terror. Overall, how I depict their status is mostly based on the clothes they wear, the temple they use to worship an old God, and their import…

Though I can't comment on Raya since I have not seen it yet outside the trailer. This is kind of the result related to an issue I have with a lot of animated features that has been going on a long time, and honestly Disney is probably the least offender of it. And that's when voices are hired for …

I'll hold off on forming any opinions until I actually watch it, whenever it comes free to D+.

For me, character creation is all about doing new stuff I've never done before, and more stuff I don't see very often. I'm trying to expand my repertoire, make unique characters, and explore underrepresented demographics at the same time. :v: Often this means making characters who are older than aver…

When I was a kid, all the characters I made were simply emulations of cartoons and books I consumed. Now I put a bit more thought into it. xDD For Demon House, I specifically wanted my protagonist to stand out a little from the humans of other series that involved demons at the time, so I made her…

Visibility. That's why. Every time we update, our comic appears in "Fresh". Every time we get a like, our rating goes up. 10 one-page updates mean 10 appearances in "Fresh" and 10+ likes 1 ten-page update means 1 appearance in "Fresh" and 1+ like

Hey all! I've been talking about and alluding to it for several months now, but the launch of my new comic is finally here: [image] :tada: :tada: :tada: Overview: As the name suggests, it's a D&D comic, and it's an adaptation of a campaign that some friends and I played in last year :slight_smile: It's been an interesting …

First of all I wish you are having a good day, I have been feeling very sad and uncertain, and worried about things that are happening in this chaotic world. My star project is falling apart because of the pandemic, I feel like my day job is pending from a string, and I worry a lot about the futu…

I will read your comic just because of this joke.

Yeah I agree, or at least a few chapters should be out, then you can analýze it like you could with a TV show. This is also more of a thought thread than anything else, I just love literary analysis and i wish it was more appreciated as a tool and an angle to read a comic from, especially somethin…

I think you should leave the character as is and add more positive POCs. You should also make sure your character isn't just a 1-dimensional super-villain (make people sympathize with him!!!!) This can help get rid of stereotypes and also it's just good writing to make your characters not totally go…

That's a good point to make as well! I do a lot of cross-site promoting. When I think about when I was a kid, I never subscribed to web series or made an account, I would just randomly check it through google.

Yeah … I get some spending money to treat myself with, but in no way do I make anywhere near minimum wage for the area I'm in off my freelance ventures. I wish I were that popular though.

[image] Basically sums up my current status

I’ve watched all of them except for kakushigoto :joy: i’ll check it out haha thanks i’m surprised people here have watched karas and monster because usually they’re very unknown :smiley: