

Area 52

Award-winning Transmedia Writer-Producer.

2020 Outstanding Achievement Award for "Elvenheim" (screenplay)
2015 Van Gogh Award for Best Thriller for "Killers at Play" (feature motion picture)
2011 Official Finalist Award for Documentary for "Contagion: The Macabre World of the Zombie Hunter"

Writer, "Elvenheim"
Writer, "Vampire Games"
Writer, "All My Shades of Blue"
Writer, "Battleaxe: Berserker Prince"
Writer, "Caliber X"
Writer, "The Big Ragu"
Writer, "Killers at Play"
Writer, "Contagion: The Macabre World of the Zombie Hunter"

Thank you for the gracious invite. I will consider it. Best regards. p.s. In 77 days, I penned a 150-page screenplay that had over 174 scenes and 30,000 words. It won the screenplay competition in New York City. 80,000 words sounds like a lot of heavy lifting, but I wrote three motion picture scr…

Still inking the next page ... workinprogress [image] Subscribe, Like and Share. It's still free!

I hate SPAM. I can eat it, but it's way too salty. Thank you for the Great Job! Keep up the Good Work!

My award laurels came in today. [image] [image][image]

I chose "Drama" because that is the main ingredient that binds all story-telling, even in Fantasy / BL / Action / Horror / Romance / Others. Relationships dynamics (or Drama) leads to confrontation (or Action) to tell a winding tale (or Fantasy / Horror / Romance) where you have a protagonist, ant…

I've got over 2000 high quality photos (often ten photos per posting so be sure to swipe left)-- And here's my series, choose your flavor ... (the fantasy one, 150 pages, won "Outstanding Achievement" award for screenpl…

Solid foundation for a proper writing? Choose any genre ... it can be Sci-Fi, Mystery, Vampires or Fantasy. Your second approach is building your characters, not "the world" of (said genre). Identify your protagonist, supporting characters who help your protagonist along the way, your antagonist(s…

Happy early birthday! Been busy for another episode release. Please Like, Subscribe and Share. The best things in life are free!

Listening .... listening .... Alt Playlist for All My Shades of Blue Subscribe, Like, Share!

Aah, symbolism. The stuff of psychological thrillers and major mind f$(k plots.

Is this high concept enough? Vampires kidnap Unturned Humans to duel to the death. Champions are then used as unwitting pawns to battle the Vampire Empire's ancient nemesis-- Aliens from Outer Space! (I need 18 subs to make my Milestone ... PLEASE and Thank You!)

Hi, everybody! This is my latest page on my latest series. [image] [image] [image] Hope you Like! Please Subscribe!

Forbidden Planet in New York City?? That's like the Mecca of all comic book stores.

Hi, my name is Larry DeGala. I have several series on Tapas at the moment. I'm posting My Two Cents on the topic. If you like painting and colors, I met the Las Vegas artist who painted water towers across the United States during the '80s and '90s. [image] This was during the mid-'90s when I …

"Wassup, Doc?" [image]

Yeah, it's .... [image] What can I say?

Admin updated the link. Please try again.

Episode Zero - "The Final Campaign." (how is that for a hook?) [image] For more episodes, please subscribe, like and share!

"Elvenheim" took awhile, but it is released for Prime Time. This is the third manga series I have published here on Tapas. Please subscribe, like and share with friends and family.

This is my third manga series here on Tapas, based on a 150-page motion picture screenplay titled "Elvenheim." During the Rona, I was able to collaborate with a handful of artists to come with this unique fantasy adventure. Please subscribe, like and share with friends and family.…

Hi, everybody. I am sheltering in place during the Rona. Hope everyone is well. I am doing everything I can to remain creative, productive with my time awake, while keeping content and sane. This is my third manga series, a fantasy-themed adventure titled "Elvenheim," in conjunction with a sci-fi Ma…

I uploaded the newest of three manga series. "Elvenheim" is an adaptation of the 150-page motion picture screenplay I wrote in the Fall of 2019. Several artists helped me conceive the unique fantasy look and production design for "Elvenheim." Hope you enjoy a good read!

I posted the first installment of my third series "Elvenheim." I wrote a 150-page motion picture screenplay and got three manga artists to collaborate during the Rona. If you like magical worlds and fantasy adventures, you would fall in love with "Elvenheim!"

Hi, The theme of "Elvenheim" is fantasy/adventure. If "Kill La Kill" and "Project A-Ko" had a daughter and "Berserk" and "Claymore" had a son, and those two got together and begat "Elvenheim" ... KA-BLAM-O!! How's that for synopsis?

I can get 800+ subs on YouTube. Why can't I get 50 on Tapas? Please subscribe, like and share. Thank you!

I would write for one hundred days straight to get around eighty to 150 pages for each manga serial in a professional screen play format. The process helps to keep that organized for budgeting and scheduling later down the road.…

Hi, do you have English FAQ of what is required? I've done multimedia projects and received Van Gogh Award from the Netherlands. Thank you.

Hi, my second issue is up! 20+ panels and counting. Cheers! ALL MY SHADES OF BLUE

Hi, sir. I dig the story and subscribed. Kindly subscribe to my series. In fact, I have a sci-fi and vampire serials. Please and thanks!