Creator of Tipping Point and an addict to drawing. I'm really hoping to meet other creators and gain feed back on my comic while making great friends!
I'm ... gonna sit on the fence for this one and wait for official news, hear it from the horses mouth so to speak. passionate Ideas are good but marketing strategies, well planned business plans, market and business forecasts and ALL of that 'boring stuff' is more important to get right FIRST. an…
On Sunday we had the pleasure of tabling with Tapas staff member Josh at SacAnime Gives Back. Over the course of the day we promoted Tapas(tic) to con goers and also asked Josh what was in store for Tapastic down the road. Needless to say we are VERY excited in what is about to happen in the comin…
I had to pare down my idea list recently. I put a doc together that contained all the ideas that I have: title (or working title), genre, theme, what I think the scope of the story will be (how long), and then I started poking at them. Just sitting around daydreaming all day and when I got inspire…
I pick the one that is the most fleshed out of them all. Also how skillful I am at the moment. If you want to do both space opera and western but draw horses better, maybe start with the western. Just keep up practicing on those spaceships and start that comic when you can do it justice.
The first step is to let it sit for a while - if it still seems like a good idea after a couple of weeks, then it probably IS a good idea. The second step is to really examine it and experiment a bit. Try to sketch a couple of pages, poke at any potential plot-holes, try to figure out the plot-tw…
Wait till after you receive payment. You never want to put yourself in that situation where you give out the rewards (that you put time and energy into) only for that backer to back out of it. Wait till you receive your funding and then heap all the love and appreciation on them because that shows…
Yes! I really dislike fan service too! It's so obvious and often slows the pacing!
I think both can work depending on your pacing! An example of the latter that didn't do it for me is Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. The first half was great! I loved reading about them just going around collecting feathers, and there were hints of a deeper plot as well. But then half-way through t…
1 hour of sketch 2 hours in lineart 6 hours of pain and hell with colouring and backgrounds 2 hours with dialogues :'D
Yeah I cringe a little every time their work shows up in my feed, except their color work is so good tho.
I think a weekly comic is probably good enough in my opinion. I started off with 1 per week but am now putting out 2 a week since I have a bit more time than normal. I think updating on a monthly basis would kill me. I couldn't go that long without updating. That and I feel like if you're going t…
Hm, I don't think I can do monthly updates because if something's not due the next week I just find more reasons to procrastinate. xD I suppose some people expect like 5 pages or more in a monthly update, but why make more work for yourself? Do what you want to do. For my updates, I always want to h…
Honestly? I think they're pretty much always acceptable, even if it's obviously disappointing. I mean yeah, I'll be disappointed if a comic I like doesn't update - but at the same time, I read all of these webcomics for free. The artist isn't taking my money and giving me nothing in return - they…
My current series was callled self defeat because of all these ideas and preconceptions I had for my first comic. In the end I just ran around and circles being too analytical to get anything done. My only advice is start. Doesn't matter what skill level you are just go out and try. People reall…
Do your best, don't take everything to heart, especially when it sounds like people are trying to crap on your hopes and ambitions, and don't be quick to believe people even if they sound like they know what they're talking about. Do the reading, do the research, and make up your own mind about what…
So how often do you comment on the series you read? I'll admit I don't do it very often, mostly because I usually can't find anything to say. Like I'll enjoy the page(s) and all, but I'm not big into predicting what will happen next or analyzing what's going on. I like to take things as they come …
I second the buffer and the drawing big>resizing thing! Both great things to keep in mind! You don't need to be as crazy as I am with your buffer (yes hi I am 50+ pages ahead of my readers), but having a big buffer is a big help. I'd like to add these: 1.) Plan ahead One of the worst feelings …
For me, the key to neat coloring is resizing. As long as I draw in a (much) higher resolution than what the end result is supposed to be, it's really easy to create an illusion of neat and clean work. 100% zoom on my pages looks terrible. It's all over the place. But when I resize from 3541x5016 p…
http://www.blambot.com/ This is one of my favourite resources for free to use and paid comic fonts. http://www.blambot.com/license.shtml for the free use licence. Hope that helps you out a bit.
@BitterOath Yeah, I talk about #ComicTalk a lot, because it's a really awesome event! XD Here's the basic rules: 1.ComicTalk happens once a week, on Sundays at 10 AM PST (or 19.00 in my timezone). The timeslot was picked for people in European timezones. You can use the hashtag any time of the…
Short answer: DON'T CHANGE IT. Long answer: It is in the nature of webcomics to grow in quality (both art/writing-wise) over the course of the story, due to the pace at which we create and post them, and also because most of us are amateurs when we start out. The fact that your first chapter i…
I believe just about everyone has gone through this, especially at the beginning. You're new, you think your content should be seen and enjoyed by everyone. So, in a sort of desperation, you do anything and everything to gain subs. When you get some, you feel elated. When you lose a few, you wonde…
i just tested out Open Broadcaster Software with Medibang (just installed medibang today, actually!) and it seems to capture it just fine ^^ i've had no problems streaming using OBS on picarto, i hope it works fine for you!
i dont think so. imho the main problem come from the prize. here it s like to be in a showcase. sometimes we re put in the best spot, most of the time we re all in the same shelf. thats it. someone got a lot of follower, other less or more... but thats it. on webtoons there isnt only this... becau…
It's all apart of our evil world domination plan. It starts with being nice and blowing everyone's mind, and then.....CONTINUING TO BE NICE. [image]
First off, I tend to be a wordy writer. One of the hardest things for me is editing down my prose to convey just what is needed with the scene, and leave the visuals to do the rest. However, there is a common misconception: Comics are not a visual medium. They are a form of story telling th…
I completely agree with this statement. There are some things that have to be expressed through words. You can show actions and feelings through visuals, but you cannot always express thoughts or complex emotions. Just like in your own life, you can't expect someone to know what you're thinking un…
Simply, show, don't tell. If what is being said can be shown through illustration, then have it be shown through illustration. Any exposition, (if absolutely necessary) especially in comics SHOULD have something visual about it, since comics are a visual medium. But it should be avoided as much as…
This is an advice I've seen on a weight loss/ health site, and while I agreed with it (still do) strongly when I first saw it, I'd never thought of applying it to creative endeavors. Makes sense, though!
Schedule and just doing it. Motivation for some reason is a struggle for people now. I know the feeling. I just remember getting over it and doing it despite how I feel. It's a pain but that's all it takes. Things that help is by maintaining a schedule for your comic or if you have a deadline. If …