

Detroit, MI

Hello there! My name is Asiahn Williams. But you can call me King or Midnight.

My Stories
A Ray of Hope (Fantasy/Action) Hiatus
Colorblind (Dark/Action) Coming Soon
Queen of The Sea (Comedy) Coming
Crimson Assassins (Action/Drama) Coming
Constellation (Drama) IDK
Vermilion (Mythos) Coming Soon
Venom (Thriller) Coming

Jun 12, '20
Last Post
Jun 23, '24
23 hours
Trust Level

Ooo, I actually like this one. They're all from my main series titled A Ray of Hope! A - Alexia Anahita B - B-Low Yu (It’s a double sex joke the can be read as Blow You or Below You.) C - Color Stargazer D - Dalton Creed E - Elixir (She has no last name) F - Fleury Fuchu G - Genesys Okami H - Hin…

I'm a Manager for AMC Theatres. A lot of the time I absolutely love this job. But very often I will encounter a customer that makes me wanna shoot myself, them, or a crew member.

8 years ago when I first started writing my story. It was centered around a character named Shizuka Raion. In my eyes, he WAS the perfect OC. A calm, cool, and collected scythe-user with lightning powers and a tragic back story. But as time went on, I realized that him being in the center of the …

This will be my last time pinging you lol. But I realized that the only part of the drawing process that I enjoy is coloring. It's very fun and relaxing. I watched a bunch of tutorials and did a bunch of research but this is my first attempt at putting what I learned to use. This piece took 2 hours …

I used your advice on doing one continuous line. It's definitely a big upgrade from my other attempts. This piece took roughly 3 and a half hours. Sketch is also provided by Sori. [image] [image]

I'm using Medibang Paint with a GAOMON PD2200 drawing tablet.

Realistically anything. I know I have to improve on everything. But if I had to choose one specific thing to get advice on is Shading. I didn't attempt it in this specific piece, but I would like to know more about it in general. One artstyle that I really admire is the work of JUDER/JUDERLAND. Th…

This took me roughly 3 hours. I used a sketch that @sorible gifted to me a long time ago. Please tell me what you all think. Technically with only two months of experience, I know I have a LONG way to go. But I don't think I did too bad. Before [image] After [image]

[image] Strengths: Hinan boasts extraordinary speed, strength, and intelligence. As the daughter of two high ranking soldiers, she is blessed with genes superior to those of the average person. A prodigy in both swordsmanship and fire manipulation, Hinan is well above most adults in terms of skills…

Howdy, it's been a while. So, I'm looking for someone to do character sheets based on the descriptions that I give you. Unlike the other times, I've asked for help, this time I do have two requirements. You have to be OK with drawing muscular/toned men. For each sheet, I would like their name, a fro…

This is my story's MC. Then (2016) [image] Now [image]

She would lead him on for a decent minute. And when the two of them are finally about to kiss, she says something along the lines of: "Just kidding, I have a girlfriend." [image] Yes, she's a dick sometimes.

[image] In this world, those with the title of "God" have uncontested authority over their Kingdom and the citizens that reside inside them. She wants to gain the title of "God" so she can use that power and authority to create a safe haven for all. (No, she's not a Villain. Lol.)

"Just because you are young, that doesn't mean you have to be a "Young Artist". Take your time and develop what you want to write. I would much rather read a masterpiece from someone in their 50's than a piece of garbage from an overly ambitious 19 year-old." -My coworker/friend.

[image] I haven't finalized a name but currently, it's called "Burning Nightmare". Other names I have used are The Blade of Divine Flames, Crimson Rose, and Severing Phoenix.

No problem. You will also learn a disturbing fact about the females too. I won't spoil it for you though.

The Adelie Penguin. One of the most common penguin species.

A portion of my story's power system revolves around something called a Spirit Contract. It allows a person to access the characteristics of any one animal. It doesn't matter if it's living, ancient, or mythical. Therefore I have to do research on literally hundreds of animals (including insects). …

This weekend me and a friend are going to our city's annual anime convention. So I was telling her that one of my plans is to find an artist that wouldn't mind taking commissions. Since majority of them consider themselves "freelance artists" anyway. She then said "that's a scummy thing to do. If on…

Hahahaha, I honestly wish this was the worst. This one is just the most common. Other things I have seen are: Human poop in front of our trash compactor. A puddle of pee NEXT to the toilet. Unflushed toilets. Puke. Condoms. And menstrual blood on a recliner (this one is perfectly fine and not the …

I thought it was general knowledge too. But I guess we thought wrong. People can be very disgusting and very hostile.

Four months ago I started a new job at a movie theater (AMC to be exact). I wanted to wait until I have experienced everything before making this post. So now is a great time, especially since so many big hitters are coming out in October. 1. Don't get upset at crew members, especially for stuff t…

Scams sliding into my DM's. [image]

Explaining how your abilities work will increase their effectiveness. Cough Cough Jujutsu Kaisen Cough Cough

Thanks everyone, but I believe I have found someone. @euphisa Thanks for catching that. I never really check ownership of one's art because I am overly trusting of people.

Hello there gentlemen. I got a money making proposal for you. You give me art, I give you cash. Sounds easy enough, right? Bounty Bring me the item that I request, and you'll walk out of here alive and with $175 in your wallet. (Via Paypal) Unfortunately I don't get the money until next week. My b…

Dice. I know it sounds weird, but diversity in humans are just as random as the results of a dice roll. Get a set of D&D dice and attach different nationalities, sexualities, genders, etc. to different numbers/die.

It's always better to use the Instagram Advertising Tool. That's what I do. The estimated numbers that Instagram shows when you're setting up your promotions are extremely accurate. Sometimes you get more engagements than the estimated numbers. I recommend doing a minimum of $5 per day for 7 days, a…

A duck's penis can be as long as 16.7 inches. An adult Dragonfly has a maximum lifespan of 56 days.