Natalie Manor
Author/Illustrator of The Psions, a future-fantasy epic!
Lover of raccoons.
Food likes me too much.
- Joined
- Feb 5, '21
- Last Post
- Feb 19, '21
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- Mar 4, '21
- Views
- 38
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- basic user
Welcome to another fresh friday full of fresh things from you and me. Share your work or check out mine! New art, New page, it all counts. This week in The Psions is a childs take on a rather serious story from their worlds past. [image] https://tapas.io/episode/2064504
I appreciate the reply. I wish I could cut back on my hours. I make way more than I need to cover my expenses but I need the insurance for medical stuff and I enjoy my career even though it does get in the way and in the states you don't really get to choose to cut back on hours for professional-lev…
So I have a bit of a personal conundrum. I can't keep this up. I am an adult with a job that's not in art. A family and home to take care of, less I forget taking care of myself. So I am trying to figure out a compromise. I love this story, it is the stuff of my day dreams going back to my earliest …
Congrats on the grade~
Current cover art! [image]
Absolutely beautiful work.
New novel/comic page? Draw some neat art? Promote that stuff here because you can! [image] New Psions Episode: (tapas) https://tapas.io/episode/2055568 (webtoons)
I dont think I feel like I am owed anything or think less of others work, its all internal. Self-judgement. Letting myself down.
So here is a question for everyone, how do you get over yourself? How do you know what you can and cannot do, how do you draw the line where doing something hard becomes unhealthy hubris. How do you slow down and feel okay about that? I need a therapist probably but yeah please help internet strange…
I use clip studio paint for the majority of my art now with some finishing work in photoshop.
Positivity is awesome, the world needs more of that pretty badly right now. Heres some future-fantasy nonsense to check out if you feel inclined.
Want some fantasy/future fun ? Check mine out~
This looks great and a fun read~
[image] hope everyone likes!
Subscribed to everyone who posted up to my reply~ ...part 2 @dsptss78 @gabrielabittenocurt @Stargazer31 @thedude3445 @BlakyKarol @mcarrowolga @Utamee @starlesscomics @Sarcasm @TadxSarah
Subscribed to everyone who posted up to my reply~ @thecrystalrook @cherrystark @AmazementComics @Desserts_24 @kupallordz123 @lauragarcia511 @ENEME
Lots of awesome stories being posted so far!
Its gonna be okay! Embrace the big panic energy. Wait that sounds bad. Ignore me and just do it!
Good luck getting through all of these, heres mine for good measure.
Hey there everyone its a new year for new work! Starting things is hard and staying on track is even harder so feel free to show off your new comics started late last year or this year! I'll start: webtoons mirror too!
Probably not alive given no other humans are around..
My latest [image]
My Latest! [image] A bit of future-fantasy mixed with post-post apocalypse and other stuff. https://tapas.io/episode/2047261