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Just wait until Amazon vella opens its door for international writer. I'm sure there will be flame wars on the "right style" of writing.
Yes! I agree with @alcoholandcaffeine My instant answer would be "good writing of course!" But if I'm to be honest with myself - truly honest - I would take good plot with decent writing over bad plot with amazing writing. I say "decent" because I still need to understand what's going on. I…
Depends. There are no hard and fast rules for which pace is best pace. Preference wise, I would say the middle - because it really depends. For example, if it's too slow, the storycan feel like it's dragging and it makes me want to skip several pages. The worst is when you do skip several pages a…
I been getting these weird feelings for a while. I enjoy writing and reading - and have been working on writing for personal reasons for a while. I'm currently drafting a story and I feel this weird paralysis that my writing isn't up to par or that it's unoriginal, boring, a waste of time. I…
I am definitely not a skilled writer... not to be self-deprecating but, objectively speaking, my technical skills is not high right now.
I started to lean towards a third POV the more I listen to other people's reply thank you!
Oh, I saw this on the app store the other day! Lol
I mean a good example is probably the beginning after the end. I know the writer have dedicated chapters for secondary characters.
Yes I know exactly what you mean! As an avid fanfic reader - I do see that happen - the reiterating that is. I guess because it's an litrpg - my mind immediately jumps to first person. But, i want to be able to explore different character's perspective so perhaps third person might work the best?…
I should've been more clear. I won't be hopping from first to third within the same chapter and it will certainly not be first person MC then switch to third person MC. The perspective will have its own chapter. The first person would be the MC and the third person is supporting casts. No…
So I'm currently drafting a litrpg/gamer story (novel). I was looking at the pros and cons of writing in first person or third person and now im sort of stuck. Originally, I was thinking of writing in first person for my MC and third person when I'm writing from a different character's perspectiv…
That, and Vella is currently only open to U.S. writers. It hasn't gone global... yet?
Honestly, an episodic story is very different from an actual novel. Just like how an epic is different from a short story. A movie is different from a drama. They may use the same medium - but the style and form is so different. A webnovel is also different from a light novel as well. And anyone …
I love to write scenes where the character fight against all odd. I guess the rise of a stronger MC after being taken down. Lol
I was responding via my mobile, so if people can just tell me their title in the forum, I would greatly appreciate that.
Title: The Shapeshifter's Wife Would I Click This? I would, it instantly tells me that this will be a sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural genre which I enjoy, a…
I suppose if I were to give a Japanese inspired title to my title it would be: I'm a support main, but I want to change class! Hahahaha. I'm trying to convey a game-like world - which maybe I should clarify in my OP. In the game world, people would call what they main in for their classes - …
Yes. Titles should be easy to spell, short and catchy! Ideally, we will be able to think of these titles, but they are very difficult! Avu Unless it's a characters name, I would personally, in my humble opinion, stray away from using made up terms as a title. I keep thinking your title is calle…
At the end of the day, it's hard to crit remaining completely objective since consuming and producing art comes from the artist's subjective interest and/or intrigue.
I just hope that with my opinion, it would offer a different perspective? just like how your post is making me rethink about my t…
I'm not offended at all! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a feedback. Perhaps I should consider adding another noun and making the word "support" into an adjective! That's great! Rebirth of the Unrivaled Water Specialist -- when I see the word unrivaled, my immediate reaction is - will …
Thank you so much for the detailed reason of what you thought about my title. To be honest, you honestly hit the nail on the head about how I came up with my title. My main character is a support class (fantasy setting) and I wanted to portray a weak tone - because she is weak. But not to the poi…
I have a list of titles and I just can't pick. I want my title to mean something, and I was never a fan of those long titles you often see in Japanese light novel (where the title is basically a whole sentence) I want to know how people pick their titles? Is it symbolic? Related to a climax? …
Oh that really really sucks. I would be concern for minors - which I'm assuming can easily access such content without their knowledge. I can see a possible legal dispute over that.
Bwhahahaha I don't know why I laughed at that comment. I can imagine "mature" ladies discussing over tea the flowery language one might use to describe an act of copulation (based on the current theme you and rosesword are telling us on their conduct) hehe
@cherrystark or @therosesword what's Amazon vella's policy in publishing smutty, dirty, sexy, explicit sex words? (I.e. erotica)
I'm half a pantser and half a plotter. That means I tend to do a basic outline for my story - at least how it starts, the main points, and the ending is fully mapped out. (Especially the ending). I have a general idea on when I should have a time skip - which is after a main event, main trauma…
I was reading a webtoon about a female MC jumping into another world and taking over an abusive authority figure/parental figure. It boggles my mind how some stories gloss over years of abuse and just because they took over the body, the simple act of kindness changes the victim to feel grateful …
I think racism in fantasy works is a good tool to use to ignite conflict in stories. Let's go a step further, it doesn't have to be racism, it could just be simply discrimination. Discrimination between class, gender/sex/biology and etc. People fear the unknown and bigotry exist in all shapes a…
Thats actually a good point. I do have a very bad habit of abandoning projects ( I don't think I ever finished writing a story)
That makes sense - you upload more consistently that way. What if you have an epic? Would u still consider only posting after its done?
I'm leaning to that option as well. I like the instant gratification of posting a chapter - but from what Im gathering, unless you're part of tapas premium its sort of hard to get engagement with the readers.
This gave me a lot to consider. Thank you for the input
I could definitely see the appeal of finishing everything before posting. I guess, if writing is a hobby, then minimizing the pressure would be nice for sure! Thank you for your input!