

Don't know that there will be flame wars but there will certainly be some heated discussions and, depending on which FB page you're on, don't be surprised to find yourself "muted" and/or kicked out by the boss babes. The more reasonable pages that are into decent give and take have been, so far, s…

Definitely. A lot are "pushing" for international readers since they are "used to" reading serials. I did find out yesterday that writers on KU are basically guaranteed readership so that's why they are probably expecting a ton of money for their serial and then rerelease it as a book to make even m…

The lack of real worlbuilding The joke trash thrown out there to be spammed in libraries instead of nhentai for view$$. The obsession with trash asian mmos game mechanics. The poor implementation in the world of said game mechanics. I don't think any genre should be taken seriously but isekai writer…

Ohhhh man, this is definitely one of those "the chicken or the egg" questions ahaha. I think in an ideal world, the answer would be both -- interesting plot written beautifully. In the real world, however, I will take an interesting story with flawed writing any day over bland purple prose. Espe…

I don't know if I can explain "why" but I can say that the same sort of demotivated spells wash over me, too. It helps that every once in a long while, someone says something that lets me know I reached them at some emotional level. I hope you're getting something like that once in a while. I kno…

Are you excited about your idea? I learned this through trial and error. I think that no matter your writing style, if you are excited about your work, it becomes 10x easier to keep writing. If your excitement fades, hold onto your story. You never know when the muse will come back. Regarding your…

Here are some tricks i use when i feel blocked.... 1-taking a rest to clear my mind..... 2-listening to music that set you in the mood for the scene you need to write or that fits the tone of your story... 3-research related to my project Hope this helps!

After my daughter was born, I had a writing hiatus of about 2 1/2 years. That is a LONG TIME if you are a writer. I had the idea. I had the plot. The characters. Everything in my head. But I was just... flat. And honestly there was only one cure. Sitting down and forcing it out of me. As pai…

Criticism is hard to take. Everyone will tell you it's something you have to accept, and welcome when you write stories, when in reality it's not. Time and time again, books that are by most standards considered horribly written in every aspect, make it to the big shelves and propel the writer to …

I gave this advice to others with the same issue. A couple of years back I had a really bad knee injury, I even got surgery. The doctor said I might not recover full mobility of my knee. In fact I haven't regained full mobility. But I still wanted to practice Pro-Wrestling. So I had to change my f…

Hmm, that's a common question among the writers. Let me explain it to you in short. When I started writing my novel, I started it in the first person. Things were going smoothly in the first few chapters since the main focus was the main character. But as I started writing the main story, things wen…

Haha. This game also makes me wonder how it would be if I used second person pov. Since these games use second person POV, I feel more immersed.

Yes. I first encountered such specifically dedicated first person POV chapters in this choice story game. It’s mostly story, just I have to make choices in very rare occasions. [image]

Actually, I was also planning on going 1st person POV in some rare chapters to flesh the characters out a bit.

Would it be feasible in your work to have the main story be in all 3rd person, but then occasionally have 1st person "journal entries" from the MC every now and then? Because I've seen that before & it worked just fine! The only problem I've seen when authors switch between these POV's in general …

I definitely don't think you should hop between first and third person, that could be really jarring. Especially since your writing style may well be quite different between the two - in first person, you're writing in your characters 'voice', while in third person, you're writing in your own narrat…

I accept writers generally incline toward first individual perspective for different reasons, however third individual all-knowing is my style, and I just feel happy with composing this way notwithstanding every one of the admonitions and advices from specialists.

I agree highly with this post. Even if you just make the character have a certain tick or habit they do inline with their emotional or physical trauma that they must recognize or overcome slowly. Not matter how small it is still something that can be used when the character goes into another body li…

Literally all of my characters have some type of emotional wound, and I feel what you're talking about. It always feels so weird when you read a story where a character was abused, in literal slavery, or they're emotionally closed off due to trauma when suddenly the MC says: "Hey. Don't be sad! Sm…

If you want a good story about how traumatic events - big or small - contribute to psychological pathologies, you should really have a close look at Goodnight Punpun. (I warn you though: it's a story you should be emotionally prepared for, and I mean with this all seriousness. Make sure you're in…

@NinaWrites The emotional ones are definitely the best.:laughing: Funny enough, I'm more the opposite of you. As a pre-teen I didn't mind smut but now I tend to skim it. I'm just not as comfortable with it as I used to be. Especially depending on the scene itself, how graphic it is, and the characters. I dec…

That is very true. It goes live in the US within the next 2-3 weeks. I'm already committed to launching on Vella but I wish I knew more about the analytics. That will all comem in time though.

@Teddy-Stonehill I haven't heard of the Libri app and after reading the first couple of reviews, I'd stay away from it too. It also looks like another pop-romance book site. If that's not your genre, it's probably not worth it. I generally operate on the idea that if a platform is reputitable, they'…

Sometimes it could be a throwback. In my case my title goes back to the original story before all the edits. Full Moon King was a king werewolf story. It became a prophecy scenario about a special type of werewolf in a sense.

I really dislike the current trend of long, light-novel style titles; they give of a very shallow, commercial vibe to me. It's not just the length either, it's the plain-language descriptiveness of them. I don't have adequate words to explain it, but I definitely veer away from them. I'm less inclin…

Yeah titles can always be tricky. With my comic it went through three actual changes regarding the title First was Talestory Second was Rewritten and the final change was Rewrite. I always like when titles can have a double meaning behind the title itself; because Rewrite is in name reference to…

I have a few titles: Pitch The Adventures of Danger Rabbit - I wet with this title because it includes the main characters name "Pitch" as well as his nickname that he hates but becomes "Danger Rabbit. By including both the name he prefers and dislikes I'm creating a dynamic that's similar to what…

I usually make my titles symbolic or literal. My current series "Red Shift" is named after the astronomy term and is metaphor for many of the characters moving into moral darkness. I have an old story titled "Signal in the Atmosphere" which is in reference to the main character, Ember, coming from d…

Oh haha. I just realized I put that up as the only title for you (for some reason I thought you'd be looking at our library to see the other titles)--my actual title of what I'm currently writing is "the Shapeshifter's Wife."

Honestly, time skipping is a staple of most of my stories. I'll jump forward a few weeks, a few months, a few hours, or even a few years, but always and only at either the beginning or the end of a chapter. And I also build-up to future events that call for a jump in time because the reader doesn't …