Just a little girl trying to find her way through words~
I'm sure you can use that to learn and also as a base for another novel! If the story was well-written to begin with, I'm sure you can reuse some stuff you've already written and work around that. Good luck!
And against what everyone expected, I pick Willy over Rachel for the following nights.
That sounds so wrong out of context! It's from a novel I'm still working on, not on Tapas yet, but I still wanted to participate
Hi! This story was actually finished last month ^_^
Hi <3
I personally just take an image from Pexel and add some text on it with Canva! I don't know if you really want something specific, but I don't think anyone will be willing to draw for you for free
You can count me in! ^_^
https://twitter.com/Okaishy Heree ^_^ Already followed ^_^
I'm a 20 years old studying sciences and writing to escape my rational side from times to times. My stories and poems and all sort of writing shows my head inside-out and they feel like a hidden side-portrait of myself.
Sure, why not! Mine's quite different from yours though, hope you don't mind :')
--> I try not to be grumpy as I just woke up so that he doesn’t run away at the sight of my morning Grinch face. --> To be fair, my hair sticks in weird directions, I always have my nose stuck in some book and I have Harry Potter glasses: if there is anything that screams “nerd” more than that, pl…
Thank youu
If you feel the need to write this story, do it! I like the concept ^_^
I've often seen comics with fixed plot but little extras to please the fans! ^_^ Idk if that helps
I'm glad your novel is good, I'd feel bad saying we can review each other's stuff and not really like it in the end
I'll read more later when I have the time ^_^
How about we both review each other's first chapter?
I've been here for a year and I still haven't figured that out
Aww it's nothing [:cry_01:]
Same with one of my novels! I realised I liked the secondary character better and I just felt it was the right thing for my main character [:smile_01:]
Damn, yours is a lot more detailed than mine!
I get these bursts of inspiration, and if I'm completely honest I have no idea where they could even come from! I feel like the more I write the easier it becomes. ^_^
Whatever helps you! I usually just do a list of things about them, even about the most irrelevant of things
Here's one I made for one of my novels (If it can help someone I'll be happy haha)
Jamie: //Jam 3rd year student in chemical engineering loves labs serious Always knew exactly who she is …
The hook doesn't have to be about characters ^_^ It can be an intriguing first sentence, a mysterious ambiance, or just something you find people can relate to!
I always make character sheets so that the character, their behavior, physical appearance and relationships are clear in my head! That way, I feel introducing them is a lot more easier because I know how to present them. I usually feel like too much descriptions or whole paragraphs about characte…
It's always there. The tingling feeling in the back of my head that keeps on nagging me. I never seem to be in the right place, never fitting anywhere. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t try to find my place. To find a little corner in this too big of a world where I feel a little bit at ease. But …
I have a beginning and an end, and I struggle for months until I find a way through writing how I'm even going to get to that end![:cry_01:] I swear, sometimes characters have a mind of their own though...
From a new novel I'm working on! [:cry_01:] Deep down I know she knows that I'll always follow her no matter what.
My new series! Such a shame that GL doesn't have its own category.
It would be nice to be able to make drafts without setting a publication date (like Webtoon, for example) ^_^