

Just a little girl trying to find her way through words~

https://tapas.io/Okaishy/posts/69865922 !

I'm sure you can use that to learn and also as a base for another novel! If the story was well-written to begin with, I'm sure you can reuse some stuff you've already written and work around that. Good luck!

And against what everyone expected, I pick Willy over Rachel for the following nights. That sounds so wrong out of context! It's from a novel I'm still working on, not on Tapas yet, but I still wanted to participate :smile:

Hi! This story was actually finished last month ^_^

I personally just take an image from Pexel and add some text on it with Canva! I don't know if you really want something specific, but I don't think anyone will be willing to draw for you for free :sweat_smile:

You can count me in! ^_^

I'm a 20 years old studying sciences and writing to escape my rational side from times to times. My stories and poems and all sort of writing shows my head inside-out and they feel like a hidden side-portrait of myself.

Sure, why not! Mine's quite different from yours though, hope you don't mind :')

--> I try not to be grumpy as I just woke up so that he doesn’t run away at the sight of my morning Grinch face. --> To be fair, my hair sticks in weird directions, I always have my nose stuck in some book and I have Harry Potter glasses: if there is anything that screams “nerd” more than that, pl…

Thank youu :two_hearts:

If you feel the need to write this story, do it! I like the concept ^_^

I've often seen comics with fixed plot but little extras to please the fans! ^_^ Idk if that helps

I'm glad your novel is good, I'd feel bad saying we can review each other's stuff and not really like it in the end :sweat_smile: I'll read more later when I have the time ^_^

How about we both review each other's first chapter? :blush:

I've been here for a year and I still haven't figured that out :sweat:

Same with one of my novels! I realised I liked the secondary character better and I just felt it was the right thing for my main character [:smile_01:]

Damn, yours is a lot more detailed than mine! :heart_eyes:

I get these bursts of inspiration, and if I'm completely honest I have no idea where they could even come from! I feel like the more I write the easier it becomes. ^_^

Whatever helps you! I usually just do a list of things about them, even about the most irrelevant of things :blush: Here's one I made for one of my novels (If it can help someone I'll be happy haha) Jamie: //Jam 3rd year student in chemical engineering loves labs serious Always knew exactly who she is …

The hook doesn't have to be about characters ^_^ It can be an intriguing first sentence, a mysterious ambiance, or just something you find people can relate to!

I always make character sheets so that the character, their behavior, physical appearance and relationships are clear in my head! That way, I feel introducing them is a lot more easier because I know how to present them. I usually feel like too much descriptions or whole paragraphs about characte…

It's always there. The tingling feeling in the back of my head that keeps on nagging me. I never seem to be in the right place, never fitting anywhere. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t try to find my place. To find a little corner in this too big of a world where I feel a little bit at ease. But …

I have a beginning and an end, and I struggle for months until I find a way through writing how I'm even going to get to that end![:cry_01:] I swear, sometimes characters have a mind of their own though...

From a new novel I'm working on! [:cry_01:] Deep down I know she knows that I'll always follow her no matter what.

My new series! Such a shame that GL doesn't have its own category. :sweat:

It would be nice to be able to make drafts without setting a publication date (like Webtoon, for example) ^_^