

I'm making a comic you can read Here

$100 for 24 pages?! What are you thinking?

If you have a fixed schedule and outside commitments, what are they and how do you handle them + a comic? like, seriously, how do you do it?? I feel so overwhelmed with assignments that I can't make any headway with my bigger stories (that I won't start uploading until I have like.. at least t…

Your art IS AMAZING !!!! Here is my main character from my webcomic ^^!!! This is Daisy Webber, also known as the Demon Slayer !! She is feisty, kicks ass, and has anger issues but she is also a complete softie over plushies. [image] [image]

Can I submit Rhunal from The Turbulent March? I think she'd look cool in pixelated form. [image] She's the green one.

Wow, thank you very much, she looks super cute :heart_eyes: :+1: Her name is Lin Phantasma, she has a twin brother who basically her other separated half

Thank you for waiting oTL Im sorry I can't draw such wonderful muscles [image]

I'll pop in my OC Alice. I had her commissioned since I can't draw for the life of me. [image]

If you're interested, here's my character! [image] Name: Zephyr/ "Z" Age: ~12 in the flashbacks/~22 in the present Gender: ??? (Nonbinary/Agender uses They/Them Pronouns) Quick Personality Traits: Introverted, Daydreamer, Philosophical, Shy, Extremely Polite, People Pleaser, Occasionally Scatterb…

Wow awesome! Could you try your hand with Pear? [image] He's the genius/intellectual fruit ninja of The Action Fruit Society. He builds all of the gadgets and do-hickeys for the group.

Oooh that sounds interesting, I do see that you are pretty swamped already though. But if you are still interested by the time you get to reading this post, I do have a character you could try your hand with. [image] [image] Her name is Serenity, she was a botanist, and she is one of the sole …

This is Flame Thrower: [image] She is a superhero with the power of flight and pyrokinesis (localized in her hands).

I appreciate your Mikasa pfp, beautiful. I was wondering if you can do this character: Reference [image] Summary Name: Agian (not a typo) Little description: Despite the appearance, he is a 26 years old male belonging to a foreign species of metallic creatures. In human form he is a tall bear…

Oh my god! He's perfect! He's absolutely a character who would be at home in a game like that!!!

Sure, here's my character :slight_smile: [image] She likes knowledge and very curious. Can control objects from afar with telekinesis.

Your art is amazing!. Pixel art takes lots of work, i am impressed. Could you draw a pixelated Rocky the Rock? :grin: [image]

Wow, your art is cool! I feel like out of all my characters Thesis would fit your style the best: [image] [image] He's a blow-hard former psychology professor who somehow managed to survive the end of the world. He likes to make pretty accurate observations of people's behaviors and then assign w…

I think it turned out great, thanks! Yeah I have read it, but I didn't quite liked it to be honest. ...Aaand the image is now in the guest art on the site. If you don't mind that, that is. =D

Here's Shia from my series Bounty Turn. [image] [image] He is a leader of group of bounty hunters (more like two people not including himself) He can be a bit of a moron, arrogant, but he cares about the members of his group. His outfit is space armor, he has a pistol blaster that fires a…

I've just finished updating some of my charsheets, so why not? [image] Age: 22 (Earth years) The communications officer on board of the "Dawn" and was the first person to discover Earth's signals. She is curious and fascinated by members of other species, despite b…

I love it so much o.o I can't believe how well you got the mask thing to work with just Pixel

This is something that has bothered me for a long time, especially since last year. Due to a series of events my self-confidence sank and I got stuck in a cycle of depression, the latter which I'm starting to crawl out of. But I have noticed that when it comes to criticism (solicited and unsolicit…

Ah yes those two, the story centers about those two so many things will happen! Also thank you for your support and here it is! Hope you expected a BLOOD FRUIT! bad dum tss _Isn't he adorable, look at it, so angry, lol [image]

Here it is at last!! In the picture I couldn't see the labrador, only a spooky white face, so I was like: IS THIS A FLOATING GHOST HEAD, and that's how the rest of the concept came, also dude I check briefly your art, and it's sooo cool!! Enjoy!!! [image]

As is the endless grind of promoting and trying to find an audience goes, I wanted others to have a chance to promote their webtoon or tapas comic or novel. If you're under 1k please list your comic or novel below so I can check it out and have some hidden gems to read! I've also attached my w…

Name: Peabo K. (The "K" stands for California because he didn't like the sound of Peabo C.) Hair color: Blue and amaranth Types of clothing: Summer Sexuality ("no fake ones" boo, whatever THAT means): Gray-ace Personality: Peabo K. makes friends quickly and is quite the chatterbox. He's an avid surf…

There you go, hope you enjoy, and thank you for your support!!! [image]

Okay so in order to help my comic grow, I though of doing this fun little thing! My comic you can check it here. So my comic has elements of fantasy and psychological horror, and I think it's fitting that I draw your oc's in a creepy manner to keep in theme! Of course it's not going to be one side…

Two new pages for Phantom Reign! [image] [image] PHANTOM REIGN is a community-driven webcomic. A man just woke up on a beach and you can decide what he will try to do next. You can comment on tapas,webtoons or instagram. The most popular comment determines his next actions! I would be happy to rea…