
Stuffing Puffin

May 10, '21
Last Post
May 16, '21
May 25, '21
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basic user

Are they trying to end the population boom by making high school students...”intermingle?” Because there are a few legal reasons why that would be an issue.I recommend changing to college students to avoid some pitfalls. Other than that though, I wouldn’t mind reading it :slight_smile:

It’s not racist, but it’s not original. That’s okay though, as long as she isn’t writing with the intent to be published with a traditional company. That being said, there are other issues that may arise, but it depends on the target audience and platform.

Thank you guys for replying! :slight_smile: It helps me feel better to know that it’s so common. I got choked up reading your comments.

So like, I’ve been writing my whole life. I went to school for writing, as my major both in a magnet high school and four years of college. I have written almost every day since I was a child. And yet I never learned how to overcome the fear of my work not being liked - or worse, no one wanting to r…

Here you go! Subs are great, but if anyone likes it enough to become a dedicated reader, I would like that even more.

I just finished the prologue and it was pretty good! :slight_smile: I did leave a comment with a critique, I hope that's okay. I'll read more over the next few days so I can catch up. Here's mine:

This is a fun fact that I probably won’t incorporate into the novel, but Hannah likes drinking shots of hot sauce.

Just subscribed! It seems pretty interesting so far. Here’s mine:

I subbed yesterday without knowing about this :slight_smile: Here’s mine. It’s brand new so there’s only one chapter so far. I’m still sitting at 0 views T-T

I just started my series, ‘The Miss is a Criminal,’ and I’d love it to get a little attention to help me stay motivated. There’s only one chapter so far, but a new one will be out every few days :slight_smile: It’s reincarnation/fantasy/romance but with a protagonist who’s a little more to my taste.