I think it's hard to say because of how I think about characters. I've mentioned this a few times in various threads, but my approach to creating characters is that I don't categorise personality traits into "virtues" and "flaws", I just give people a set of traits that I view as being mostly neutra…

Italian lemon sorbet

Jennifer's Body. The movie bombed due to bad marketing, and honestly, a lot of misogyny at the time. It's actually thoughtful, hilariously written, and campy fun. I still quote it till this day. Glad it's having a bit of a resurgence.

Caprese salad! Base ingredients are tomatoes, mozzarella and a good olive oil if you can find them. Oregan is a nice addition. People use also fresh basil leaves but I don't like the taste

I think a lot of writers, me included, are over the moon for the chance to write for pay. Heck, a lot of writer's jobs involve working on somebody else's IP. That's great to hear! I was worried I would potentially irk the world of writers by stepping over a line that I didn't know about :joy: -Havin…

Avatar: the last airbender is really good.

Watermelon is the most watermelon fruit.

I read/watch/play stuff. Usually, one of two things happen: I think it's really cool, and I go "wow, I wanna do something like that!" BAM! Inspiration! I think it's not so cool, and I go 'I have a real bone to pick with how they handled XYZ here, and here ... I bet it'll be much better if they ju…

It started out ok. [:sweat_02:] [image]

Oh boy this one was hard...my main character isn't humanoid, but I still gave it a shot The originals: From left to right: Freya, Rip, Erick [image] The new: Freya [image] Rip [image] Erick. Couldn't get black hair for the life of me on this dude [image] My art style definitely doesn't mat…

I tried xD Claudia: [image] Desquicio: [image]

Ok I think I have to give up cause I'm never gonna get any hot milddle aged boys or boys with beards :sweat_smile: Here's thea as she is normally had to try a few times with her [image] I did Dimitri in his BL version cause ... You know, beards [image] And then Ralh I did because the audience voted for …

Well, this was entertaining. Especially the parts where it occasionally glitches out and creates an eldritch horror. :joy: Rowan: [image] VS [image] Raul: [image] VS [image] Bree: [image] VS [image] Bonus Azrael because I like how this is bringing that anime villain energy: [image] VS [image]

Monica - first try, not bad. [image] Light hair + medium skin tone + glasses is clearly too much to ask from this GAN. Was surprised it could do glasses though. [image] Lots of rerolls to make this happen but actually got a pretty cute version of Ellie. [image]

I found it a bit of a struggle to do my characters due to the options coming out too pale. But I finally did it... Ken (with his hair down, no options for ponytails for boys) [image] Claus [image] my sad attempt to make Zanna [image]

I hope Amazon pokes air holes for ma' bois once they ship them: [image] [image] [image] [image] @Swamp Btw THANKS for letting me know about this program.

Looks kinda cursed. xD [image] [image] :flushed: [image] [image] This one was hard. xD [image] [image]

I tried [image] Not the best-looking but whatever. I thought getting sanpaku eyes would be easier.

Lol, the fact that you can get from this.... whatever it is, to this awesome chara xD I need to find a place for him in my story xD [image] [image] and this is my favourite accident so far: [image] okay, I stop spaming now.

This is so much fun xD For Osram (took a while to find a non-pony hairstyle xD [image] [image] Xenon (withouth beard, but at least he has glasses) [image] And this one is just too handsome ^^' But seriously, where are the beards?? [image] [image] Odeliah: [image] [image] A'Mara [image] [ima…

Here are how my characters turned out! I think it went pretty well for most of them tbh. Thanks for creating this topic, this was really fun! WaifuLabs Aeri vs Canon Aeri: [image] [image] WaifuLabs Luci vs Canon Luci: [image] [image] (I did a second attempt for Luci because there was an initial…

I see this is kinda hard to do for my characters haha. For now I have done Cate but may do more [image] Andrew (well as close as I could haha)) [image] Just imagine the red bangs and it is Danivere [image]

Okay, are you ready for the cast of everyone's favourite anime, Errant? [:smug_01:] Rekki! [image] Sarin! [image] Subo! (wow it is really hard to get more masculine faces and medium skintones...) [image] Jules! [image] Urien! (I kind of love this one because the personality came out on po…

My characters are definitely not waifulabs friendly either. It really doesn't seem to want to let me make them dark-skinned or curly-haired lol But it was a fun challenge! Eventually ended up with these :] [image] Images on right are the comic panels I tried to copy- the first being Nora, seco…

There's a lot of cough anime cough characters that I really love but here's one I think is super cool: Lain from "Serial Experiments Lain"! It's a short and psychedelic series about a girl and the internet. That's all I say because spoilers. :innocent: It was one of the first series I watched outside Sailor M…

TL:DR OK, as someone who write dark comedy, I am 100% aware it is not for everyone. And sometimes trauma and personal life experience can make some type of jokes just not funny to an individual. I think when writing about dark topics, it is important to be somewhat grounded and to not have an eg…

I went so hard on this, my tablet pen went MIA for a whole diddly-darn day :yellow_heart: [image]

I believe the problem (As someone who works with fiction and has done NSFW equally) is not the fact that we can or not criticize fictional works regarding it's content. NSFW works that are oriented to the sexual appeal are, in fact, not oriented to be part of a big impact into the real world compare…

Congratulations on the marriage!

@eliseswarren since your kicking this off I'm gonna support your work! [:smug_01:]