
Ahkward Kat

Naor tapastic.com/series/Naor

I like murder mysteries and taking care of my plants.

Feb 29, '16
Last Post
Jun 1, '18
Mar 9, '19
Trust Level

My story is heavily dependent on Lore. However I dont info dump about it except at certain times decided by the characters. Since mine involves gods, spirits, magic and has history of the island involved, referring to it often is a thing. You gotta time it right and do it in a way it doesn't overloa…

Working on some animation stuff. Been single and never had a BF, so Vday means nothing to me. Lol

Wow nearly 2k comments is a lot to read! XD i missed out on so much... i miss out on everything All my shit started in 2016 and life has just been one giant FU to me since. Left my cozy home in FL to help my grandparents who were in bad health in July 2016. In september my gramma had cardiac ar…

I like to watch crime docs and a show called "unsolved mysteries". I write a mystery/crime/supernatural manga, so watching stories in my genre helps with my creative process. Sometimes if I have a certain emotion or atmosphere for a certain scene or chapter I will make a music playlist for it to cap…

I highly disagree with you in that story and logic are last. The WHOLE point of telling a story is to tell a story you know? You can have the most gorgeous art, the best anatomy, but if your paneling, timing, and story plot/logic sucks, readers won't stick around. Look at Movies and TV as an exam…

From personal experience when I was getting my animation degree, 3D was far quicker than 2D. It took less time, less effort. I still make 2D animations though.

I agree in that users are really respectful of IRL situations. I just got promoted to a managerial position and with my training plus an internship where I am animating, I do nkt have time to update everyweek. Once a month right now if I am lucky. Hopefully being in this situation so long wont im…

I think peraonally a lot of views are gonna drop this time of year. A lot of people on WebT are grade school amd college users. Most are heading into exams and midterms, thesis things, etc. Plus there are a lot of major holidays all over the world in November and December. I think that the new al…

I was in your shoes back in 2011. I had an idea, but was not sure about the drawing part. I took some classes and practiced everyday for 5 years. In March 2016, i finally released my comic. I am not saying you have to wait five years, but for me, waiting until it was ready and I was ready was so …

The trick is to grab 10 to 20 minute power naps when you get a chance. I do it based on how I feel. Some nights I might go to bed earlier if I feel I really need it. I do not have any in person friends. The last time I went out with a friend was August and that was to a bar beause they convinced …

I studied Animation and Illustration in college so I was drawing constantly, but for homework. Possibly that is why it was easier to feel more productive? Over the course of 6 years I got 2 degrees amd freelanced to pay for my apartment. Now I feel so exhausted after work and I still gotta sit amd d…

I know you werent replying to me, but when it comes to getting up early, sometimes early morning are because you have to, not want to. Lol being fired is a good motivator to get up on time. XD

I work between 40 and 50 hours a week as an assistant manager / cashier, so i am pretty busy. I used to have a nice large buffer, but I lost it when I got sick and then a week later had a relative die. I lost all motivation to draw and stopped for a while. Sadly my buffer is all gone, so I am on a b…

Aha no way. There is always going to be somebody unhappy for some reason. Ignore what others think and do you. Hell even classic Disney, Miyazaki, Speilberg and such get haters. Keep calm and carry on. You do you and do it well.

I might notice, but I would not care honestly. It is up to the artist and their methods. Take Yuumei, creator of FishEye Placebo, she used to do all her artwork from scratch. However to be able to work quicker (and stop effing up her hand drawing so much too fast), she has a team helping make 3D …

I am 26 and been drawing since I was about 18. I started drawing my comic in 2014, though I didnt start posting until 2015. I feel so old here seeing most younger than me and feel a bit bad having been drawing after becoming an adult. Wish I started sooner.

Working, I dont get Christmas Eve or Christmas day off. So I get to clock in at 530am on Christmas (eve and day) morning and I will get to leave at 4pm. I likely will just go home and either sleep or work on comics. Havent decided yet. I am not going anywhere since my family and I dont really get al…

I use a Wacom Cintiq 13HD and my comic is here (newest pages) Check out "Chapter 2 Foreseen: 1-3" from Naor: Murder of an Island on Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Naor/ep18 However I should note that my inking is on paper and only my text and screentones are digital. I still use a lot of digital …

I am most definitely leaning towards the sketcher side, maybe between the middle and sketcher. I sketch a lot but when it comes to finishing work, I do not find it difficult. I rarely NEED to finish anything so a lot of my personal work is exploritory. My finished work is comic pages for my Naor Co…

I do not think original is dead. I think that fanbased or comic that use something from everyday actual events are simply more prevalent. I mean look at the top comics, a lot of them are episodal or slice of life based on real events, not made up original ones. People cn often relate, thus they tend…

Well now I am curious: Most people complain updates should be longer. People cannot have frequent long updates or faster shorter ones at the same time. How do you decide which is best?

I personally worry about posting too, mainly because I refuse to rush my work. I work 55 hours a week (15hrs a week of overtime EVERY week), so I do not get a whole bunch of comic time, but I do my best. I also now have tennis elbow from being a cashier for so long and working and drawing so much. …

Probably! Some printers scan but not all. If you have a scanning feature, definitely start using it!

You can scan most things at retail office stores like staples, office depot, office max, fed ex/kinkos print stores or even at libraries! So if you have one of those nearby you can donit there. I work traditionally for inks and then add color/screentones digitally. I have seen other artists work …

Absolutely nothing. I am working that night from 2pm to 11pm. I am gonna miss everything.

I kinda slightly disagree that if you have time to tone everything you have time for color. My toning takes about 3 or 4 hours per page, my inking takes about 5 and pencils take about 3, so I'm looking easily at 10-12 hours per page.In order to update more than one page a week, (I do two or three) I…

If you mean time wise, it depends on if you are full time or part time. Legally, maybe not. A lot of companies have employees, even contracted ones, work under a non-competition clause. It means you cannot work for the competition. The company you work for chooses what other companies are or are …

To clarify, I do not think ever it is an obligation either. It is disappointing yeah, but I suppose that it is one thing to do something and expect it back vs just being a friend, having someone tell you they got your back and never seeing anything from that promise? After re-reading my comment, …

Oh heck yeah it does! Aside from comments I built a fangroup for this particular person, did shoutouts, even ordering over the course of many years hundreds of dollars in both commissions amd patreon. I get nothing back. I have never been commissions by her. Never gotten one shout out or boost. S…

It honestly depends on how fast you work and how much you post. If you make a page a week but post 2, it will not last you long. If you make 1 and post 1 it will stay stable. If you make 2 and post one it will grow while you make pages. The idea of taking a hiatus between chapters is one I see a …