

Mar 9, '20
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Jun 19, '20
Jun 29, '20
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I just, I don't know how to thank you with the app recommendation. I got the feedback back from my advisor early this morning and he really disliked the backgrounds, and I tried the app you mentioned and in just one button and it was fixed! It looks so much more fitting to the aesthetic of the webto…

Yes, this is definitely helpful, thank you for taking your time to look at it. I see that that part is a problem, so I'm thinking of having one more panel of him letting the tea down while he keeps talking. And I'll give it a shot to the program you recommend, thanks! Any tips on how to improve th…

Thank you very much for your input, I can definitely see what you mean, and I'll add something in the middle of the dialog, maybe him letting the tea in the table, or something like that. It will only be one-shot, so I have to cover a lot of ground and finished in a cliffhanger that connects to the…

Yes, you just need to scroll down, is it not allowing you to scroll down?

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on the practical part of my thesis and I'm struggling because my advisor seems to keep forgetting about me, so I thought about asking for things to improve here. The topic of my thesis was about how we read online applied to webtoons, and what can designers do to …

I can give you the perspective of a communication designer if you want. Whenever I had to do logos, for a university project or for work, I always think first, what is the tone of voice I want to convey, is it friendly, elegant, business-like, this will help with choosing the typeface, instead of to…

I know the app, I use it a lot, of course I'm a reader and not a creator. They mostly have Manhuas, meaning Chinese Comics, that have a similar format to Webtoons. The user can read chapters, and keep scrolling down. When a chapter is paid, you can either get the coins you need by paying, or by wat…

I think tapas and webtoon allow you to try it out for a smartphone, but also the opposite can happen, that it might look ok for a smartphone, but if you look at it from desktop the text is all stretched out, and stretched out typography is a reason for my to drop a comic

Thank you so much for adding so many details into your answer, this really helps my thesis!

Thank you for your reply, I understand what you mean. I think the problem is that many webtoons reader (and I include myself in this) use both desktop and smartphone as reading devices.

I didn't know that Tapas and Webtoon allowed you to compahad mobile previews, I was wondering if there was a system like Sketch or XD to allow you to see how it will look on the device. In the survey I did a lot of complains were related to typography and readability, that's why I made this questio…

Hello everyone, I'm currently writing my thesis on webtoon design and readability and I would love to have creators perspective on how they handle text. Do you guys use typefaces (if so which ones) or do you handwrite yourselfs? How do you ensure readability on both desktop and smartphone? Thank …

Having finished the survey here are the results: Out of 340 results Gender of Readers: 81,7% Female 1,8% Non Binary 14,5% Male 1,8% wrong answers or non answers (someone got confused with genre and wrote shoujo, and other people wrote jokes) Most Used Platforms: First Place Mangadex Second Line W…

There are plenty of examples of music being used on webtoons, in the top of my head I can think of Purple Hyacinth, they use music and sound in almost all their episodes. If it helps the plot I say why not

I like the watercolor style, I think you should keep it when you move to webtoon, if you don't want to use color all the time you could chose how to implement it, a good example would be The Flower that was Bloom by a Cloud I think it's the title, the creator has a very interesting use of color. I …

I personally feel more comfortable with the webtoon format compared to the more traditional webcomic/printed comic format. I like the verticality of it, its comfortable to read from my smartphone. Yes, some artist do leave plenty of white space in the gutter, but there are other creators that expe…

Oh, you are right! I didn't realize! I fixed it, thanks for telling me. I think about accessible I mean, which one is easier to use, friendlier. and easier to read from as well. Yes of course, once I'm done with it I can share the results, it would probably be in a month and a half though.

I'm writing my thesis for my Bachelor Degree, one of the parts is about user experience (I'm in Communication Design). This is why I need to do the survey, my advisors recommended me to not use only my opinions on it and rather ask other readers how they feel.

Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I'm currently working on my thesis about webtoon readability and what can designers do to improve the reading experience. It would be very helpful if you guys could take some minutes to complete it. And of course, any comment that helps me improve is always welcome. htt…