Hello! Writer, Creator, and in too deep in a Research Vortex.
A Part of Your Friendly, Neighborhood Goth-Squad.
Currently working on: OF BONES AND BLOOMS
Happy Halloween! Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it!
...It's too late, now, we'll just have to pretend it's a zombie growl-saying it!
No problem, it was my pleasure! Dark Fiction authors get little visibility, I feel like, so I always try to organize these events from time to time! Oh, you're right, tagging @blackorchid @sarahmassey998 @TheVoid @C.L.G @december_saudade @Freemints30, since you and Suren have already seen it!
I literally just bought a GRIP of ink to support everyone! If you wanna make it rain over here it would go towards my goal of getting my book edited. Your support makes it possible for me to keep making and improving content. About the series: BL set in 18th century American colonies. Historical …
Tis the season to be spooky! And, although I'm a firm believer that horror and spooky stories in general should be shown love and support all year round, we all know that fall in general and October, more specifically, is the time when people most look for them. So! In the season most loved by horro…
Hey, I just posted a new chapter of my novel so I'm using this time to promote it as much as I can. Anyone that subs will get a sub from me as well, so go ahead and promote yours! [image]
it's PROMO SATURDAY (ig) so post whatever you want. im here. even if i've seen you around these parts (in my other big chunky thread) i'll drop some support again. I WANNA READ SOME STUFF TODAY!! AND DROP SOME FAVS!! ESPECIALLY promote if you've reached like idk a season milestone recently or some…
I have had an interesting, to say the least, experience in a writing group that I have now left. A writer posted asking to know "what she was doing wrong" with her big dark romance story with mafia influences, dubcon, kidnapping, and forced pregnancy. While I am all for a writer's right to write…
Oh, boy, had it been this long? Heh, I suppose so. I was quietly working. Editing, mostly. Just about to wrap up the Mafia duology. I am almost sure that I will try to work on Tapas project after that, while still editing stuff

yessss, but my memes mostly lean towards dark humor so I don't think most people 'll enjoy them very much

this is so on point I can't write some of my characters without laughing at how much they hit the memes these days
I will never not post this one: James - Moving On about losing loved ones My mom's favorite: Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father also about losing loved ones but more specific And Johnny Cash's version of Hurt
Hi! I'm super new to tapas and I want to read some of the community's fantasy novels. Please share your novels here so I (and anyone else looking for a new fantasy novel to read) can check them out! Also, I just started releasing my action/fantasy called The Last Elf. Check it out if you're intere…
Ooooh, I love me some good fantasy! This is mine, with lots of worldbuilding though I try to be gentle as not to overwhelm you haha. XD [image]
I wish there was either a differentiation between Mature and Explicit content. Or at least a way to mark your entire series mature.
Wow yeah! I never though of geotags for inspo. I'll check out some of these tags to see what people are wearing. Thanks!
It's a trick I learned back when I was a costume designer. Galaxy brain is actually going to those places and taking notes. Maybe ordering brunch. Take yourself to brunch, is what I'm saying.
You guys, i have seven left. SEVEN
Well, that´s it. Another promotion thread
I´m 20 subs away to finally reach 250 and thought, why don´t I push this a little bit? It´s worth the try.
Mine is a LGBT story settled in the victorian era, featuring an idiot who criticized a novel and karma punished him by getting him trapped inside…
I am going to echos what @blackorchid said, take care!
I'm a bit anxious since I have to go on hiatus soon and I haven't since the start of my novel... Just received a big boost in subs too, so I'm scared it'll kill my momentum. Then again, it's really necessary both to build a new backlog, for my mental health and because I'm entering a really busy uni…
I am (hopefully) doing her justice! That's one of the few things my MC likes about her because he does the same thing, haha.
Yep! I didn't want to write a book of my own in the forums (like i did in google docs [:cry_swag:]) about Spiritualism. I read up on the Fox sisters (appropriate) and how their redacted then redaction of redacted encounter with the beyond. They were also all for fairer treatment of Natives and notab…
My story is set in 1920's New Orleans, so I had to (and still) do so much research, because I'm a stickler for accuracy, and anachronisms make me cry. Through all this, I've learned many things that I add to my author's note to share with my readers. Most of it is '20s slang, tidbits about fashion,…
I use a lot of Reddit, my favorite community in there is /r/mechanicalkeyboards. No drama or toxicity, just keyboards.
So I actually just found out last year I have ADHD and looking back I can definitely tell it had a huge impact on my writing, because it's the reason I started writing even though I didn't realize it at the time. I have always been a daydreamer. I would get bored quickly and drift off into my own …
My ADHD doesn't help my writing at all. It's always like, The fresh kill glistened in the light of the full moo- "I should probably open up Steam and Epic Games and Battle.net and MTG Arena and Legends of Runeterra and League and make sure they're all updated.
Everyone else seems to be having a lot more fun with their ADHD than me, probably because mine came with a bonus of severe depression. My creative process pretty much involves brainstorming on concepts and passing it through other people to figure out if it works. It's pretty stressful as writing …
I thinking having a friend group that accepts you and is PATIENT is honestly the greatest gift. Especially when you mentioned the feelings of not deserving it, if you have friends who can validate you it's such a motivator (plus having a release schedule) tbh if I was publishing a traditional book, …