

THANKIES! Definitely do anything with basic forms! When your hand/eye understands the simple shapes super well, a lot of concepts like perspective become easier to tackle. also, as a side note... some people still put emphasis on not using reference... use reference. It's seriously very helpful…

ughghfhglkfjlkflkjfglkklglglk yeah [image]

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I’ve taken some much needed time off work to visit family. I’ve been doodling whenever I get a spare minute. Just random things. [image] @aqua03 ‘s Snapdragon featured in the bottom right there. :smile:

Here's a character design for my upcoming series Thirley Peak. This is my first ever attempt at a character design for Niles Knightley one of the protagonists ^^ [image]

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New cover opinions? I know, it’s been 1 week since my last one. I got some good feedback that my last cover didn’t really tell my story (this is a skill I’m still trying to master- making a succinct image that tells a whole story). Anybody feel like they know this dude’s story by just looking a…

Quick sketch of the logo too. Thoughts on effectiveness? [image]

@Enigma_the_Slimy_Boi happy birthday, Enigma! [:tapa_pop:] @Legendofgenii aww, so glad to see your sketches! Baby [:heart_02:] @DanielRKM ugh it's really so hard to tell what's your story is about in just a cover? Can't really say I can be helpful here :sweat: if you are going for more drama than actio…

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Hahah yeah the amount of projects I have goes way beyond my life span [:sweat_02:]

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@bunny :kissing_cat: oh, I only got a tablet a few years ago myself xD before that I only ever drew with pencil :joy: I was never great with paint or pastels or anything else (or just never wanted to use them since it's too hard lol) :see_no_evil: one of the reasons I had/still kinda have problems with colors @Legendofgenii ty…

This time I kind of tried to use everything I have learned in this drawing =D A fan art of Fury (Helena Kosmatos) -the replacement for golden age Wonder Woman, after Crisis in Infinite Earths deleted her from existance- This was a fun exercises in choosing colors, composition, and trying to do anima…

My newest character art for a story I'm not even posting until next year, lol. [image]

@bunny nice colors though! Traditional media is Chinese for me... Oh wait, no, I know Chinese, it's freaking Vulcan or something x) @Aleksei aw that's epic!! [:hype_01:] Neapolitan cat creme xD I don't think I ever drew something so random lol [image]

It was Mai's birthday yesterday, so I drew some sketches of her at different stages of life. Middle School (fancy black suit) - Takes school extremely seriously and often participates in music competitions. Few rival her academically because she beats up anyone who does better than her. High Sch…

I took about a two month break from the Regro comic and now starting work on Chapter 2. It'll still be a long time before anything gets posted though. [image] [image] [image]

Working on Holl’s new ref sheet [image] Skrunkly mode vs Skrumblo mode

[image] Idk what I'm doing but yay face sketch

sketchin and I just remember that I need to cook something, I wish I had a cook [image]

A personal, dare I say it, piece "This too shall pass" [image] Summary I don't need any help, but if anyone is struggling with their creative life for whatever reason and needs someone to talk to (or maybe just needs an art advice/review), I am here for you.

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@KSlinger yes please, we will take everyone :joy: damn I do love your MC though, oof @l_vi it looks super fun :grinning: you would make a great illustrator for kids books, imo :heart: Just when you think I was done with horses... [image]

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idk what he's doing with his pants. [image]

I'm sorry but this also means you get emaciated old people along with buff MCs :upside_down: [image]