
The Art Fox

Jun 21, '20
Last Post
Sep 22, '20
Dec 14, '20
Trust Level

there are a lot of thoughts and good advice already on this thread so I'm just going to add my penniesworth. There are plenty of artists out there who have characters that they love and have some ideas for awesome situations and things to happen but, not being writers, they don't really know how to …

yeah no worries - best of luck for what you come up with next

I feel kind of bad now... I think the poster has probably got the point by now. OP, we think you done goofed, but fundamentally we are all creative people and we need to encourage each other as much as we are able. Best of luck in all your future endeavours.

The previous poster wasn't being rude at all. They were merely pointing out that if you rock up on a forum asking for an artist willing to work for free on art with detailed backgrounds then you are unlikely to get many takers. Personally speaking, I think it's rude when people attempt to get work f…

a good sci fi story has to be just that; an emphasis on the story, which is about something, and features engaging and proactive characters who want things and go out and do stuff to get them. Other than that I like to see a scifi background which has been thought through in some detail, which succe…

Hands. Hands can go jump in the lake as far as I am concerned

that's amazing, thank you so much! I'm putting this straight in my fanart folder (along with the two or three other artworks lol)

Hi, I'd love for you to do a sketch of my girl Swoop [image]

You do you. Anything which gets you creating stuff is good. Best of luck in all your future creative endeavours

My opinion, and it may not be widely shared; I don't believe there are any 'types' of stories. There are just stories. They all have conflict in them, or they wouldn't be stories, they'd be something else. The conflict in the story may well be something entirely trivial, but if it matters to the cha…

reading your comic as I type this... well not literally at the same time but you get the idea...

It is great when someone an interest in comics which go beyond the norm! My comic Terror Drive is set on a distant planet and features self-aware biomechanical machines as characters. I had a heck of a job comic figuring out the details of the world and the entities which inhabit it. Even if 99% of …

War and Peace by Tolstoy. It took a while to get used to the Russian patronymics and figure out who was who. Once I did so I was off to the races. It's an amazing book, I couldn't put it down.

well it made me smile

I'm going to advance a radical view which people might not agree with. There is no such thing as writer's/artist's block. It's a myth. If you can't advance your story it means you haven't put sufficient thought into the earliest foundational stages of it. You haven't paid enough attention to such …