
Future Bound Entertain

Jul 10, '15
Last Post
Mar 21, '16
Jan 7, '17
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Intense burning hatred for a movie, comic, game, or other work of art. There are few bad ideas, and any idea canwork well... if somethingd oes not work well, if a work of art sucks... then it has failed to use its concept well. Take for example... Raiders of Atlantis, inetresting concepts, terr…

Yeah okay smile sounds like it would be a lot of fun, I have written a lot of webcomics with a lot of artists. S I am pretty experienced with writing. Send me a message and we can talk more about it.

I am a writer, and experienced editor (with focus on continuity and lore) and I can also do some inking... what can I do for you guys?

How about our single panel sseries "Robuds"? http://tapastic.com/series/Robuds

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... well, iam always looking for artists to team up with... what sort of fiction are you interested in?

boring, cliche, worthless.... end of story. I ahve yet to read a sex-based comic that had anything resembling value. They are almostu universally preachy, and if not they degrade it in some fashion. The SJW are no better than the conservative prudes, constantly trying to educate people on how to "…

Huh okay then... thank you for your honesty, I will send you a private message and we will figure out something to work on together smile if you dont like any of the concepts I bring to the table, we will try to develop a new one.

I am a highly experienced writer, I am sure we can work something out. I do have a question though by what you mean when you say you dont "Draw space" is it a general lack of interest in science fiction, a hatred of it, or an inability. I dont care much about your answer I am just curious.

thank you, she doesnt exactly have a lot of time to gather this money up... I am really worried about her. She has put a lot of effort into school, and if she doesnt get this money it might be all over for her...

My dear friend needs some money fast... she only needs 15 commission, please share this if you can. She needs 150 dollars (American) to continue her schooling, and she needs it by tomorrow.

Sure I guess, I have a bunch of stories you could take a look at... see what you like.

im pretty good at writing, and helping people come up with ideas. Send me a message and I will gladly help you!

I am always willing to work with new people, drop me a note and maybe we can get working together on something. I have a lot of stories going on, and many of them fit your criteria I think.

We at FBE try to keep it somewhat lighthearted and fun. Dan's Voyage - Just fun scifi adventure. Rebel Cowgirls - minorly NSFW adventure

I feel much the same, I really wish I had put real effort into learning how to draw before now...

because, its not like there isnt a million of them... each trying to top the previous.

I despise traditional fantasy races, elves, dwarves, centaurs, gnomes, trolls, orcs, ogres, anything of that ilk. Its is absolutely lazy and boring. And dont tell me its too much work to come up with orignal races or something, every scifi story ever has come up with its own original races.

thank you very much, I appreciate it ^_^

We got two major series, Dan's Voyage, and Robuds. And if you want you can check out our incomplete mini-series Rebel Cowgirls.

nly if you are leveraging capital to make the person do something they would otherwise find morally repugnant. you are fine not drawing a comic, I do not draw Dan's Voyage, REbel Cowgirls, or Robuds... I am just the creative lead at FBE, not the primary artist. (although I am learnding)

No, Orphan Works are not an issue in any way shape or form. They are only an issue to whiney companies who want to use something but they cant get permission. PRetending ORphan Works is an issue is just... ridiculous to say the least. How people use their copyright is not the business of a com…

Okay, I will take a look and leave a detailed comment on its page. I hope that you take a look at Dan's Voyage! http://tapastic.com/episode/159966

dont kow why you responded to me in particular, but I thank you for doing so! Your work looks awesome, instant subscription ( I can only hope for a rreturn subscription for Robuds or Dan's Voyage)

Current system has flaws, but this aspect is not a flaw.

I dont disagree with having violence, or even a component of sexuality. All I think is that violence for its own sake, or sexuality for its own sake... is entirely pointless. If violence amounts to "violence is violence" and sex "sex is sex" Then it has no real purpose in the story. You often…

What universe do you live in? When has sex every REALLY beenn considered Vulgar? that is just something we tell kids so they wont get pregnant. There has been so much nude and sexual art throughout history, not to mention romantic works, that the sheer quantity is obscene. You are talking about a …

no they arent, people need to be free to use their own work how they darn well please. Not have someone come in and use it without permission just because they felt it was being underused. There is no way the changes they are suggesting would benefit creators, they are using weasel words to make i…

You can have sex/sexuality without it being important - _ -

Not writing for children, is not an excuse to not write intelligently. Just because you are writing something for adults, does not mean it needs to be filled with sex, violence, and swearing. And no, exual activity is not extremely important, it is barely regular level important., IT is people w…