Wow had no idea this was even a thing. Well off to go research 🧐

oh, you sweet innocent summer child :slight_smile:

I don't think it's only kid shows which do this - plenty of adult media can be very black-and-white as well, especially these days. But some of the black-and-white thinking we've seemed to instil in the zoomer and millennial generations has certainly been reinforced by the narrow morality of the med…

Yeah, I miss how I used to love writing. Even back then, I was aware of my faults but I never hated the work. I don't plan to ever grow a large audience either, but I wanna make it good enough for those who read it. I think that perfectionist side comes in and messes everything up.:laughing: To be honest, wha…

You make a very good point here. Which is kind of why I stopped posting the chapters I was writing. I'm waiting until I write the entire story out and go over it at least once now. First drafts are better left for our own eyes. But even so, I still struggle with accepting it's not gonna be very good…

I think reminding ourselves of what a first draft is supposed to be is a very important and healthy part of the creative process. A first draft is just you dragging a big lump of marble into the middle of the studio floor. Every subsequent draft is you chipping away to form that lump of marble i…

Yeah, the episodic nature of novels on Tapas and Wattpad doesn't lend itself very well to the drafting process. (Unless you treat the Tapas version of your story as akin to a second draft or something.) Many novelists will change huge chunks of their story throughout the drafting process, altering p…

ahhh this is the perfect time to share my favourite short about story telling: and I think it has a lot to do with expectations. what do you want when you write and publish a story? maybe you're not too sure about your personal goals, so you end up disappointed either way. if your goal is…

I hate writing first drafts with a passion. If there was a way to skip them and get into the fun parts of editing, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Do any of you feel that way about your first drafts too? I'll read amazing stories either online or published then look at my own draft and think, wow this is …

I mean...50 % of my characters in both comics don't have names >:confused:

Let's start with the poll. Do you think your comic/novel is more character driven or plot driven. Now be honest, really consider what is pulling you story forward. Is it your characters or are they just along for the ride? It's all about the characters, I put them first! Who would the characte…

Additionally, add clothing ref. that you like, pick colors, pick parts of actor's faces that you may like. The more info you can give to an artist the better. Even if you do a sketch, it can be drawn. I have a client who does this when hiring me, and it makes the work soooooooooo much easier. Also, …

This is the advice I always give to clients when they come requesting me illustrations (like your cover for example) of a character that hasn't been drawn before, mostly original characters. First, desing the character, commission an artist to design the character (or draw it yourself if you can),…

Also speaking as an artist, here are some tips- Make sure you like the artist's style. The more pieces you like from them, the higher the chance you'll be happy with your commission. If you can pick out samples of their work that the artist can reference for your piece, that's great! Like say 'He…

Also speaking as an artist, please trust us. I (and I'm sure pretty much anyone doing commissions) usually ask for any references the person has as far as hair, eyes, basic features etc as a bare minimum. For the bit that makes the character go "umph", I ask that clients give me a description of t…

speaking as an artist: You gotta trust your artist. Often, artists will charge more if you have absolutely no frame of reference. (because that's just straight up character design, not a novel cover) so if you are picky about this, you should look at perhaps actors that look the way you would like t…

What I do for myself and others when designing something is I "cast" my roles. I find several examples of either real people or different characters that embody what I'm seeing in my head. This is the face type I like, this is the hair I like, these are clothing types I like. Then go through and nar…

When I'm stuck, there are usually a few of things that work: Go for a walk, sit and think with just music and a cup of tea (no TV, youtube, books, comics or games), have a bath or lie in bed to think about it. Letting your mind wander without distractions can really help. Write a bunch of radica…

I'm stuck on a scene for both novels I'm currently working on and can't get past them. For the first one, the issue is a character not being fully developed yet since she's new. For the second story, I can't figure out how to write these few chapters for much needed scenes to get the plot moving. Wh…

I think it's a sign of growth to look back on your old stuff and scowl a little bit. My current story on Tapas is old, about 2 years. Reading it makes me want to punch.

I know the feeling, and I feel the same way about my early comic episodes. The pacing is too fast, and there are certain character traits my protagonist has which I need to establish, but which I don't have in there yet. I want to have him chilling in his spaceship for a while, before the action sta…

Honestly most of my commission experience were lovely on the client side and a nightmare for me internally (depression is a helluva drug). I did have ONE near-miss though, whoooo boy... So I was active in the competitive scene for this one video game. I didn't FLAUNT that I was a girl but you know…

"I am not human. I never was. So why are you expecting me to act like one?" "I told you a thousand times Florb....this is an undercover mission to gather intel about we have to DISGUISE and PRETEND to avoid suspicion!!!! "wouldn't be easier to ask them directly instead of all this…

Oh, for Tapas it might be. I'm not sure, as I've never checked. :sweat_smile: I was just basing what the default is on my word processor. Back in school, our default was font size 11 in Ariel since we used Google Doc.

I saw this prompt and just knew what I wanted to write. Here is a short story for a comic of mine that I've been writing (The Tale of Corsinby). Hope that you all enjoy it! It was fun to write these two interacting. TW: Spiders, and reference to pass abuse A spider sat in her gossamer web. Spark…

I'm not sure what the story behind this is, but I'm very interested now!

I believe the default for essays is 12 point (I think that's where some folks are getting confused in this thread) and the default for websites is 14 and 15. I would say go no lower than 14 point for comics! It's always better to go a little larger because most folks on reading on their phone and…