joannekwan [en.Joanne Kwan is a moderator]
Joanne Kwan
(ง ˙o˙)ว here to help~
I've got multiple series on Tap and lots of places you can find me!
Mind your words. You don't have to reply to everyone if you don't have anything nice to say or cannot give constructive criticism. Take this as an official warning.
@alirian800 Let's not insult the nice users replying to your thread! Generally if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
No worries! I just thought explaining it would be best. Users can be quick to report any comments that come off as trolling.
It could have been rating the art overall, or anatomy, the rendering, how well you conveyed emotion, a number of things. No need to be rude and reply with 'none of your business' when people just want clarification
Indigo was simply asking what you wanted rated.
Yeah that should be totally fine. Just think of the Mature tag as used for anything higher than a PG13 rating.
It's a novel so it should be fine. If you're describing gore and viscera, then mark it as Mature.
Theoretically yes. Your episodes will be reviewed by staff anyway. If something goes too far they will contact you to amend it.
Your series that doesn't have Mature content.
It can't be there for titillation's sake and must serve the story. But otherwise, you can generally get away with more in novels than comics. Just be sure to mark the episode as Mature. It doesn't matter if you have it on the same account or not as your safe for work series.
closed Feb 28
closed Feb 28
Please stop spamming the promotion of your series. Consider this your 2nd official warning. If you continue with this behavior today, I will suspend your account.
Hello there, please stop spamming your promotion in topics not meant for promotions. Consider this an official warning.
Hey there! Just to let you know you should only make 1 topic in the Forums a day, otherwise people may flag you for spam.

closed Feb 18
That thread is pretty old. You can make a new one
closed Feb 10
Hey @TeDe12, please keep to making 1 topic a day in Promotions or else you may be flagged for spam!
Yep that description should work!
Welcome! A few things to consider about posting to Tapas: Novels can get away with more depictions of sex than a comic can, just be sure to mark each episode in which the intimate scenes happens as Mature! Depending on how heavy and extensive your descriptions are, you make be asked by staff to …
How tall is your file?
You have to go to the website and subscribe to the series there. Then you can view the series normally on the app.
@Katha0422 I've already notified you that you should be limiting the number of topics you make per day. Consider this an official warning now. If you persist, I will suspend your account.
Hello there @Katha0422 ! Can I kindly ask you to reduce the number of Promotion topics you make to 1 a day?
It means you have 27 unique subscribers. That means some of them are subscribed to more than 1 of your books. It may also take time for the dashboard to update to reflect the 27 subscribers.
It's definitely more of a marketing trend for novels. I've used it myself on threads and I'll say it does work. Since novels don't get to rely on visuals as much as comics do, it behooves them to find a way to make a visual that gets selling points across in a quick snappy way.
Yeah compared to regular fictional violence/death, suicide should be more of a heightened concern when thinking about your potential readers since it's much more likely that people have personally known friends or family that have died by suicide or came close with fighting depression and ideation.
closed Jan 15
I mean technically Tapas and the app stores only require marking for explicit sexual content and realistic graphic violence. But I would just mark it for the audience's sake since you never know who'll end up on your episode.