Tagged by @orbitkatart !! I'm going to put forth my OC, Frog Prince (His friends call him Prince) [image] Prince is an intelligent, kind frog who wants to make the world a better place. He often tries to be the level headed one and has extremely high expectations for himself since his literal hun…
Thanks for the tag!
The characters in Blue Star Rebellion are all using code names, and my protagonist doesn't have one yet, so I won't share his name. He's a courier who drifts around running cargo in the rougher, more dangerous regions of space. He's a friendly dude, very funny, genuine, and de…
Many readers have come to expect a new episode each week, as that's the pace the paid creators of WEBTOON and Tapas release at. But most indie creators, creating their comic for free, with limited time and other jobs/responsibilities to keep up with, only have time to create around 1 page each week. …
Building a Twitter following is slow work. The best way, both ethically and enjoyment-wise, is to just engage with other artists! I have a few ridiculously skilled artist mutuals on Twitter who became mutuals because I'd left a comment on their art, or chatted with them on their text posts. Some o…
Eyy! I'm sure they'd look really good together. (^-^)
The floofy one looks more magical but the papery one looks more grounded, so if you are going for something more whimsical id go big, but if it's something more every day or surreal I'd go papery :). Nice trees btw!
I'd go with papery! It looks more organic and naturalistic to me.
I like both, a good mix of different trees is a must
Both of them look really pretty to me, but I'd definitely go with papery if I had to choose one. But, I'd say you can use both of them, though. I think they'd make a good contrast when put together.
Definitely papery. It looks a lot better defined than the floofy one.
papery (that one reminds me the ones in my hometown <3 )
an old (now deleted) server I was in had a bot set up to track your "xp" (like how much you typed in the server) and you had to reach a certain amount in order to promote so people couldn't just dump their comic links and run. i kinda wish more servers would do that tbh
@orbitkatart So pretty! Here's my latest. I don't have time to draw anything other than my comic at the moment, so all of my latest posts are just snippets from that. I'm really looking forward to having the broader cast in to mix things up a little! https://www.instagram.com/kaydreamer/?hl=en h…
But people already do that all the time in comments, don't they?
I'm totally with you on this! Comics are so often waved aside as 'for kids', or 'junk lit', and I find that deeply frustrating. My favourite comics are dripping with symbolism, and are more than worthy of literary analysis. There's so much scope in the comic medium to really push this kind of thi…
I'm not getting the traction on MySpace that I use to get, for some reason.
We're both italians and I also went through the frustration of english speakers telling me to check my grammar but I couldn't do more on my own. At the time, I was working on a game, a visual novel, and went on the Renpy lemmasoft forum searching for help. There, I found many native english speakers…
Yeah, its really hard and if you have any type of life at all. Which most of us do. It's impossible to be actively engaging on all these sites daily just to stay relevant. You almost have to decide do I want to spend time writing or drawing or marketing the work cause no one will ever see it if I do…
Aro kitty for aro awareness week! : ) [image]
[image] I painted Arroyo Seco this week! also like, Kore getting nailed with the red juice while Di's having emotional breakdown. k'mix gectha fresh hot k'mix! [image]
I'm the creator of the first one, and I am making an active effort to try and make it more active
Thank you, here's a cat for visiting this thread!
Thanks for asking this question! I've been wondering the same, myself. This community is awesome, it's pretty rare that I feel so much a part of something so quickly after joining. I love it here. I just joined Tapas Dreams, I'll see you there!
That is awesome, sounds like you are busy busy. Thank you for your service in the health care field. How has BSA been effected by COVID? @mrtoontastic that is awesome, how many more years you got? Also not being excited is a mark of being truly dedicated to your craft. To do something when it isn'…
Woah,, lots of Discord related topics lately,, I have one, but it's focused on sequential art in general so we have a mix of webtoon artists, manga artists, and novelists. If you're looking for a Tapas based community, the Tapas Dreams one TheGreatArtisan linked is great, imo
I'm not a fan of Discords for serious craft and marketing strategy discussion unless they're very small and the people there are all fairly experienced, but big discords can be better than forums for just casual chatting, sharing fanart and the like. I do find crowded discords overwhelming though; c…
The first one has: *A medieval theme with the roles *Both a Read for Read and Promo for promo section *Different advertising channels for different genres *Different channels to just goof off The second one has: *Promo, Cross promo, and other promos channels ( the last part is where you promote …
Who else tends to stay up until 2am feeling hungry but having nothing to eat so instead you watch Gordon Ramsey/Ainsley Hariott cooking vids and make it worse
Okay, quite a few of you know I'm an older fart and have had a bit of a writing career etc. in audio drama and dabbled in other things. I'm here because I've switched to novels and that's new to me so I'm here to learn. I read a lot of what many of you younger writers and artists post and ... it h…