


River (he/they)
Im making an epic fantasy comic about memory, family, and revolution:

[image] In honor of my bestie, day one is Indonesia. Her goal is to be a beauty influencer so you can check her stuff out. Her IG is hello.este

Any mention of pokemon makes me wanna draw them. Look at them cuties! [image] (Sorry about the formatting, I don't know why I numbered them downwards instead of sideways.) Gen 9's the only one I haven't played, so I'm only familiar with the starters.

Not sure why I thought up this scene, but... [image] He's fun to draw! edit: his face/emotions are magnets, if ya can't tell.

Post your OC with their (very short) character profile link to what series they're from and what they're fashion statement is/is inspired by: [image] Name: Alicia Palmero Age: 28 Fashion Statement: This only when she's modeling tbh Series: Right here: https://tapas.io/episode/3023865

I think the message and art are both good. One thing I might suggest, and it's not super important, but when there's nothing going on in the background you can make it a color gradient instead of having it be white or grey. Just makes things more energetic.

Not much not homegirl looks devious [image]

My computer isn't powerful enough to play Balder's Gate 3 even on potato settings. Literally 1fps. They're very pretty frames but how can I create the great dwarf/ bear romance the bards sing of now? How can I score a minor victory over right wing reactionaries by making a non-binary elf cleric? Ho…

One i just wanna say it's nice to see another thread from you and I definitely felt that discomfort from the replies of the last thread on this subject. I also wholeheartedly agree with a lot of what you've said here and the timing is kinda crazy since it's something I've been quietly mulling over …

basic CSP [image]

I just stick to the default format that originally came with the program... [image]

Mine's pretty simple, but I'm a late bloomer. Krita, on my brand new Dell Inspiron 16 model 7630. 3840x2400 resolution in full OLED glory! [image]

Just cuz I'm curious and not because I'm always looking to improve my flow and that I might steal your layouts and become mightier. Me... [image]


Always a madlad! :smiling_imp: I have a crosspage panel which background has no reason to be so detailed with patterns, other than that I just take more time to ink (on more detailed subjects) so my hand don't get sore. [image] Ya i still like this one a lot (only shown hallf).

Yup, you see the title? That's where we're going. Since there are too many promotions, let's try something else. Here's mine from my comic Mukhtar: [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Sketched, outlined, and colored by me in Photoshop. Now sh…

Good evening This thread is in commemoration of the fact that since February of this year. I have hit my 10K comments left milestone. [image] This is something I have been striving towards now since March. In March I joined the forums and I got to meet you all for the first time. To everyone…

Can I have your stuff?

In my attempt to learn more about disabilities and mental health, it lead me to learning Grade 1 Braille as well as taking courses about helping marginalized groups get access to health care. I guess at point in the future I can help people in real life instead of just writing about it.

Everyone I know who submitted a pitch to a medium-to-large publisher told me they didn't end up using any of the art they used for the pitch once they were accepted. Friend of a friend did draw a whole graphic novel (only pitched with the usual 15 pages) and wound up having to redraw almost everythi…

I think first, it's important to understand why publishers ask for a pitch packet rather than a full comic: They don't want you to waste your time working for months on something that they might reject. They'd rather give you a chance to show them what you're planning first and let you know if th…

then maybe it's some browser extension breaking it? those tend to get turned off in incognito

I've been having issues with Firefox and the forums recently, which don't seem to affect other browsers. In Firefox, it was opening up tons of processes as though every time I opened a thread it was opening a new Firefox window, and getting laggier and laggier, the longer I was on the forum without …

For people who don’t watch or even engage with anime, it has a negative connotation due to stereotypes and bad chance encounters. A lot of people get exposed to weird hentai or ecchi garbage (with pedophilia, non-con, incest, blatant objectification, etc) thanks to the internet, so to them (and the …

well, she could have also been more of a bleach girl xDD (or whatever would be to boruto what bleach was back in the days to naruto)

Well, maybe this was not a great drawing of Sasuke Uchiha... :smirk:

Hi guy. Girl here. Girls don't care if you like anime. A lot of women like anime, even women who are attracted to men. The problem I see, solely based on how you worded this post, is that you think that you are entitled to a woman's affection. Now some girls might not like video games and anime like…

Tapas forums is not really the place to seek out dating advice. But if she doesn't like anime, then it was never going to be a good fit. Everyone has their likes and dislikes and if your partner is disgusted by something you love, it doesn't seem like a relationship that will last very long or be …