Sefra Orlick
Character/creature artist- Creator of Oni x Fox! https://tapastic.com/episode/190839
This looks like a lot of fun, Got serious Adventure Time vibes from it, Subbed, @sefra114
Hi hi! No problem at all! I was so enthusiastic doing this piece! Your comic make me remember those old 80's & 90's games, like Space Invaders and Zombies Ate My Neighbours!, so I had to tie some of those ideas in the piece =D I tried first doing a fake SNES game cover, but then I would have to pain…
Oookaay, I gonna drop some fan arts~ As my series is in 'vacation period' (until Oct. 1st, that's is), to keep people interested I submitted some fan arts from others series from Tapas! aaand as I don't want to start a whole new topic for this, I will highjack this topic for this. I mean, its fan ar…
@sefra114 nice to meet you also nice animated cover for Space Pack!
if you're looking for a site to resize gifs,https://ezgif.com/maker might interest you, been using that to resize gifs also. Yep I love that about Tapas, and you can also make animated images in your comic from what I gather, ho…
I'm currently showing a guest cover art drawn by the amazing @amortelito, but otherwise this is my cover (quality reduced so it can be uploaded here):
By the way, you can also have an animated banner
Yo, i just saw this in the discord. What are the chances
I have no idea where this is from, but this was hilarious XD. Animation was amazing!
okay, biggest thing (aside from construction drawing and form, which you can read my thoughts on pretty much everywhere else on this thread) is gutters. I really think you should put more consideration into the spacing between your panels. Once again, I refer you to Scott McCloud's 'Understanding …
1 and 3 are so awesome. Not saying the others aren't, but those are Def my favorite.
I like 1 and 4 most of all, especially #4, it gives off a nice manga vibe. 2 and 3 are nice, but I have to look much more at them to understand what's happening.
All of them are good! Personally, I like number 4 the most but for a cover I think number 1 will attract the most attention. Can't go wrong whichever you choose though
It looks adorable and fun! I love all of the colors. If I were looking for sci-fi comedy my vote would go to 1. The girl's gasping face with her friend gives a nice "B-movie" feeling, and it also looks more responsive and a part of what's going on with the rest of the cover. My order of preference w…
Ima be real #3 was always my favorite. I like covers that get at least an important point across.
I haven't seen any animation posts (sorry if I just missed it), so let's start one, show off your animations [image]
Frowny faces and leather ensembles. The late post Matrix 90s were a joy to be around. Here's my ode to that era: ChainbuckleZ. [image]
I did some fan art. I haven't done that in a very long time. [image]
That sounds dark and hilarious at the same time.
Hey everyone!! I sketched and colored this entire page of my graphic novel "Havenfall" today!! Hope you like it. Cheers!
With my food comic debuting tomorrow, I want to see if anyone else has any comics about food. Anykind would do though I have a soft spot for dessert. So, if you want to share, I'll check it out! Of course, I prefer stuff that is not NSFW. I am bashful
I think gintama anime is the perfect example! I think they may have the exact formula you're looking for! They have loads of episodic day to day arcs that only last one or two episodes. --- very light hearted, it follows the teenage cast often going through normal life in the suburbs and longe…
yes! even slice of life anime have moments where more "serious" plot stuff can arise. it's part of the natural flow o a story if you think about it even if some conflicts are minor like what to have for a meal or deciding how to spend a day. as for what the main genre is you can absolutely stick…
these are both great thank you for sharing I love seeing the creativity!
okay so this totally happened so I made a one off funny boob check anyone else do this? have you ever made a Sunday paper style meme or joke that has nothing to do with your main comic? if so please share, we all need more to laugh at!
What is your best feeling when you are creating an episode or a chapter? For me, it is when I overcome my ADHD and finish an episode. It is literal euphoria like, yay!!