Eyo Suren here, (she/they) the artist & writer of Jade Kingdoms.
My web novel: https://tapas.io/series/Jade-Kingdoms
My webcomic: https://tapas.io/series/Fragments-of-Jade-Kingdoms
- Joined
- Apr 12, '20
- Last Post
- Apr 28, '23
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- Aug 14, '24
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Aaaaah what a wonderful accomplishment for you too! I hope you can achieve so much more in life, its inspiring to see!
Eyyy, Jade Kingdoms will finally hit her 100k word count soon! I'm extremely proud of where I am right now, I have a powerful community around me, that appreciate and uplift my work and enjoy seeing where my process is going. But personally, I love how my art is improving. I've always been a writer …
What is this I see, one of my favorite threads being ressurected???? Let me share Devoid (Indan metal band!) with y'all cause its been a while haha
Fantasy/horror comic coming through! But be warned, these are short comics only and are meant to make people interested to read my novel.
Fragments is updated with the first page of a new short comic (will be 6 pages!)
That would be this one! It's a short comic series, so I love doing tiny comics like these
Omg, I made the first cover of my novel Jade Kingdoms in 2018 hahahaha
This is what it is now (made in October 2021!)
Oh my word you guys looks at this, back in 2019 -2020: [image] [image] [image] And now in 2022: [image] [image] [image]
The short answer, my lore is what helps me keep track. Thanks to that, I know how each character connects to the other or what kind of impact they might have later in the story.
Not all sheets are complete yet, buuuut I have some character art if you fancy? This is Suren, the Jade princess and MC of my novel! [image] This is Diathna, Humanity's matriarch and known as the demon Many-Faces: [image] And Diantha's grandson, Bahatar: [image] OH- and Suren's papa th…
Definitely lineart, and I'm inclined to say rendering but rendering is the fun part But while I enjoy making slick lines, I noticed it really does take up most of my art time truly...
My novel definitely touches on a mythospheric, mythical aesthetic. Cosmic horror somebody once told me, I think that fits the bill. XD [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
One thing that helped me a lot is look at buildings that are old (I like to use churches as a reference for this) and compare them to examples of fantasy concept art. This is how I usually begin to inspire myself and study the possibilities of what I can do. I'm not per se a champ at drawing fanta…
Ah mine is actually a collection of short comics based on the world of my novel, does this count? XD
Oh I just adore threads like these, haha. Some art for my novel I did recently!
Hmmm....might just doodling something work? Not something with intent but just doodle, see what happens? I recently started doing this and I found that this and drawing stuff from refs tends to help also. You still polish skills, but it doesn't have to be anything.
I'm so proud of reading everyone's achievements, and I am rotting y'all will succeed in whatever you want to achieve in this life. Go be awesome, everyone.
As for me- I've lived a life full of obstacles and people that enjoyed praying for my fall, and am proud of how I plowed through them and bro…
Oof, mine is gonna be so big haha... I definitely know Jade Kingdoms' first book will exceed 100k already, which is why I took out the entire prologue and turned it into a comic. XD The second book will not be as large, but who knows it could definitely also become a big boi. Its gonna take me a f…
Eyyy, mines https://www.instagram.com/surenlicious_art/ It's always art of my stories, OCs and just bright-coloured explorations truly haha
Thank you so much, omg!! It means a lot hearing that as I feel it captured the MC so perfectly too jdfghjkfghkjfdhgg
I just love seeing everybody's covers, I especially am enjoying the fonts (or handwriting) everyone uses! Today I have my novel cover for you, I am still in love with it haha
To get better at them, cause I love bringing the lore of my web novel to life using this medium. I'm still new to them, but I feel my art is improving so much just by making a few pages.
I remember the days in which deviantart was actually a good place to build connections, make friends and network with your fellow artists and be tight-knit. Nowadays...ugh. It's become a sewer. I had the same community move with me to Tumblr and that also went alright until the big nsfw purge, and n…
Cute fashion practise!
Thank you for elaborating it perfectly.
Non-black people using 'cancel culture' in the absolute wrong way again huh.
Simply put, holding somebody ACCOUNTABLE for their actions is NOT "cancel culture". And that's all this is, holding people accountable for being an absolute fuckshit. Y'all really keep on assuming people are out for a wi…
Fkgjhgkfjhkgfjhl If thia ain't the truth hahaha! Looking back Heero was a bit too much
I especially love the copic and tombow brush pens, though recently I've been doing all my linework with dip pens and haven't looked back since. XD