Vsama Pen
I'm a new comic creator who doubles as a software developer!
My comic is Powernote which is about a young woman who fights for Powernote, an organization that defends the earth from inter-dimensional threats!
We're reaching a point in culture where everything is all about making more stuff, and spending less time building and nurturing ideas (and the creators). Its a culture of "produce more material in desperate hopes that we'll find success sooner". Its not sustainable and it's not fullfiling. Right …
I've merged with my depression. Now we are one being, like venom.
They're reading your comic entirely for free. They don't really deserve anything more. You give them near constant updates, and all they give you is one single number. You're not an art factory, and personally I ignore comments like that (tbh, I don't get many comments on my comic since it's a side …
I'm sorry; I wish I had more to say than "Ignore them" but it's really hard when the comments are only reinforcing what your brain is telling your already. 3 to 5 pages a week is, personally? A lot! You're doing so much and that's on top of your full time job. I think that webcomics and webnovel…
Man I feel you. I began trying comics right when I first got my iPad about half a year ago. I was creating like, 20 panel chapters but the quality was not great. It hit me one day how unhappy I was with my art (since I’m such a noob) and thought, “screw this... I’m going to erase the chapters I put …
Rest is an important part of work (i know it`s paradoxical, but it is like this) Rest is the process of clearing your mind and helping your body to recover. Is the mortal equivalent of the maintenance of a car and getting fuel. So is vital to be able to work on the long term. Don`t give up on yo…
Honey, those are the words of a workaholic
You're just walking towards burn out.
If you feel unfocused and disoriented, like night comes and you don't know what you've been doing all day; if you feel like you're screwing your health to work more and still get nothing, but a screwed health; if …
I'm not a comic artist but a novelist so I am able to update some projects daily - some even with two chapters a day - and I still got comments like that, asking me to "update at least five chapters a day" and then very reluctantly reducing their wishes to me just updating "at least four chapters a …
I've gotten to the point where I immediately gloss over comments that go "when's the next update" or "how was it so short?". I might even make a point of answering all comments except those. I don't even answer them. But I will answer them on a friend's comic, especially if said friend has told p…
You are clearly exausted, my friend. It is impossible to jump over the roof and the readers just don't understand it. Like at all, they have no idea how hard it is and most of them don't care. It would never be enough for them, probably even if you make 50 panels per update. Our updates are short to…
I think you sound exhausted and very stressed. I work a full-time job alongside working on my comic as well, so I get the struggle. Consider taking a break and coming back when you're rested and feel more centered! There's no sense in working yourself to the bone. We work to live, not live to work a…
Some new stuff! A new "Thanks For Subscribing" illustration as well as a new promo image for Mallory Bash. [image] [image]
Got a new producer-level patron on Patreon, so he got this full-color caricature art of him in the Mallory Bash style. [image]
Getting some panels down for some later episodes. Which means drawing ALL of the cosmic horror monsters I can >:3c [image] [image]
Just "finished" this while watching tv. Be gentle
I think all this this is showing that we really need a joke category. There is a lot of humor we need to channel somehow.
TBH jokes should be enjoyed within limits. When they get too out of hand, to a point where it gets distracting for normal conversations, I would agree with culling them. That said, I did get salty a while ago about a "recommend other people's comics that deserve more attention" thread getting shut…
my last Illustration is this Zelda Fanart [image]
The "real" last one is my comic
My older brother used to do that with me. He kept telling stories as if it really came out from some book or manga and everyday he would tell me all about the updates and after some time I realized that the stories were all made up by him. It was fun. I like the "and sane" part. Truly I may have…
So this is something that I just realized I have a massive problem with: I have trouble accepting that people genuinely enjoy my work. I always feel that when people compliment my work, that it's more out of just being polite than an actual compliment, namely because I always struggle with being a m…
Our relationship with time is funny: It's one of the few things we humans have as a constant in our lives, yet there never seems to be enough of it. So when embarking on our creative endeavors, we find ourselves sacrificing important aspects of our lives in hopes of salvaging and nurturing another…
Figuring out life is very difficult and depression makes it worse. Depression is an illness and it prevents you from having the tools you need to think straight to feel contempt. It took me years to seek professional help and now I can look back and see that It was no me who was negative, it was th…
I experience something similar sometimes. In this case I try to rest and relax, as far as I can and when I can. Sometimes a sufficient rest helps to get rid of bad thoughts and feel an interest to my creative hobby, work and/or study again. But if this state lasts for too long, I go to my therapist …
I had a lack luster experience with therapy provided by my college too, and I really regret not just asking for a different therapist instead of opting out of the whole thing. While you have to do what's right for you, I will second sone of the other suggestions of trying therapy again. It's norm…
Why do people say things like that?? Even if they're anti-psychology and/or don't understand that depression is a thing, what makes anyone think that's good advice? If the person in question could 'just be happy', do they really think they would reach out for help? 'Oh, you're sick? Just be health…
I had the unfortunate timing to go through depression during my critical year of university whilst studying animation, which I'm no longer afraid to admit. My circumstances at the time were of my own negligence and fault with how I chose to act. I left graduating but without Honours, which really…
In this period you have gone through a lot, so is normal to feel overwhelmed. Losing family members is tough. Specially if you were really close. Sometimes a time to grief the loved ones can help with closure and move on when you are ready. But at the same time you are changing your job and home,…