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I've been excited about this! All the new covers are so gorgeous... [:heart_01:][:heart_02:][:heart_03:] I put mine up as soon as I knew it was available: [image]
Ha, thanks. Fingers crossed! ^.^
The panic hasn’t served my area well. My hope is that those who can’t risk getting sick will be spared. I’m also hoping things will improve (not get worse) as the weather gets warmer. And, being stuck at home is kind of a writer’s paradise…or at least this writer’s. (Even if, instead of water surro…
Seeing what you come up with on a smaller (and simpler) scale is, I think, the best way to decide if you work well together without wasting too much of anyone’s time. Both should be clear about what they want out of the collaboration—growth, experience, fun? Also…if you’re not interested in the same…
Same! Love that one, especially the art. So cute.
I have a few. They’re not usually so random. When I made this one up, it was winter, and a well of ink came to mind. I chose not to go with Inkwell, but pens are ink-related, so…
It hasn’t happened yet, but one character (to whom everything is a joke) sends another character a poem. Just the poem and nothing else, but the message is obvious: “Notice any parallels?” “Unlocked” to find the truth they broke open his chest dug out a bird cage which had been opened already th…
As a reader, I usually choose light over dark (it used to be the other way around). As a writer, some of the things I’ve thought of will haunt me forever. If an idea is giving me nightmares, I’ll step away. If I'm thinking of asking a friend to “please burn this if I die” I’ll step away. There’s …
“She yelled at my cockerel. My young rooster was frightened. I should never have let her touch my chicken.” Ha. If I’m frowning at a sex scene, I just skip it, no problem. I do get uncomfortable when the protagonist (usually female) makes snap judgments about people (usually female). Like: gi…
When I’m hating everything about my current project (it happens with every project) and in need of a confidence boost, I revisit what I consider to be my best work.
When main characters who don’t get along very well are forced to deal with one another, I usually enjoy the results. Sometimes enemies to lovers, sometimes just enemies to…not.
I tend to get the things I didn’t want. But there was that one time in maybe third grade when I was (randomly) chosen to get an ice cream bar over everyone else. Just then, nothing could’ve pleased me more than the misery of my classmates. The ice cream was all right, too. But if I hadn’t gotten it …
I was waiting for the elevator in the stuffy basement level of a building while holding several bags and by the time the doors opened I thought I’d do a faceplant. At least I didn’t have to take the stairs. From now on, whenever I hear, “Be careful what you wish for…” I’m going to think of summer.
Definitely! There’s nothing wrong with misdirecting your protagonist. Readers are smart, so it’s always fun to surprise them.
For me it depends. I would be much more vicious with the editing if the project was something I intended to offer to an agent, for example. As I’m publishing it online, I intentionally include more adverbs and even let repetition (which in general I loathe) slide to save time.
Everything is generally the way I remember it, because I'll have read it a thousand times in the editing process. In recent years, I'm much more satisfied when I look back. Even if the quality could be improved, there's always a gem to be found somewhere that makes the story worth it. But I do have …
I wouldn't say I ever had serious skill, but anything I'd built up is gone now, which is the reason I don't draw anymore/why I focus solely on writing.
Congrats to the winners! I'm glad I entered.
In a particularly unpleasant one, my younger sister* went missing. Our house was in the middle of a forest, so I spent some time being chased by deer before I finally found her. She was half in the ground, only visible from the waist up, kind of like she’d fallen in and gotten stuck. I can’t remembe…
I've forgotten most of the details, but it was a short story that ended with my poor protagonist finally escaping a building only to realize she had nowhere to go as zombies closed in. Well, I think they were zombies.
Been there! I'm sorry you're in pain. What I can 100% recommend is getting a wrist brace. Helped me a ton.
I finished it (and another story, though I had to choose one of the two for this contest...still not convinced I chose right) in November (NaNoWriMo). The latter half still needs editing.
Well, I'm new as well so I'm no expert, but if the episodes don't stand on their own it's probably a good idea to upload all the parts of a chapter at the same time.
No problem! I think people who tend to write longer chapters sometimes split them into two when they upload them here.
Hi! I read this a while ago, from the Tapas Team:
A good rule of thumb is to keep all of your episodes between 500 to 1,500 words.
I personally don't have much of a preference, but when I like a story, of course I want longer chapters.
Hi, Brooke, I submitted the form/tagged my entry, but I'm worried I didn't enter correctly even though I double-checked everything. Is there a way to find out? Thank you!