11 / 19
Dec 2015

Hey hi hello!

We've been hard at working building out the next generation of our mobile apps but still found time to sneak in this pretty cool site update.

For creators, if you click on your profile icon and select "Dashboard" from the dropdown menu, you'll be able to access a list of your series. From there, go ahead and click on the pencil icon (edit) for any series you'd like to add a custom ad banner to.

It will appear directly below the episode next to the comment section.

You can add any link you'd like and are not limited to only linking to crowdfunding platforms. Got a personal site you'd like to link to? How about a fellow creator who has an awesome series that's not getting enough love? Or maybe you want to start building out your social media presence. We wanted to make sure that this ad could be utilized in a wide variety of ways to fit the needs of every creator.

We just released this update and it seems like everything went pretty smoothly except for a few minutes of laggy down time, which no one noticed.

Well... almost no one...

Anyway, we also patched the bug that wasn't allowing creators to delete series.

We've also upgraded our servers so that the site should be operating at a slightly faster speed.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for the custom banner ad! Feel free to show them off in this topic smile

Other "helpful" topics I've made:
-Why No One Likes Your Art35
-How Do You Make Money Off Of Your Art?14
-Where Have My Nipples Gone?9
-Building a Social Media Presence with no Budget6

P.S. hahaha, I mean, it's not super funny or anything, but www.example.com11 is a great site

  • created

    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Feb '19
  • 18


  • 5.7k


  • 12


  • 22


  • 6


Good! It will be useful for me when I start using Patreon (I'll wait for some more subscribers first, everything has a time to happen :P).

Yessss! <3 This is what I asked for in the thread about the end of the Support Program! Awesome! smiley Thank you so much!

Hi @michaelson.

The Custom ad banner isn't working now. Just to be sure, I've a look at the chrome inspector and saw that the element hasn't the code to link

It should be fixed now :slight_smile:

Ooh, thanks a lot for this feature, it's nice to see it continuing and even better! I wanted to use that space for banner exchange or simply linking to my fav comic that is underappreciated, but I'll probably leave it for when I have more regular schedule. It's also great each series can have its own button <3

Now I can't decide... which one is better? =.=

Haha, I like the first one - I like the concept of "adopt us on patreon" smile

Yay! I was hoping for something like this. I'm definitely gonna be working on a new banner to put in that spot :3 Thanks Michael! <3

Awesome! Can't wait to use this. Hopefully my patreon will soon be a little more crowded for it! Thanks!

Sorry for the spam, I was just so happy how funny this button/ banner for my other comic turned out, I just had to share smile :

Just a random question. Not that I was thinking of doing this or anything...
Using this new feature, can we like, put a link advertising a serious comic we make into the ad banner space of our not-so-serious comics/journal comics?
Because that might help inform the readers who don't pay attention to/get any notifications about a new series.

@Wognif You can pick a specific banner to show up for each comic. For example, I could have a banner on Wishlight advertising Grassblades, and the opposite, as the banner-function is individual to each comic.

Right now, I've got two different banners - on Wishlight, there's a Wishlight-themed banner linking to my Patreon, and on Grassblades, I still have the old Support-banner (haven't had time to fix a new one) linking to Patreon as well. So linking between comics should be possible!

3 years later

unpinned Feb 25, '19