Nov 15, '14
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Mar 11, '16
May 14, '17
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I've made templates for header (banner) images both for Tapastic and Patreon pages with highlighted areas that will be always visible under most circumstances: [image] Both blank templates in png can be downloaded here, with some commentary and instructions: Please share t…

Hi creators! Sorry for the "spam", but I've made templates for header (banner) images both for Tapastic and Patreon pages with highlighted areas that will be always visible under most circumstances: [image] Both blank templates in png can be downloaded here, with some commentary and instructions: …

Hi creators! Sorry for the "spam", but I've made templates for header (banner) images both for Tapastic and Patreon pages with highlighted areas that will be always visible under most circumstances: [image] Both blank templates in png can be downloaded here, with some commentary and instructions: …

Funny thing is that I did get an offer after writing that, though it's not for mobile games but games for gambling machines smile Thank you for your kind words, I hope screenwriting works out for you too ^^

I didn't start posting before I had the whole story sketched. Sketching the pages takes the most "intellectual effort" for me so I don't want to risk getting stuck in the middle.

I'd love to make graphics for mobile games.

I don't know about Ugee, but I've never had any problems with CSP (at least with the newest update) - actually when Photoshop was moaning and dying, CSP kept going just fine. So I recommend: check if you have the latest version of CSP uninstall the tablet driver reboot install the driver again re…

@michaelson Thanks, I see that none of this applies to me ^^; In the Czech Republic we basically have to report everything, which is a pain Dx ...oh, this made me realize that I'm in for big trouble because my parents are going to find out the "truth" now (because dad's helping me file the taxes) …

Personally, I don't recommend it. The battery recharging takes about the same time as it lasts (even if the specs say something different) so you'll have to have it plugged in half of the time anyways. It also caused some driver problems, but that might have been because Windows7 and Wacom drivers h…

Right? And also gifs - animated gifs enhance the comics so much! DX This part of Line is also very disappointing. There's no comment nor reply notifications so even if you answer a comment, there's high chance the one who commented will never see it. It's like... there's just no point in answe…

I had a big problem with this too! I had patron early access for my vertical format series Trivia from Nature, where episodes are literally seamless paintings some 40 000 pixels long when resized for web. It really made my Patreon archive chaotic, so I soon started to just post a preview/teaser imag…

@Ringarune To me Medibang is just as confusing as Line, but that's probably because I started on Tapastic. And the japanese parts of Medibang are sometimes really hilarious, like, a notice pops up on you and you just click the green button thinking it's something like "ok." and then you find yoursel…

Hi guys! I'm sure I am not the only one who has to file a tax return this March yet again. It's my first year having to report earnings from Ad revenue, Support Program and Patreon, though, and I have no idea how to do it, since the internet is filled with all kinds of rumors about not having to r…

Well yeah, some parts of that site are weird, one just must not think into them too deeply ^^ Who cares about meeting whatever criteria (I haven't read that yet anyways) to become a "featured artist"? I just find it interesting as a mirroring site and to see how other websites work. Are you there, …

Since Christmas I occasionally post some old episodes on because it seems like a nice mirroring site with all kinds of publishing options (book format, vertical format, left to right and right to left navigation and such) spiced with some events and contests (there's one comic …

I don't have any question, but have fun! Looking forward to watching it afterwards! (because it will be 2 AM here and no way they would let me stay at school for so long >.>;; )

I have no idea how people made the candle, I'm sorry D'x You'll have to ask the ones who have the candle smiley

No way, that's so scary! @o@; Thank you for your hard work, Michael!

@bakasama25 Your comment made me look properly at the values and themes of my Trivia from Nature episodes (not sure if you're familiar with it, it's all oneshot stories from animals life ) and most of them definitely do fit into the themes, even if the main c…

Well yeah, but the contest rules have no limits to whatever the theme or main characters of the entry can be (and the funny thing is that the author of the comment wrote it under my old comic (that wasn't even an entry to the contest) that actually was a very Jump-like comic with all the friendship …

I'm a student of geology and am proud of that! ^^ Apart from geology lectures I also attend classes on biology. It all definitely helps me with getting inspiration for all my comics, especially Trivia from Nature [image]

Great that you have posted about it, I was just about to, so let's just push it to the frontpage again since the deadline is nearing smile I think it's definitely worth the try, at least in the sense of getting exposure for your comic by being a contest submission. Just don't get discouraged by any com…

Well, I didn't mean this "voting for one another" would be considered as cheating, but that when you start getting a lot of votes, the "top artists" wouldn't like you among themselves and have you labeled as a cheater and have your comic removed. I was happy that my comic finally started taking off …

Um... I'm not really sure how exactly RSS generally works... >.>;;;; I just wanted to use Patreon as a blog and on Amazon I was asked to provide link to RSS file, so I went to search for it on Patreon and didn't find it >_<;; I would also love it if we could use tags or something to sort the posts f…

Thanks, but as far as I know you can link the video from anywhere, like Vimeo. The only problem I have is that if whatever video is put on one's Patreon page, if it's considered commercial use or not... I have one more question about Patreon - does anybody know where one can get RSS for the crea…

From my experience: As your first tablet you should choose t**he cheapest and simplest one**. While working on it, you gain some drawing routine and figure out what you want from the tablet, and eventually invest into a more expensive one. Size: Small tablets (A6 active area, S) can sometimes ca…

It's an honorable idea, but I don't think you should bother with the toplist. Even if you get into the section where your banner actually shows, the "top artists" will accuse you of cheating and the admin will remove your comic. Happened to my comic when I was in high school, and I know of two other…

For me, I never learned about my comic coming up in the Staff Picks or Daily Snack unless readers told me about it. For the front page Spotlight, Michael sends you an email about a month ahead to tell you your comic was chosen for the spotlight and asks you to make a banner of specified size for t…

Thank you for this interesting thread! I would like to ask if anybody knows if making a video for one's Patreon page can be considered a "commercial project"? I would like to make a video and add some free music, but most free music is "not for commercial use", and I don't want to breach anyone's …

@marfivemai It's 28 pages in the end (I skipped some parts that were cool in the vertical format but redundant in book) and min is 24, so it's all cool smile Q&A? That might have been interesting, though I'm not sure if people would want to ask questions, and it's too late for it anyways... But thanks fo…