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Nov 2019

Secret Santa Sign-up Link53

Sign-up Deadline: November 22nd

Sign-ups Rollout: November 24th

Time for signups \o/
For those who don't know, my name JJ, I have a forever hiatus comic7, and I run the Secret Santa on Tapas every year.
In the secret santa, everyone who participates gets to draw each other's OC's and get to see them posted on the main site here41.

Note: We're still going to include writers this year but depending on how many sign up, we have to consider if it's worth including writing in future events (there have typically been low turnout of writers who make short stories)

Previous Secret Santas: 201831 | 20172 | 20161 | 20155


You will be assigned to someone's comic or novel at random and have until the deadline to draw the character(s) your assignee requests in the theme they want. If they give no special requests, it's up to your creativity.

For comic artists, you will be making an illustration; fanart in your own unique style. It should be a coloured piece unless your unique style (or your assignee's) is black and white.

For novelists, you will have until the deadline to write a short story about their character(s). Ideally, at least a ten page chapter that illustrates what your assignee requests but this isn't a strict requirement. If they make no specific requests, it's up to your creativity to bring their characters to life through writing. (note: there's no strictness on the length of your short story)

You cannot choose whether you will receive a illustration or a short story for your gift. This should minimise chaos and still allow everyone to be included. Do keep in mind though, most people will receive an illustration anyway since the majority of participants tend to be comic artists.


  • You must sign up through the Google forms link in order to be added to the participants list.

  • You must have a novel or comic on Tapas with at least one chapter that includes the character/characters you want in the Secret Santa

  • If you try to sign up with an OC that does not meet the above requirements, you will not be included in the participants list.

Comic Artists

  • You must have at least one full body, coloured reference of your character
    • It doesn't have to be "good." Just needs colour so we know what they look like!


  • You must provide a (drawn or written) physical description of your character or characters. If you have a unique setting you want your character to be in, make sure to describe this as well.
    • This can be provided through links to specific pages or writing a custom description on the sign-up sheet


  • In the sign up, name any special requests
  • In the sign up, specify your willingness to volunteer (if someone drops out, are you willing to take their place and draw two secret santas?)
  • After the sign up deadline has passed, you will receive a participant number and everyone will be given a Secret Santa at random.
  • A deadline will be given to encourage completion by Christmas
  • Important: When you complete your piece, email it to me at this address22. Your email title should include "Secret Santa" and your participant number or name.
    • Comic artists can email in any picture format. Novelists must emai their file as a Word document or PDF file.

Rules on dropping out

Let's be honest; this has been an issue since the Secret Santas started. Sometimes life gets in the way and you can't work on your art, sometimes an emergency comes up, and sometimes you just don't want to do it anymore.
This concern has been brought to me a few times so I'm going to add a few rules pertaining to dropping out.

  • If you need to drop out, for whatever reason, please send me a message on Tapas (or by email) 10 days prior to the deadline. This is to give volunteers time to make a second secret santa

  • If you fail to notify me ahead of time or just disappear, your story will not be spotlighted in the Secret Santa and you may not be able to sign up for future events.

  • If you think you may not be able to commit or may not be motivated to finish your piece, then I do not recommend signing up. I remember the chaos moments when people disappeared after the deadline (me included...). It is a great inconvenience to people and as much as I'd love everyone to participate, I shouldn't chance it either.

Note: I'm not participating this year for this very reason.I'm always here as a last second volunteer though. Point is: know your limits.

Other Comments

  • I really encourage you read at least a little of your assignee's work. This can help you gain a better idea of their characters, if not introduce you to a new story to follow.
  • Bookmark this thread for any updates or changes and for when the results become available.
  • Reply to this thread with any comments or questions you may have
  • Please check the Secret Santa series for an idea of what the showcase will look like!
  • Any concerns or issues, please contact me

Secret Santa Deadline: December 23rd

Secret Santa Reveal: TBD


  1. Name: nekoyasha5
    Comic: Katsu-Maji!5
    Character(s): any
    References: use comic link (in future, please provide references or you will not qualify - JJ)
    Requests: No requests, just free your creativity
    Volunteer: YL

  2. Name: KRWilliams2
    Novel: Freedom's Pyre1
    Character(s): Kit and Shin

    Kit is shorter than Shin by about a head in height. He is black, though with straight hair (think Somalian/North African descent) and mixed race. Scrawny too. Shin is taller, muscular and Far-East Asian/Japanese. It's a fantasy world set in the colonial era (British regency) and they're both in the army. For sake of ease - and to save drawing military uniforms and complex clothes - it's possible to just put them in white collared shirts with no buttons and trousers and boots.
    Requests: I'm totally open to whatever the artist wants. One thing is that Shin is meant to be a fairly easy-going guy, and Kit is exceptionally intense. Also Shin is far more into Kit than Kit is into him for most of the story. (They eventually are lovers, but it takes like 150k words to get that far so....)
    Volunteer: YL

  3. Name: Gabbie Wolf1
    Comic: Grimoire Athanaeum2
    Character(s): Iggy Moore
    References: https://tapas.io/episode/14927451
    Comments: Nothing specific, just be creative!
    Requests: Thank you for putting this event together.
    Volunteer: Y

  4. Name: pennedbyeurus1
    Novel: Fluorescent2
    Character(s): Icarus D. Norman

    Comments: Icarus likes to sing actually. I know it is cliche but he has a good voice and loves karaoke.
    Requests: I like it be drawn in manga style if possible. Otherwise cartoony.
    Volunteer: Y

  5. Name: Elyss
    Novel: Oasis, the Rise2
    Character(s): Adrian
    A tall and lean built young man in his late teens with a tawny complexion. He has muted dark blue eyes and thick curly brown hair that stops just past his shoulders. He has a strong jaw and somewhat full lips. He has the tendency to dress in multiple layers of elaborately colored clothing such as scarves, tunics, and sashes. He's cocky at times but appears subdued to most. A pretty boy but is also very clearly a young man growing into something handsome and regal.
    Comments: I'm a novelist, but I will be drawing my gift.
    Requests: It'd be cool to see water incorporated in some kind of way. Maybe he's floating in it? Or swimming? Or controlling it?
    Volunteer: Y

  6. Name: Phoenixrenaissance
    Comic: Black Mantis1
    Character(s): Emmett and Tab
    Comments: A couple of parts they can read to get an idea of the character's personalities.
    Requests: A winter scene would be cute. Maybe something where they're sharing a scarf or watching the snow together.
    Volunteer: Y

  7. Name: Koreantacos
    Comic: Ivolice and the Emissaries
    Character(s): Ivolice or Piko

    Comments: I am in another project as well so forgive me if I'm not in constant communication
    Requests: Just thought put into it would be nice
    Volunteer: YL

  8. Name: Dawgofdawgness :heart_decoration:
    Comic: Leftovers
    Character(s): Frances, Azzi, Anton, Renee, Seymour (NOTE: these are just the main characters, you can choose whoever! :))

    Requests: If you want, you can draw the characters with their respective instruments: Frances with her trumpet, Azzi with her string bass, Renee with her microphone, Anton with his drumset, Seymour with his keyboard/piano. Also thanks and happy holidays!
    Volunteer: YL

  9. Name: IndigoShirtProd1
    Comic: The Black Belt Society1
    Character(s): Elliot, Lara, and Tyler

    Comments: There are tattoos on Elliot and Lara in the reference. You don't have to worry about those. I recommend reading the second chapter to get a better idea of the proportions of the characters. Lastly, I used those images as reference for color if you end up drawing them.
    Requests: Nothing specific. Just be classy and have fun.
    Don't worry about taking the character too serious. The comic is pretty lighthearted. The references are their fight gear, but if you'd rather their day clothes, go for it. There are plenty of references in my first chapter.
    Volunteer: Y

  10. Name: Kitkatxk
    Novel: Lines Crossed2
    Character(s): Mina and Mark

    Comments: Mina has short dark hair with bright brown eyes and single eyelids. Mark has dark hair with warm chocolatey brown eyes and slightly lighter skin than Mina. mark is taller than her by about a head, they could be standing in a field of small whitish pink flowers if you want or it could be a png file with no background too. Either would be fine by me. *I just wanted to add that they are both of Korean descent.
    Requests: Like I said if they could be looking at each other and like maybe sparkles flying around them and they are standing in a field that would be cool. But if they can't do that a plain background is fine. XD
    Volunteer: N

  11. Name: Animefanka1
    Comic: BDSM Boys
    Character(s): Alex and Marcus

    Requests: Because it's a Secret Santa event, I'd like to ask for something Christmas themed
    Volunteer: N

  12. Name: Rodimus13
    Comic: Hue Are You2
    Character(s): Any are fine, but any of the main cast (Query, Build-a, Red, and Blue) is preferred
    https://tapas.io/series/Hue-Are-You2 (Good shots of Red, Blue, and Build-a with the tool skirt)
    https://tapas.io/episode/14082173 (Good shots of Query and Build-a)
    https://tapas.io/episode/12473613 (good shots of Blue and Red)
    Comments: If we are backup, the person will be getting a story from the writer as the artist can't handle doing a backup at this time. (I write Escaped Bride as well
    Requests: If drawing anything from their POV, they can currently only see brown, yellow, red, and blue. All other colors are greyscale. Otherwise have fun!!
    Volunteer: YL

  13. Name: AMCodaMonkey1
    Novel: Birth of a Sin1
    Character(s): Ira and Tristan
    References: https://toyhou.se/AMCodaMonkey/characters/folder:2522621

    Requests: Not really, I am open :smiley:
    Volunteer: YL

  14. Name: lucazu2 :heart_decoration:
    Comic: I hate you1
    Character(s): Momo, Kuro

    Requests: A cute christmas theme. Something loving (in the comic they're about to get married) Cute, heartwarming, up to your imagination :slight_smile:
    Volunteer: N

  15. Name: Crona J.
    Comic: Whispers of the Past1
    Character(s): Izrekiel and/or Agatha

    Comments: Please, nothing NSFW...
    Requests: Whatever inspires you about the character(s) or setting of the comic :slight_smile:
    Volunteer: YL

  16. Name: Sienna1
    Novel: Knitemares2
    Character(s): Crystal Wright, Nathaniel Pierce, and Travis Knite

    Comments: For other character details, reference episodes 1, 9, 10, 14, 16 or any other pages from my novel
    Requests: I would like to see Crystal Wright drawn as a male who is in a romantic relationship with his partner Nathaniel Pierce. The two are FBI agents who struggle to keep their relationship a secret as they work to take down notorious drug lord, Travis Knite.
    Volunteer: YL

  17. Name: Dual Dragons
    Comic: Rise of the Heroes1
    Character(s): Andrew

    Requests: I'll leave it up to my secret Santa! As long as it isn't NSFW or something like that!
    Volunteer: YL

  18. Name: Free Mints1 :clipboard:
    Comic: My Heaven, Your Hell1
    Character(s): Chris, John, Dr Miser

    Comments: use comic for references (please provide more details for giftee in the future, else you will not qualify - JJ)
    Volunteer: Y

  19. Name: Awesome Studios
    Comic: The Four Friendly Humors1
    Character(s): Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and/or Melancholy

    Requests: Just keep it PG
    Volunteer: Y

  20. Name: HERSLY860 :clipboard:
    Comic: RAPZODIA DE EURIA:escape4
    Character(s): erythia (girl in black)
    References: use comic link

    Comments: (again, provide proper references in future or will not be included, no exceptions. Will be contacting for better references - JJ)
    Volunteer: N

  21. Name: Anithia
    Novel: The echo's flower1
    Character(s): Casiopea / alexander


    Requests: •If they are gonna be drawn, just draw what your imagination wants. These both are a canomical couple in my universe, so you can put them in a romantic setting if you want. Oh! And i would love it if they coulbe on a real life aesthetic.
    Volunteer: N

  22. Name: Bored Weaver
    Comic: Through all our Faults1
    Character(s): Kestrel
    References: I think everything should be found in the novel, but I'll jot down the specifics anyway
    Kestrel - Kinda short, but with a bubbly personality. She has wings like a bird, which have pale blue and orange feathers (based on an American Kestrel). She has fluffy hair of the same color and green eyes. She's always smiling and is generally always happy.
    Requests: I'd like to see her drinking a mug of hot chocolate and maybe wearing a Santa hat.
    Volunteer: YL

  23. Name: PersonaGhost
    Comic: Peach Blossom Luck1
    Character(s): Yu Hua and Tan
    References: first episode

    Requests: If drawn: I want YuHua and Tan to plant a tree together like a loving couple. If written: I'd like them to have something funny to do while planting the tree or something haha.
    Volunteer: N

  24. Name: kip3 :heart_decoration:
    Comic: Heckin’ Dead4
    Character(s): Ino
    References: https://toyhou.se/2321128.ino/gallery5
    Volunteer: N

  25. Name: feardeer :heart_decoration:
    Comic: Underworld Engine1
    Character(s): Faon, Zima, or Amaia/Last.

    Requests: Nope, just have fun.
    Volunteer: N

  26. Name: wnqs1 :heart_decoration:
    Comic: The Cat, the Vine and the Victory
    Character(s): Sugar, but adding anyone else is fine, too
    References: https://tapas.io/episode/954418

    Requests: You're free to include any other characters, any theme ok
    Volunteer: YL

  27. Name: Eightfish
    Comic: Puppeteer
    Character(s): You pick :slight_smile:
    Requests: For illustration, I will be grateful for anything effortful. Oh, but I want to see my characters in your style! Don't feel like you need to imitate my style, I already know what that looks like lol. Oh, oh and put some energy into it if you can, like have them doing something or moving, not just standing there. But honestly I just hope you have fun with it.
    For writing, I would absolutely love for you to read my comic (it's not too long) and write what you think will happen next. Not only would I enjoy reading it, I would also find it incredibly useful from a writing standpoint.
    Volunteer: N

  28. Name: KIRSCH
    Comic: Un-Eternal3
    Character(s): Yuuko and Masato

    Requests: Surprise me!
    Volunteer: N

  29. Name: Azifri
    Comic: Terra Prima
    Character(s): Claudia (if you want to make her interact with any other character, I'm ok with it!)
    References: https://www.instagram.com/artsyazifri/1

    Requests: If you happen to read the comic and want to draw Claudia in any of the contexts shown that would be great, but if not any neutral situation will do (she's quite chill, just a bit shy) :slight_smile: Thank you <3
    Volunteer: Y

  30. Name: BobbyjoeX
    Comic: Royal
    Character(s): Jr. and Lane

    Requests: Anything is fine, shipping is allowed.
    Volunteer: N

  • created

    Nov '19
  • last reply

    Dec '19
  • 115


  • 8.8k


  • 33


  • 136


  • 50


Frequent Posters

There are 115 replies with an estimated read time of 15 minutes.

Where is the google forms link? I'm not sure if I've missed it but I can't find it?


Thank you! It's been a long Nanowrimo already...

ashfjklasf don't worry, you must have mistaken it for a title or something x'D

Does it ask in the later bits of the form? I was going through it but didn't see anything to check

you know what, screw it, i'll do it again. lets hope the stuff that happened last year dont happen again, primarily my computer funking out

Signed up and looking forward to see how this all goes! I’ve never done this before.

Woohoo, I am also on a hiatus but now getting back into drawing comics. Can't wait for this again :smiley:

yay I can't wait

If you're asking about volunteering in general, there is no volunteer only option. It's not something I found necessary. If you mean volunteering in general as a participant, it's as Rodimus said: you'll find it on the last section of the sign up

Don't worry about it, I try to make things as clear and easy to access as possible ^_^

\o/ Do let me know if things go down the drain again though. I know it was out of your control in that case.

signed up too, these things are always fun ^^ So awesome that fics participate as well!

ufufufu...I will sign up on my day off later this week :smiley: