Sign-up Link: here
Sign-up Deadline: November 19th
Assignments: November 19th
Hallooo, I have appeared again, still hosting the Secret Santa~
My Intro
My name is JJ and I draw my comic Beautiful Lies which has been on hiatus for awhile. I haven't given up art or the Event because I enjoy seeing everyone's work and participating if I can.
I've been creating this Secret Santa event since 2015 (I believe??) even when I was on hiatus.
In the Secret Santa, all artists and writers get to draw each other's OCs and see the results on the main site here. It's a great way to have some fun, find new stories, and test your skills!
How it Works
Anyone who would like to participate can sign up using the link provided above and here. In this event, you will be assigned to someone's comic or novel at random and have until the deadline to draw the character(s) your assignee requests in the theme they want. If they give no special requests, it's up to your creativity.
You can specify whether you want to draw or write, but you cannot choose whether you will receive an illustration or short story for your gift. You can specify a preference, but because there may not be enough artists to supply, you get what you get. This should minimise chaos and allow everyone to be included.
Make sure you read through these and ask questions if needed.
- You must sign up through the Google forms link in order to participate in the event
- You must have an original novel or comic on Tapas with at least one complete chapter that includes the character/characters you want in the Secret Santa
- You must provide appropriate references, specified in Rules below
- If you try to sign up with an OC that does not meet the above requirements, you will not be able to participate.
For comics: You must have at least one full body, coloured reference of your character.
- It does not have to be "good," it just needs colour so we know what they look like!
For novels: You must provide a (drawn or written) physical description of your character/characters. If you have a unique setting you want your character to be in, make sure to describe this as well.
- This can be provided through links to specific pages or writing a custom description on the sign-up form
- Any drawn references need to follow the same guidelines as for comics.
Signing Up
- In the sign-up, name any special requests
- Specify your willingness to volunteer (if someone drops out, are you willing to take their place and make two secret santas?)
- After the sign up deadline has passed, you will receive a participant number and everyone will be given a Secret Santa at random.
Before the deadline
- A week before the deadline, I will message everyone who hasn't completed their works to make sure they are still able to participate. Please respond to me so I know you're still working on it.
- If I don't receive responses, I will assume you have dropped out and will assign volunteers to finish the remaining secret santas.
When you have completed your piece, email it to me. Click the arrow to reveal email
Please include the following in your email: "Secret Santa" and your participant number (not your secret santa's!!)
- Drawings can be in any picture format. Short stories must be a Word document or PDF file.
Rule on Dropping Out
People disappear a lot and it can cause inconveniences so I've had to raise issue on this in the past.
- If you need to drop out, for whatever reason, please send me a message on Tapas or by email 5 days prior to the deadline. This gives volunteers time to make a second gift.
- If you fail to notify me ahead of time or just disappear, your story will not be spotlighted in the Secret Santa.
- If you do not respond to my messages, you may not be able to sign up for future events.
- If you think you may not be able to commit or may not be motivated to finish your piece, then I recommend you do not sign up. There's been chaos in the past when people have disappeared after the deadline. It is a great inconvenience to people and as much as I'd love everyone to participate, I shouldn't chance it either.
Point is: know your limits.
Additional Comments
I really encourage you read your assignee's work. The point of the event is to discover new stories but this will also help you gain a better idea of the characters.
Short story word count: I would suggest following the 3,000-5,000 word count guideline. Keeping it under 10,000 but over 1,000 is the suggestion. This is not a hard requirement but it should be over 1,000 word count.
Don't overdo it with requests. You're free to request what you want in your gift but participants can only allocate so much time to the event commission-free.
Bookmark this thread for any updates, extensions, changes and for when the results become available.
Reply to this thread with any comments or questions you may have
Check out the Secret Santa series for an idea of what the showcase will look like!
- Contact me with any concerns or issues
Secret Santa Deadline: TBD
Secret Santa Reveal: TBD
Name: DualDragons
Comic: Rise of the Heroes
Character(s): Andrew, Akros, Cate, Sphynx
Andrew -
Akros -
Cate -
Requests: Preferably no shipping between my own, but feel free to ship if you plan to do crossovers with your own (if you include your own characters)
Comments: I'd recommend to read beyond chapter 1 as that is when Akros and Sphynx debut, and chapter 4 especially for Akros.
Volunteer: N
Name: migxmeg
Comic: The Purple Ribbon
Character(s): Elli and/or Abi
Requests: No attachment to the outfits I in the reference images - their festival clothes just happen to be the most recent refs I have :). Christmas didn't exist at the time period depicted in our comic but I'm sure they would celebrate the secular holiday if they were alive today and certainly would have celebrated the winter solstice. One or both of these guys however you like would be cool or if other characters in our comic are more interesting to you, go for that! Up for whatever really :D.
Volunteer: YN
Name: Azifri
Comic: There and (almost not) back again
Character(s): "The siblings" (the two kids in the cover)
Volunteer: Y
Name: Animefanka
Comic: Vampire Prince
Character(s): Tirau and Waris
Volunteer: N
Name: Koreantacos
Comic: Ivolice and the Emissaries
Character(s): Ivolice and/or Faris
Requests: I don't have any real requests, I'm very lenient. If you're writing me something make it fun to read.
Volunteer: YN
Name: SilverLugia456
Novel: Sherlock & Watson
Character(s): Sherlock Holmes and John Watson
Comments: JJ - I would say to use your imagination here since we do not have another novelist this time.
Volunteer: Y
Name: Rodimus13
Comic: Hue Are You
Build-A -

Nix - 
Query -

Requests: We'd love anything winter or Christmas themed. Have fun with the characters
Comments: We are happy to help, but when it comes to the backup the writer will write a story as the artist may not have time to draw.
Volunteer: YN
Name: misseljebel
Comic: Monstrosity of a Family
Character(s): Tilda, Gaia, Mitali
Requests: Nope!
Volunteer: Y
Name: Soulless-Smiles
Comic: Letters Home
Character(s): Mika OR Charlie Smiles OR both!
Requests: "Please let your imagination run wild! Pick either one of them or feel free to use them both.
Feel free to dress them up however you like (if drawing them) They need not stay in their own world, them in any AU setting is perfect as well. The only thing of Note about Mika- If you do write about him- He can not talk he is mute. -- Here is a suggestion only to aid in the thought process, but please feel free not to sick to it. Coffee shop AU- Charlie smiles owns a Cafe called ""The front line"" Mika is the best barista employed there, he does the BEST latte art."
Volunteer: Y
Name: ryoko
Comic: The Cat, the Vine and the Victory
Character(s): Arada and Victory
Arada -
Victory -
Requests: It's fine to use any additional characters
Volunteer: Y
Name: SilusComics
Comic: Boku Wa?!
Character(s): Any!
Requests: Whatever they'd like~!
Volunteer: Y
Name: Rhonder
Comic: Dungeons & Dinosaurs: Royal Road Trip
Character(s):Any of the 5 party members (Adoro, Noel, Two, Colletta, or Jaegen) but if you can't decide or don't feel like choosing, then I'll pick Two (the Rogue)
Requests: No special request, I'll leave it to Santa's discretion!
Volunteer: Y
Name: IndigoShirtProd
Comic: The Black Belt Society
Character(s): Otar, Urt, and Ire
Requests: "For drawing: Nothing too specific, just try your best with the water and fire effects. It'll probably be easier to draw them from the waist up since I don't have any references that contain their legs.
For writing: I'll detail a bit of their characterization, which match their elements to an extent.
Otar:Voice of clarity and reason. Always the type to look before she leaps and truly cares about others’ wellbeings. Can get overly emotional and tends to cry easily, though never without good reason. She's the de facto leader of the goddesses, but she's always willing to let others lead if need be. She is also a bit of a jokester.
Urt: Soft spoken and motherly. Is a bit of a worry-wart and often wears a frown. She loves animals. She is easily swayed by the feelings of her sisters, though steadfast when it comes to all other things.
Ire: Skeptical and harsh, always the type to say what she thinks. Is very passionate, sentimental, and can be empathetic. She’s stubborn and blunt, but softens when it comes to her sisters."
Volunteer: YN
Feuersichel Comic:
The story of Osram Character(s): Anyone you like to draw / write about

The old version of my comic with more characters shown, is under the following link: References:
Requests: No preference, draw / write, what you feel is fitting
Volunteer: YN