33 / 39
Apr 2019

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
Cave or Cavechan

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
F, 33, married

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
My comics are on both, but I vastly prefer Tapas. Good community here, better layout, better management for comics.

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
CSP and Cintiq 13HD

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
Traditional. I see each page as like a canvas of a painting and it's more dramatic. Though scrolling through vertical paneling is faster.

6. Favorite comics?
Too many to name....... Dr. Stone, Houshin Engi, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Angel Sanctuary, etc...
For webcomics, my favorite is The Reborn and I also really enjoy Novae and Black Ball.

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
Basically the artists/writers/creators of all the above series.

8. Favorite genre of comics?
Romance, psychological, occult...

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon)

10. Continent you're in?

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recogized for.
Hm... I remember getting some class awards when I was in middle school. I don't think I've gotten many.

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
Being able to live on my own, getting married, finding a decent job, accepting the way that my parents are.

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?
They know I do art stuff. I've told them I do comics but I don't think they care/remember really.

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
No longer in school, thankfully.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
I would like it to be a full time job, but for now it's a hobby which I try to treat seriously.

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
Being able to create comics full time or if not being an art manager would be nice.

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
Since about 13 years old, more or less.

18. Desrcribe your art style/writing style.
Classic manga style, more towards shoujo style.

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
My workplace is my couch (actually a futon) and my coffee table. Don't really have room for an office.

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
More of an introvert nowadays. Used to be more in the middle, but I've grown less fond of hanging out with people.

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Watching anime, reading manga, board gaming, and karaoke when able to (since I only know/sing anime music)

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
I'm mostly satisfied with where my art is now, but there are definitely areas I need improvement in.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
Both. I want a work I can be proud of and others can enjoy too.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
Both, but I feel like I don't have many online friends recently and the relationships with my real life friends has changed a lot.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
Online I have definitely spoken more openly and opinionated, but it's created some awkward situations so I have since reevaluated the way I approach the way I talk online. I'm usually pretty easy going and generally passive, but if several stupid things happen in a short period of time, I will scream and everyone in the world will hear it. Few people have seen this side of me.

1. Call me Baaz or Baasin either/or.

2. I'm a guy but I'm not comfortable with other stuff.

3. Both, They're both extremely flawed and temperamental platforms that sometimes I just rather not deal with. It's stupid. While Tapas you can interact with a caring community if you play your cards right, after several years there's no possibility that you'll grow to have a large audience if you're anything outside the norm. While Webtoons, you can grow quickly but
you'll never now why you would stop growing if you did.

4. Medibang Paint because I don't want to bother with buying stuff for a hobby.

5. Traditional, there's so much more interesting things I can do with it, unlike vertical, where it just becomes confusing if you don't just use square panels.

6. Kingdom by Yasuhisa Hara, Anything by JunHa Kim is spectacular, One Piece by Eiichiro Oda, and Love Advice from the Great Duke of hell by Unfins, with my new favorite addiction, Chainsaw Man

7. People mentioned above

8. Shounen and strategy. I like shounen because I grew up with it and it's the genre in which most manga and manwha standards are altered by.

9. Hirohiko Araki, Yasuhisa Hara, ONE and JunHa Kim

10. The good ol' N.A.

11. zilch.

12. Not much

13. No, but my friends know and they don't particularly care.

14. Just gonna skip this one

15, No, no one gives most of us the time of day in the first place

16. I just wanna grow an audience and get to the point where people look at my work and think "Oh yeah that was classic, I wonder what he's doing now" I also wanna become a shounen mangaka, which I know sounds a bit delusional but I genuinely want to do it. I want people to genuinely appreciate my work.

17. 5 years since that's the only medium where you can tell creative stories and not have to know how to write for books.

18. Art style: Flexible and detailed Writing style: Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks because it's all driven by my angst anyway.

19. Shitty desk that's falling apart

20. Introvert, I can genuinely feel the energy being sucked out of me when I hang out with people

21. Finding new and interesting RPG games, playing DnD with friends Staring at a wall.

22. I need to improve because people look at my art and don't bother to follow it or give it a like, which means I'm just not good enough.

23. Depends on the people I'm around. But usually I try to please others in person because that gets me farther,

24. Both, Real life friends are great and usually I'll have a deeper experience with them, but online friends are great to because you can just drop in and hang out.

25. I try to be considerate on both, but I find I'm actually more of a hothead in real life because I find myself more comfortable online.

  1. just Vi is fine
  2. probably aro/ace, she/they, 23, satisfied single pringle
  3. Tapas, i've gotten cozy and i don't see myself being able to keep pace with WT
  4. software - medibang paint, firealpaca and Photoshop cs6 hardware - old intuos small and laptop
  5. both. because why not?
  6. there's a lot but some recent faves have been these:

7. probably too many to list
8. slice of life, adventure, action, fantasy sci-fi, and sometimes drama
9. a lot of things. always wanted to do art but over time gained a lot of interest in comics. once i found out webcomics were a thing i figured i'd dive in an give it a shot
10. north america
11. i got pretty high test scores a couple times but no big awards (do certifications count?)
12. i'm still here???
13. yes but they don't read it
14. was in college some years ago for graphic design but...left; hoping to go back for animation...eventually
15.i hope to at some point but for now it's whatever design work and commissions
16. finally start publishing my other stories, have at least one of them printed as a physical book
17. probably early teens
18. art is somewhere between anime and cartoon and very colorful. i've yet to figure out what my writing style is but probably kind of...lucid?
19. it varies
20. leaning towards introvert
21. baking, video games, photography
22. oh there's always room for improvement
23. kinda both but mostly myself. i've considered creating for others but it didn't make me happy so i make what i like and hope others can enjoy it as well.
24. both?
25. the...same??? usually quiet but if i'm comfortable i'll go on and on though it varies from person to person

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
Just call me Mango or Drei/ Dreilay

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
Bi, F, Age range: 19-22, single pringle

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
Both. Each of them has their own pros and cons, both have awesome comics to read from but in terms of connection, interaction & community I prefer Tapas

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
Star 03 Pen Tablet, Paint Tool Sai, Medibang, Photoshop, Lumion and Sketchup

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
I love both, but for my preference of doing comics,, single page panelling since it's more fun and challenging on emphasis, making interesting shapes of panels and layouting. Plus it feels like a real comic book u can grab irl even tho its online.

6. Favorite comics?
Right now, it's True Beauty, Lore Olympus, Unfamiliar, Age Matters and Days of Hana.

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
Yaongyi, Haley Mewsome, Enjelicious and much more that I can't remember.

8. Favorite genre of comics?
Everything as long as it tells a good and well written story

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
Same as number 7, my online friends, the whole squad from my discord server and Michael Jackson and his great fans (my comic is related to him soooo)

10. Continent you're in?

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recogized for.
Honors in high school, award for journalism and writing, and some art contest awards ehh

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
Being here, helping people, making someone proud and who accepts me and to surpass some pretty heavy life obstacles

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?
Nopee except my little sister, she loves art and animation.

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
College, graduating. I am in Engineering/Architecture School and it's fcking hell.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
Side hobby for now, no money as well lol

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
travel the world, graduate, be successful in different ways, take care of my family when I get a job

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
6th Grade

18. Desrcribe your art style/writing style.
Art style= i have lots of em. Realistic, cartoony and anime-ish I can't stick to one tho lol ^^'
Writing style= very straightforward and not really deep and highfalutin like most amazing writing styles do

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
A messy desk filled with collage, pictures, art shit, drawing table and a laptop

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
Middle, but more into introvert. I am socially awkward and wanted to be adopted by extroverts instead

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Cooking, swimming, playing guitar/piano, dancing, some make-up and jogging

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
I am quite satisfied for now but I know I have lots more to improve yet.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
In the past, I was mean to myself, I spend most of my time pleasing everybody and it didn't get anywhere at the end. Yourself is top priority first, pleasing everybody else with your works is a bonus. Love yourself and do what you really love to do.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
Both. Online knows my comics/arts while real life is mostly for school and talking about rl problems. Real life doesn't know me doing art and comics lol.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
Real life= fcking shy and introvert
online= very talkative and silly
people mostly call me cute aaa

  1. I go by the name L.O.R.D. (Legends of Rare Devils) though my real name is Pinaki Jha.

  2. I am a male, 15 years old, taken​:sweat_smile:

  3. Just post on tapastic to get some experience. Besides, it's friendly here and most of my pages are in PNG. :sweat_smile:

  4. Basic things - a pencil, eraser, scale for drawing,. A free photo editor app for colouring. Scanner or my smartphone's camera sometimes for scanning. MS powerpoint for adding dialogue. (Yeah, I am broke)

  5. I still see traditional page panelling as great and easier, since I draw traditionally. But vertical format looks great, so I go with that.

  6. Blue life(tapas)
    Dice (webtoons)
    Tower of God (webtoons)

  7. Everyone who gets out here to publish something and devote time to it is my favorite​:heart_eyes::two_hearts:

  8. Adventure, scifi, fantasy, I guess. As for novels, sci-fi and fantasy are all that I write and all that I read.

  9. My daydreams :stuck_out_tongue:

  10. Asia ( I support neither t series bit pewdiepie, I watch none of the two)

  11. Ah, none. But I sang on the school stage once, for which I got a certificate. And a gold medal in the inter school singing competition.

  12. My mom came to know about it yesterday :joy: my sister knows and supports me. Ma likes it but still doesn't support it. My dad absolutely shouldn't know.

  13. I just finished my 10th finals, so well, you know....

  14. A hobby, though I plan to make it big.

  15. I would love to become the greatest artist, writer and singer. Also, I would love if someday a movie or show is made based on my comics or novels.

  16. Since last year...

  17. My art style is a balance between manga - cartoonish. My writing style... I don't know.

  18. My comfortable bed needs no description.

  19. Introvert in real life, extroverted online.

  20. Singing, playing games, studying(yes, studying!)

  21. I still need loads of improvement, and I have loads of time for that

  22. Both. I can't explain.

  23. Both!

  24. Nah, thanks! :sweat_smile:

Wow thank you :blush: I just send you something special to your wall.

This seems fun, I'll answer them :slight_smile:
Also You are free to publish the answers, just link to my comic to, k? Thxbye.

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
Yondoloki, Yondo, Loki, and a lot of other variations thereof.

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
That's not one question!
Well: Straight, female, 27, in a relationship.

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
I like Tapastic better. More community, better UI, cute mascot.

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
I use Photoshop CS6 and a Cintiq 13" HD.
Also a plastic ruler and an offbrand smudgeguard.

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
I post page paneling, because that's how I make it. I haven't looked into vertical layout yet, but I would like to implement it for Webtoons, since I've noticed text can be harder to read there.

6. Favorite comics?
Right now I'm super into "Saga".
Here on Tapas I have the guilty Pleasure "Satan and Me". Otherwise there's "BS and L", "Mias ans Elle", "Gardenwitch", "There was a War" And "We the Survivors".

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
Since childhood I've been a big fan of the artist Peter Madsen (Brownie Points to you if you know who he is).
I really suck at choosing artists and such... I suck at names... Does Hayao Miyazaki count?
Otherwise I'll just give shoutouts to friends here: Ella Kessel! Milla! Charuchii! Tuyet-Nhi Pham! -KJK-! Leah Villart!
They are all inspirations to me ^^

8. Favorite genre of comics?
I like adventure and fantasy a lot.

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
Not really anyone?
I guess it was more who inspired me to start telling stories, and that was a lot of book writers. Lene Kaaberbøl and JK Rowling being some of the major ones. Also The Lord of The Rings movies. If they could make up universes of their own, then so could I!

No one really inspired me to start drawing, I just always did it, though a friend of mine told me that you could live off it, and then I started getting serious. So her?

10. Continent you're in?
Europe, Denmark

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recognized for.
Nothing really...They did write in my facebook thoguh that in 10 years time I would the a manga artist, so guess they where right?

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
I got banned from a karaoke event cause I sang too much. Life Achievement right there!

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?
Yup, anyone that talks with me for more than ten minutes do.

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
I'm out of school, wohoo!!! See ya suckers!! NOT missing that.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
I earn nada and a fart. I would like to change that, but Danish laws, URGH!!

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
Get The Changeling's Sister published and write my next project and get that published, and earn something in the process would be nice.

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
Since about 5 years ago. Before that I just wanted to be a writer, but after learning how storyboards work I found it way easier for me to just draw stories instead of writing them.

18. Describe your art style/writing style.
Emotional, energetic. Manga meets Disney.

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
Too small. Lots of workarounds. It's not optimal at all...

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
Introvert, definitely, though not the shy kind.

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Layout? Books, movies/series, role playing, a bit of gaming, Critical Role...

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
You can always improve. But I quite like what I do atm.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
Artwise or in general?
Artwise I very much please myself. Unless people pay me to think otherwise.
In general I'm a people pleaser.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
Mostly irl friends.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
Eh... Polite. Energetic, accepting... It feels like I'm reciting my job applications...

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
M, 30, married.

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
Microsoft word / generic keyboard

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
Originally we posted in traditional single page format, but on Webtoon we recently switched to scroll format.

6. Favorite comics?
I don't really read that much. I used to like Berserk and Hunter x Hunter, but they are both kind of "meh" now.

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
Kentarou Miura, Yoshihiro Togashi.

8. Favorite genre of comics?
Aside few exceptions, I mostly read horror if anything.

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
We once watched Bakuman with my wife, and a few days later she said: "Let's make a comic!".

10. Continent you're in?

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recognized for.
The headmaster once said that I had best kept ponytail in the whole year.

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
Several professors and the dean of my university said, that it was an honor to teach a student like me. Also I have several platinums on PSN. :wink:

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?
Yes, but they don't really read them.

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
English language oriented school. Finished a uni majoring in Japanese.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
I have a full-time job. But I aim to earn with writing.

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
Make Hexameron and all other comics of ours well known and profitable (we have 3 great ideas at least...). Maybe make a game and get ourselves an animated series! And world domination (it's always nice)

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
I had a phase when I was around 17-18 yo, but other than that I didn't think about making a comics until we suddenly started one. I was 29, I think.

18. Describe your art style/writing style.
I am only doing scripts for comics, so my writing is pretty laconic. But some say that my paneling is very cinematographic =)

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
A bed, a laptop and a-me (a-Mario)

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
I say the middle. I can easily keep a conversation going, but I am very uncomfortable with people I don't know well.

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Gaming, wushu, gaming, researching stuff online, gaming, like really, lots of gaming.

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
Definitely, I find new writing tricks all the time, and I know there are still more out there.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
Oooh, that's nasty :flushed:

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
I don't really have friends aside from my wife. The few I have, I met in real life though.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
I am friendly, sarcastic and, people say I am a bit of a bore. Or a huge bore (accounts differ). But some say, I am a fun guy. Online I am a little bit more open. But I still prefer to keep to myself, unless I am engaged by someone first.

  1. Azifri/Cristina
  2. Potato
  3. Both, because I can.
  4. Photoshop and Wacom Intuos pro 5
  5. Scroll format. The reading feels more natural when done well.
  6. Blame, Priest, Nausicaa of the valley of the wind, Hokie, Disney's Lustiges Taschenbuch, Tim und Struppi, El Gran Guarén, etc.
  7. I rarely pay attention to who the author is so n/a.
  8. I like good stories, not genres.
  9. Myself.
  10. The Swiss Alps. Because we might become and island after all the ice melts :confused:
  11. Not relevant.
  12. Biggest achievement in life:

  13. Yes.

  14. PhD in biomedical and veterinary sciences.
  15. Lol no, but I wish it was.
  16. I don't like to share future plans until after they happen, if the happen.
  17. Don't remember, I was too little.
  18. Azifri's Style™
  19. My desk, which is shared with Carey my cat.
  20. Depends on the situation and people involved, but tendency to introvert.
  21. Cats, hiking, sleeping, reading, painting, reading papers, daydreaming.
  22. Always improvement.
  23. Myself, unless it's an application for funding :joy:
  24. Both.
  25. Grumpy couch potato in all cases.

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)

I’ll just give my first name: J. Yes, my first name is one letter. I’m named after my Grandpa.

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)

I am married, I am a guy, and I’m 23.

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?

Just Tapastic for now. I’ve always had my eye set on it.

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?

Manga Paper, mechanical pencils, Moo Erasers, Micron pens, metal ruler.

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?

I prefer traditional, one page.

6. Favorite comics?

That’s where I faulter. I haven’t really read any. I’ve read some of My Hero Academia and Tsubasa, though, and a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes.

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?

I can’t remember their names. They’re all Japanese Artists. I can say that I adore the art done by Studio Ghibli. They inspire me a lot.

8. Favorite genre of comics?


9. What or who inspired you to do comics?

I’ll just simply say Fullmetal Alchemist. I haven’t yet posted a manga yet, but hopefully soon. Oh, and the creator of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures.

10. Continent you're in?

North America.

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recogized for.

I had some art published in a book that our school published.

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.

I’m writing a trilogy. All rough drafts are just about finished, and I just need to edit them now. I’m married, about to have a kid in the way. My comic has just started on Tapas. It’s called Tom and Shelldon.

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?

They do. Most of my family are my followers.

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)

I’m in college, planning on going into animation and illustration.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?

No, not really. I’m hoping to sell some merchandise at conventions, eventually.

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.

Make Tom and Shelldon a TV show.
Publish my trilogy.
Publish a few manga series.

17. Since when did you want to do comics?

I’ve wanted to do them for a while. I’d say since I was around 13? I only just now got up the courage to do it.

18. Desrcribe your art style/writing style.

I do American looking cartoons and manga. I don’t know how to describe either. Someone told me that the Tom and Shelldon comic reminded them of JL8, and I’ve had someone tell me my manga style reminds them of Fire Emblem...

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.

I work in a small back room in our apartment on a glass drawing desk in the corner. It’s quite nice, really.

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?


21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.

Eating. Let’s just go with eating. (I like toying around with making music sometimes.)

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?

I need and want to improved. Tom and Shelldon is my first comic series, so here’s to a bright future of change and improvement!

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.

I would say both, though I want it to just be me. I have a really hard time wanting to impress others. I have a hard time not caring about what other people think.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?

I like online, but you can never beat real life, in my opinion. You just get better connection. At least I do.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.

I’m always wanting to be the class clown and overly nice.

  1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
    "Sean" at the moment haha

  2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
    Male, 20, I'm pretty sure I'll die alone

  3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
    I like Both for different reasons

  4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
    Clip Studio and Sai

  5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
    Whatever I guess.

  6. Favorite Comics
    DC comics? lmao

  7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
    Oohh I love Mark Crilley, Bobby Chiu, Junji ito, Kazuo Umezu, aahhh too many.

  8. Favorite genre of comics?
    Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or anything Dystopian/Utopian, Superheroes, Psychological thrillers and Horror.

  9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
    My Dad. He used to buy me physical comics when I was really young. But I know he also reads them secretly.

  10. Continent you're in?
    We moved from Morrowind to Skyrim.:joy:

  11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recogized for.
    Artist of the year award in highschool.

  12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
    Being a good boye. lol.

  13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?
    Nah, They don't care that much. Except for my dad who supports me with everything. Very chill man.

  14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)

  15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
    Just a hobby.

  16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
    A publishing contract maybe? haha

  17. Since when did you want to do comics?
    When I was 12.

  18. Desrcribe your art style/writing style.
    Messy, but I like it as it is.

  19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
    In my desk where dreams go to rest.

  20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
    My favorite reply: I'll be there next time.

  21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
    Archery. In Skyrim and IRL.

  22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
    Lots of room to grow.

  23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
    a bit of both. But I really value my own happiness.

  24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
    Both. I find it amazing to be friends with people online especially if they're from a different part of the world because
    it's like seeing a glimpse of that place and its culture through a person.

  25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
    hhmm. I dunno I'm a very giggly person. Heck, I even lose it just to see a duck walking. Yes, I find ducks very funny.

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
Prince Wumbl / Sonny

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
Male, gay, 20 y/o, engaged

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
Both. I have more readers on Webtoon but Tapas has a better interface and works better.

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
CLIP Studio Paint, and a WACOM graphics tablet.

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
I have comics in both styles. Traditional panelling is fine, but vertical scroll is a bit more fun to play with and is easier to read on a phone.

6. Favorite comics?
Hellblazer, Preacher and Uzumaki.

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
Junji Ito, Man Of Action, Kaneoya Sachiko, Garth Ennis, Roddy Doyle and Hidehiko Araki

8. Favorite genre of comics?
Horror, supernatural and action comics.

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
Reading them tbh.

10. Continent you're in?

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recognized for.
I've got an A-level college qualification in Creative Writing.

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
Creating Jahanni Comix.

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
None. I'm not in university or anything. I'm learning comic creation through workshopping and mentoring with the other skilled artists I know.

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
I make some money, but it's not a full time job yet.

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
Making this my job and making stories people will remember.

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
I've been making them since I was 8 years old basically, but I started doing it seriously in college (16 y/o) .

18. Describe your art style/writing style.
Art style: Intense lineart, fun colour palettes and exaggerated emotion. Compared to JJBA a lot.
Writing style: cynical, comedic streak, traditionally british (as in, kind of gritty and raw), apparently dialogue is my strength

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
My office is just a corner in my apartment with a desk and my computer set-up. Nothing too special. I have a desktop computer for creating art, and an old laptop for writing - I prefer the laptop's keyboard for fast typing.

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
Massive extrovert.

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Blogging, videogames, collecting horror comics and making music. Oh, and thrifting.

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
No artist should ever be satisfied, or they will stagnate.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
Myself. If I make stuff I like it will impact people regardless because I have weird tastes.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
I'm the same in person as online. I'm really talkative and intense. I love people. I am super expressive.

Ah! Thank you for doing so!
I was quite a little overwhelmed when people started asking me if I am interviewing them for a publishing thing. When really the point of this is just for fun and knowing each other more specifically.

Can people chill, have fun and not take things very seriously :sweat_smile: if people don't wanna answer these questions I am legitimately fine with it and you all can just move along, simple as that. :clap:

1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)
Vothn Thorvaldson. What a surprise! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
I'm not too sure how pertinent it is, but as I'm saying it all over the forum anyway.. No gender, no gender/sex preferences, married, 38.

3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?

Both, but I may stop Webtoon as it seems hopeless for my comic, there.

4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
Artrage 5, Huion Kamvas GT-156HD

5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?

Page. I hate vertical paneling. It's painful for me to read, and I find it very often (not always!) associated with "for quick consumption", bland, stereotypical comics with zero re-readability. I'll still give a chance to very original vertical comics, but they start with an handicap, in my eyes.

6. Favorite comics?
Nausicaa, Corto Maltese

7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
My favorite artist is Gustave Moreau.
Writers : Lots, and varied! A non-comprehensive, random sample, from what I can see in my bookshelves from where I'm sitting: Proust, Melville, the alliterative revival, RK Narayan, Tove Jansson, the Southern Gothic, Milton, Mallarmé. I have a passion for Old- and Middle-English literature.
Comics: Hugo Pratt, Marcel Gotlib, André Franquin (not at all old school euro haha)

8. Favorite genre of comics?
Not sure. I may like anything. I'd say Fantasy is a genre that I find particularly adapted for comics. I don't like many comedy comics.

9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
Nothing in particular. I merely realized comics would be the best media to tell my story.

10. Continent you're in?
North America and Europe. Rarely at the same time though :grin: Right now, North America.

11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recognized for.
This kind of things do not exist where I grew up.

12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
My main achievement would maybe be.. to live a life where happiness is not depending on achievements? :stuck_out_tongue:

13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?

14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
FINALLY left school 7 years ago. Call me Dr Thorvaldson :laughing: (Biology PhD)

15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
Side hobby, no ambition to make it more than that.

16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
Goals: Improve my drawing, my German and Arabic, my guitar/oud/recorder playing.

17. Since when did you want to do comics?
Less than one year. New hobby. But I was drawing and writing since long, other format/media.

18. Describe your art style/writing style.
I'll quote myself from another thread: "Art: Colorful, but not in a typical way for comics (I think?).
I'm not sure how to explain that. I'm using a variety of bright, sometimes somewhat clashing colors, but like a field of wild flowers, or the colors of food in a traditional market; Simple, but no superficial; Reminiscent of pre-1990' children books.
Writing: Somewhat complex plots, lots of stories-within-stories; Mostly contemplative, no quick action, everything happens over time."

19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
I mostly draw when I'm traveling to see my family in the winter. They are on 4 different continents, so I draw in airports, in train stations, and in random family flats.

20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
Extreme introvert

21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
Music (listening and (bad) playing), learning languages, growing plants, looking at stuff through microscope, reading..

22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
The idea of having nothing to improve is frightening.

23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
Myself first, but it's always nice to make a few other people happy.

24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
Mostly online. It's very difficult to find RL people with interests similar to mine, and I have zero need for socialization that does not include a huge part of intellectual stimulation.

25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
In real life, I'm mostly a hermit, and I barely manage to act somewhat polite when I have to see people.
Online I'm more open and friendly.

Continent you're in?
We moved from Morrowind to Skyrim.:joy:

@Sean Traitor!!!! :fearful: No volcano, god or other will make me leave Morrowind! :joy:

  1. Name/s you go by (username is fine)

  2. Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc)
    Straight. Male. 26. Single.

  3. Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why?
    Both. I hope cross promoting my stuff betters my chances of being seen.

  4. What are the art programs you use/equipment you use to do your comics?
    I don't do art. I write.

  5. When you post your comics online do you prefer vertical panelling or the tradional single page pannelling? Why?
    Traditional single page panelling, I guess? It's all I know. I don't alter the completed pages, except resizing them so they're within regulation for both tapas and Webtoons.

  6. Favorite comics?
    On here, that would be Suihira; The City of Water, Princess, Sign Here and ToonHole.
    Then there would be Immortal Hulk and Uber which I currently pick up at my comic shop.

  7. Favorite artists, writers, comic creators?
    Scott Snyder, Kieron Gillen, Jason Brubaker, Nicholas Briggs, Steven Moffat, Ryan Ottley.

  8. Favorite genre of comics?
    Pretty broad for this. Action, comedy, horror. Pretty much, if the art intrigues me, I'll look into it, read it to see if it's something I'll like to continue reading.

  9. What or who inspired you to do comics?
    Calvin & Hobbes and The Peanuts.
    I read those two titles in third grade and that sparked my interest and love for comics.

  10. Continent you're in?
    North America.

  11. State any achievement you have from school that you have been awarded/ recogized for.
    I have yet to be recognized for something.

  12. State anything that what you have called an "achievement" in your life.
    I started to publish my stories online.

  13. Do your family members (especially parents) know that you're doing comics or you publish these online?

  14. In what kind/level of school are you in? (art, engineering, etc)
    I'm studying to be an English major. Hopefully next year, I can transfer.

  15. Are you earning for a living when doing your comics, is this a full time job? Or is this just a side hobby you have?
    I would love to earn something from what I do. I know that it's difficult to live solely on writing comics, so while I would love to have it as my only occupation, I'd probably need to do a part time job on top of my comics gig.

  16. State any dreams/goals that you want to reach.
    Be recognized by some publisher and be asked to write for them. I would love to write either Daredevil or Nightwing.

  17. Since when did you want to do comics?
    As mentioned above, in third grade, the two other kids I hung out with all shared my interests. We liked the same types of shows and read the same kinds of books. When we discovered comics, we would spend recess doing our own comics from folded sheets of blank paper.

  18. Desrcribe your art style/writing style.

  19. Describe your workplace where you do all your comics/works. Otherwise provide a picture of it if you want to.
    My desk. Again, I'm not an artist so I have nothing ultra cool to show. I do, however, like to handwrite my stories before typing. So my main work tools would be pen, paper and computer.

  20. Introvert, extrovert or in the middle?
    Somewhat in the middle. I know I can fool people into thinking I'm an extrovert, but I do value my solitude. I'm generally the person who speaks up and gets others to talk when no one else is.

  21. State your hobbies aside from creating comics/ doing art/ writing.
    I like to read. I like to go on bike rides, wander around looking for neat coffee shops to walk in to. Museums are something I just recently got into, as well as watching plays. And staying in the realm of comics, I like to frequent at comic conventions.

  22. Do you think do you still need improvement on what you're doing or are you satisfied with it?
    I think everybody can improve. I know I sure can. I'm satisfied to where I feel brave enough to show off my work. But I know I'm far from reaching what could be considered my best.

  23. Are you inclined to pleasing yourself or everyone or both? Explain. You can cite your experiences too.
    First and foremost, the writing I do (and this should go for every creator) is for me. Do what YOU enjoy doing. By doing so, you're sure to attract people who will enjoy what you do. No one person can please everyone, so enjoy entertaining those that you know you can.

  24. Online friends or real life friends or both?
    Not much of both, really. I can say I know people both online and in person, but wouldn't consider them friends.

  25. Describe your personality in real life and online.
    It all really depends on the person. Mostly, I'm talkative and dorky. However, I am sarcastic, a smartass and tend to be openly critical on many things - which is probably what puts people off. Also, I tend to pick up on cocky attitudes, which I respond by a single word responses and blank expressions.