2 / 10
Oct 2024

I think a trend I noticed with a lot of promotion threads is how... cold they are. People slip in, post a link and then slip out, rarely inviting discussion about their series or for the series they have read or interested in.

I mean, this is fine I think in a vacuum. Even I post in some of those topics once in awhile if only for some filler and to get a new post out there.

I think the problem arises is when no one who subs to the comic actually has any meaningful interactions.

A topic I posted earlier in the week was not only post your comic, but also 2-3 other comics and novels that you enjoyed. I didn't really ask for readers to go into detail as to WHY they liked those comics, but I somewhat expected it.

When I did my comment I gave a short 2-3 sentence explanation on why I enjoyed the look of the comic, why I picked it and then even gave a write up for my own comic a bit and where it was heading.

Sadly a lot of the responses were mostly just lists and the creators comic/novel linked. Most people didn't even click on any of the links shown or anything. Most people just using the topic as another quick post, but one with a condition to do so.

Not shaming any one or anything. And I don't really care if the topic got popular. But it made me wonder how many people ACTUALLY interact with the comics they sub for sub here or even do so casually?

Hell, even some late night reading with eyes glazed over a little bit. Even a few likes, or a comment every 4-5 updates.

It makes me wonder, if this community could even do a weekly reading thread where people post their novel/comic and have people chime in. Maybe write a review of a comic they have read and pass it on in the community.

I think if we ARE going to do promotion threads, SOME amount of effort could be used to make them interesting and inviting.

(Hope people just don't look at the last bit of the topic title, and post then leave XD)

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
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That's why I like making fun/funny game type ones or semi-role plays. it includes more interaction.

There's a couple of reasons people don't like them. The lack of engagement on them is a big part, but there's also the sheer number of them. I had to mute them because otherwise people would spam post them and getting to a non-promo thread would take a ridiculous amount of scrolling and new ones are made daily, often filling up with the same stories being promoted.

Yeah I 100% agree with this. It's getting to the point many people don't even put a summary about what their story is about or even just like "Hey I am this, if you enjoy (blank genres) you might enjoy this story and actually engage with other people's posts and what not. For sure have to mute the sub4subs but yeah people who just post links and expect to get a lot out of it probably don't get much out of it. I think having some form of like doing reviews for each other that actually have good in depth thought behind them and not just "good job!" if you know what I mean. Or have more like fun community events could help. I don't think the sub4sub or promotion threads will ever die down though.

In my opinion, I understand that reading one's work is not another's obligation. But what bothers me is that some creators use promotion threads to promote their work without even considering interacting in the thread itself!

When people create this type of thread to promote something more engagingly, I still see others dropping their work links and leaving. Can't you at least adhere to the promotion requirements? :pensive:

@Leyelle is single-handedly carrying the whole promotion category, if you ask me. It will never not confuse me why people just post their link in a huge thread of links and expect people to click on it, let alone genuinely like and read it. Promotion threads that inspire real conversation about stories are always infinitely better at getting readers and finding things to read. And sometimes people still show up to threads for actual discussion and explaining what the stories are about and just say “read my story here’s a link”. It’s infuriating, especially with how many threads specifically designed for that.. promotion tactic there already are.

I've talked about this before but have always been pretty hush hush (now adays) because some people can disagree.

I personally really detest when people just spam post links in every promotion thread possible. Like, I've seen a few people who have done this where I have to scroll and refresh the page to get to a topic that isn't them just posting a link. The idea of promoting on a few topics, sure. However, once you get over a certain threshold, I suddenly don't want to look at your novel or comic.

The work creators put in is unmatched. Everyone does their job to make their work as good as they can, and they deserve to promote their work. What I don't like is when I see spam of these creators just copy and pasting the link 50 times in 10 minutes. It's hollow, there is no emotion behind the post. And that makes me stray away from those people.

I honestly don't think this is a hot take. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don't think mindless promo threads are ever going away, no matter how many times we ask people to please stop mindlessly spamming every single one of them, because desperate people are gonna be desperate. My only tip is if you're gonna spam your link everywhere, at least take the time to slightly describe the story. I don't care that you're close to 50 subs, I don't even care that you subbed to me, I just want to know what the dang story is about.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I agree. I participate in both discussion-based threads and "post a link and go" threads. :laughing: But I think the discussion centered ones are more engaging for sure. I think people are more likely to check out someone else's work on those types of posts.

I love your art style btw! Feel free to check out my comic if you'd like :slight_smile: