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Oct 2021

Hi there!
Back when I started drawing my series (which was a LONG time ago, as I had quite a long hiatus), a classic book format was the most popular one. Now I see that most artists switched to drawing their comics in a vertical scrolling layout. I started to wonder if it's worth it to add a vertical version for my series.

The pros would be that I could start to post it also on webtoons in addition to tapas (and both versions on tapas). Also, as my series is already really long and number of episodes might be discouraging, it could be a chance for more people to actually start reading it. As for cons, it'd definitely be time-consuming to rearrange panels. As my series is black and white, I was also thinking if I should add some colours to the vertical version, as I have only seen maybe one black-and-white webtoon.

Does anyone of you have your series in both formats? If so, is vertical format doing better?
And as a reader, do you prefer 'classic' or vertical layout in comics?

I'd like to try it, but on another hand I don't have that much time to spare (full-time job) so if it's not that much of a difference then I think I should just focus on new pages.
Any thoughts?

  • created

    Oct '21
  • last reply

    Oct '21
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I have my series in page format on Tapas. I also have my series on Webtoon, but the format is in the process of changing over. I started as page format on Webtoon, but I'm nearly done changing it to vertical scroll format.

I was hoping that changing it to vertical scroll would help with gaining some readership, but so far it hasn't done a darned thing one way or the other. My series does way better on Tapas than on Webtoon (63 subscribers, several of which are active commenters, vs 23 subscribers and 1 active commenter), and I'm reasonably sure that's due to the forum, and being able to interact with people.

Yes, it is a pain to convert pages from page format to vertical (I have one page where I have NO idea how I'm going to manage that....), and so far, for me, it hasn't really paid off. Then again, I think my episodes look better in page format, so I dunno, YMMV.

Before I mention anything else, don't think that Webtoons is limited to vertical scroll comics. While they tend to be the preferred format, you can still make a successful comic using a more traditional page format.

Now this may sound like I'm contradicting myself after what I just said, but vertical scroll is almost always the way to go when you're posting on a platform such as Tapas/Webtoons. It's the most popular format for a reason - readers tend to like the format over a more classic layout. It flows much better on mobile and allows for the panels to be larger which helps when you're looking at such a tiny screen.

That being said, I myself prefer the page format and upload my comic using it (mainly because I hope to one day be able to publish hard copies). It's definitely a "handicap" in the sense that it definitely turns off certain readers, but that's the price I have to pay.

I have considered creating a vertical scroll version in tandem with my original comic before (I actually have the first "vertical" chapter published), but it can be tedious to have to go back and reformat each page, especially if you have 443 episodes to do. Modifying pages to vertical also comes with the downside that the panels we're created with verticality in mind so things might not flow as well.

I'm not sure how much this helped considering each paragraph contradicted the previous but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Guess I'm fairly conflicted with if I should spend time making a vertical version for my comic as well!