20 / 26
Jun 2021

exactly!! goodness i got in trouble in high school when they made us turn in outlines

I could never do one

at least in college they let me just turn in like 'paragraph 1-followed by bullet points' and so on

But planning just the Worsttttt

Listening to music and video essays helps me get through the longest part, lineart. Breaking things up into small pieces also helps, like having a script before starting my rough sketch, and locking layers as I finish each part of the lines or shading. The most important thing is staying excited about what I'm doing and it helps to talk to friends about your work to keep a streak of good work going.

the small tasks does help immensely as well

breaking it down
sadly for me, unless i've done the streaming, i have trouble breaking them down too much
like the "when i finish the line art i can take a small break'

thankfully i'm working on it

For me, it's mini-deadlines and a very consistent schedule. I know exactly what I need to have finished by the end of each day to get an episode done on time, and will just keep going until I get there. Storyboards and sketches need to be done in a day-and-a-half. Lineart and flats need to be done in a day and a half. Colours need to be finished after three days.

That prevents me from ever floundering around with no clue what I want to draw, which was what happened for most of last year. Making a webcomic gives me direction, and it turns out direction was exactly what I needed. I've drawn more in the past five months than I think I have in the past five years.

I don't get bored with the project because I absolutely love the story, so that's helpful too. I may wind up burning low a little in the future; this week was the first week where I've really been like "Uuuugh, I don't wanna work," but that's where the structure and mini-deadlines jump in to save me. I know what I need to do, and I can do it, regardless of whether or not I really want to that day. (And once I had the sketches done, I bounced right back!)

i can get that!
doing this comic is probably the best thing i've done! it's helpedm e draw so much more!

Yo, idk if thats good or not xD but i just make the pages and post when I feel like it xD. about keeping yourself interested or concentrated in it i would say, listen to some music maybe, I cant draw without music, it keeps me up

I watch pokemon while I draw :joy::joy: fortunately this is long but idk what I'm gonna do when I finish watching the series :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: will have to wait for new chapters in Spanish or watching it again in English to see if i get it xdddd i could watch other series but that means wasting time looking for some series dubbed in Spanish and i could minimally enjoy without being too distracted by it :cry:

Me too xddf that's why I can work a lot of hours while watching it, because it makes me wanna draw to watch pokemon HAHAHAHA
It also helped that I finally decided what comic I was focusing on.

My only problem with music us that I always end up listening to the same bands and songs and I don't want to end up hating them :joy::joy::joy:

hey, ive been diagnosed with adhd like 3 separate times since I was 8 and I prefer being unmedicated
I switch from task to task a LOT so I don't get bored or feel braindead
like I'll do a few minutes of concept sketches then do some writing then do some lineart then take a break. Rinse, repeat with whatever seems fun.
rn I'm avoiding coloring ;w; but I know I have to ;;;;;
and I try not to worry about how much I get done per day cause overworking is bad for you

i also usually have TV shows or youtube going on in the background

But I've only ever gotten bored when I didn't know what I was doing with the story or the characters and had to take a break for a few days to recharge

sometimes having my music helps and or doing some physical work like cleaning gets some ideas flowing,but also taking a break here and there lets me see some errors as i go along

I gave up on trying to keep a schedule a looong time ago lol. My thing is that I have to want to do it. If I feel like writing is becoming an obligation and not a hobby, I’ll absolutely lose interest.

Hahahahahaha i just needed something to distract me more cause.i ended up bored of listening music during hooours and hours of work 🤯

maybe some podcasts? I use music a lot so i have to keep finding something new so i travel from anime openings to Friday night funkin music (which i'm liking a lot lately for some reason xD) i even tried so instrumentals and another weird stuff that i prefer not to mention

I am now really curious about the weird stuff you prefer not to mention hahahahha

I've tried a few methods and here's how I've sort of managed it. The easiest part to address is keeping myself interested into it. Of course, I have several ideas but I make sure to write down only the most important aspects I'll need for later (a general overview, barebones character descriptions). My current project: SUMMON! is an example of this. Since starting development in 2017, I've played around with other ideas and I use that time as a personal break. But I keep myself centered on my current project since I have an overarching goal with it: Demonstrate character design and practice multiple art fundamentals. Plus, I've worked on it for so long, I want to see it to the end. I work in batches of time, say 2-3 hours straight, 15 minute rest, 2-3 hours straight.

Fuel is critical in everything. A good amount of water, a little sugar (dark chocolate and hard candy) to keep me awake and a solid playlist varying genres like Jazz/Bossa Nova/Chillhop, to songs associated with a project. Admittedly, some audio dramas/ASMR/Roleplays have helped as well. Throw in songs you can just vibe to or just have fun with to make the process more enjoyable. Plus, during my breaks, stretch the whole body and (physically) step away from the work to allow yourself to reset and stay centered. Top it all of with the promise to draw/write/create everyday. No matter how small or large, no matter if it's published or personal. Even enjoying art counts! A little art everyday.

It may not work for everyone, but I'm partial to the old-school "push on, even if it's tough" sort of mentality. "Welcome to the Mountain Top" sort of thinking. It's all self-accountability. I set this goal, I want to see it to the end. I will see it to the end no matter what. If it's tough, I'll persevere. My ambitions are greater than my adversities. Effective blocking of time and time-conscious planning are key for me. My current project's production is clearly outlined and I plan it out to not take too much time.

TL;DR: It's all self-accountability, self-discipline and a healthy amount of obsession. In the simplest of terms, my key is the phrase "No Matter What" in regards to creating and seeing a goal to a successful end.

i dont.

i've done the whole push through it regardless during times where focusing or sitting still is difficult and the result has been massive burnout and a huge toll on mental and physical wellbeing so my coping mechanism is just going at my own pace even if it slows to molasses because no matter what i know that i'm not gonna be able to move at the same pace as some neurotypical person (our brains work different)

Things that've helped (tho not everything falls under my control) is doing what i can to foster an environment that boosts my creativity and my mood whether that's music, playing anime/cartoons/movies in the background, those voice acting asmr audio things or just nature sounds off of mynoise or some youtube channel. having things relatively clean and orderly also helps so even if i'm not directly workin on a project organizing my space and my notes can help a lot because as i'm cleaning the space i'm clearing my head and if i'm lucky it helps me brainstorm while i'm doing the work/daydream combo

i've also found that i tend to work best at night when everything is quiet and the house is mostly asleep so while it's not the best for everything else i've adapted to be somewhat "nocturnal" to keep awake during my more productive hours but also balance some so that i can sleep. i imagine that whenever or if ever i manage to move out i can work at more respectable hours but till then it's how i function.