5 / 18
Mar 14

nope, I have made zero cents, and I've had ad revenue unlocked for like a year

if that's true, it must not cross over from month to month, because I've gotten just 30 impressions short of 500 in a month, and hundreds (though not in the same month) in the following months, and I've not made even one cent

I think the exact number varies, but yes, you need about 500 ad impressions to expect that first cent, at least for a comic. I've heard some people needed more than 750. I wouldn't stress about it, If you get $0.01 per month and you need $25 to make a withdrawal, it'll take over 208 years to make that money.

I've made $0.40 through ad revenue so far, and I've been monetized since July 2024. That's ~9 months, and I had nearly 30k regular views in that same time period. Hope you didn't plan on making any real money via ads! Probably only the biggest comics make any money that way, if even then.

WebComics are a one-sided relationship, readers gets a story to read, while author gets...well, a health decline, no revenue involved :laughing:

I think of it more as a hobby than a job! The amount of work it takes to sustain yourself on comics primarily or alone is inhuman.

My ad impressions count last month was 718, but still I have no income.
I heard it used to be easier, with ad revenue possible at around 500.
It's getting more and more strict now...:anguished:

I've only made like, 70$ in 5 years with that :astonished:

You have to hit over 100 ad impressions in one day to get a cent.
Well, it used to be that way before 2022.

In Oct 2022 I received a whooping 23 cents for over 3800 Ad impressions for the month.

Hm, that's interesting, it could be daily rather than monthly! That would explain it. Too bad most of my viewers use adblock, then!

Today I received my first advertising revenue. After having 80 Ad impressions in a single day, I received 0.01 dollars.

Previously, some forum members said that you would receive income with 500 Ad impressions per month, while others said it was 100 Ad impressions per day. But both statements seem to be correct in certain situations. Because if we only look at the daily count, then calculating monthly impressions and resetting every month doesn't make sense.

Perhaps it's calculated by combining various factors? The officials don't seem to have provided a clear standard.

Yep, maybe I was just wrong! Views per day corresponds to income of that day. It didn't occur to me that the views would only be calculated daily.