81 / 122
Apr 2021

I am 29 :sparkles: and will be 30 next Sunday 🥲

Oh geez I guess I'm one of the infants. 18 next month.

21! im baby

22, birthday is in just a few short weeks though :scream:

Also 26 and turning 27 next month :slight_smile:

21, since 2 months ago :point_right::point_left:

Second week of being 23 years old

I will be turning 20 this winter :confounded:
Thanks to everyone, i thought I am too old for Tapas :joy: but I am on the younger site here.

Hey there! Currently 18, turning 19 in less than a week!

I feel like a baby crawling around on all fours in this landscape...I'm turning 19 in exactly a month.

Hello friends! I’m 28, turning 29 in June :smile:

24 :v:

24! Writing for 6 years now

Oh my! 33 now, will be 34. :green_heart:

29, but i'm turning 30 on April 19 :slight_smile:

24 years old

23, soon to be 24 in three weeks and almost a half!

Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

  • insert surprised pikachu face *
    I'm 20. Hadn't expected that so many people here would be older than me!

uh wow everyone is in their twenties, 16 going to be 17 this year
Maybe I’m the youngest in this thread.
Here is my link; I'm fixing some flaws, but you can still read it.
Its sci-fi, and action.

Early twenties, but I already feel so old. Idk why I'm so afraid of becoming old T.T Anyone feel the same way?
Here's my first novel, my grammar is sucks but I'm trying to be a better writer :smile:

I'm 19 turning 20 this year

I hope you will like it

Hey! I'm 20 and going 21 in May!!!

I'm 17! I sometimes feel like a baby compared to everyone else here, haha :sweat_02:

I'll be 25 next month!

I'm 36, will be 37 on August 21st. People still often think I'm in my late 20s when they see me, though. It'll probably catch up to me eventually.

Same as this post above me. Just turned 36 but I'm pretty much still in my 20s at heart. I started my comic in my early 20s too and have revived it. My teen characters would all be in their 30s now too and I relate more to the adultsnow. Heh.:sweat_smile:

Greetings! I turned 26 in March!

I'm 28. I'll be turning 29 this summer.

Oooh, 28, turning 29 in a few months! Almost about to hit the big 30 haha.