6 / 6
Jun 2021

It's 3 am, trying to relax to some LoFi.

I've had this draft written up since the new year, I've just held off on pressing the send button, there was always something better to improve. A better way to word it.

And now it's sent, I'm very anxious about this and I'm trying to lower my expectations, but I'm also glad I did send it. So if you're wavering as I did on that send button, just do it.

Unlike crushes, the worst they can say is "No."

  • created

    Jun '21
  • last reply

    Jun '21
  • 5


  • 495


  • 6


  • 14


Hey good luck, and like you said, the worst thing is that they say "this isn't a good fit right now" and then you don't have to worry about it any more. Better to send something off than regret never sending it at all.

Its 4 am and i cant sleep, maybe i should prepare a pitch too

Good luck on your application!

I pitched a book to Premium recently. I hope both our stories are accepted!