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Feb 2019

Straight to the point, if for any kind of reason you are not sure about becoming a comic artist in the future, is there any other job you would like to do?
Or maybe, is there another career you'd like to pursue always in the art field? (Character designer, illustrator, animator, concept art etc etc....) :smiley:

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Feb '19
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I'm the kind of person who gets passionate about just about ANYTHING creative. Writing, digital art, drawing, animation, photography, music, theater, film. You name it and I've probably aspired to become it at some point (I also plan to). I just love creating and telling stories. So anything along those lines will do just fine for me.

However, if I had to choose something outside of that, it would definitely have to do with biology/ethology or astronomy. Part of me still wants to do something like that someday. Diving into the deep ocean, spending days on a boat searching for life in the bottom of the sea, charting stars and studying the phenomena outside of our earth. Nature and the universe work in so many amazing ways we've yet to understand and I've always loved the idea of studying it.

I guess there was a point in time where I had to choose between my love of art and my love of nature (career-wise that is), and I guess creativity won in the end. But I still like to see myself like that sometimes.

i guess I can settle with just the Astronomy Magazine for now. And maybe I'll be a wildlife photographer when I get older and all my books have been sold. Then I can get down and dirty with the fishes without needing a masters in science. :grin:

I faced this sort of decision a few years ago while I was still in college. Had no idea what I actually wanted to do, but knew I wanted to do something involving art or design (but not straight up major in art, I wanted something with a concrete job path). My sort-of dream job at the time was animation, but I didn't think ahead about that before applying to schools, so the one I went to didn't really have many animation courses. After experimenting some, I stumbled into the Architectural design major, and pursued that as my career~ My job involves 3D modeling buildings and deriving drawings from them. Definitely scratches my design itch! As for animation, I haven't really pursued that any further yet, but comics as a hobby kind of scratches that itch as well. It's similar to animation, but with fewer frames xD

My principal professional-level knowledge and skills lie in fields of math and programming. They allow me to earn a living... at least, when I'm able to maintain healthy mental state (and most of the time I can't, lol).

I don't want to make career in art fields for a bunch of reasons.
First of all, with my current skill set, I already may earn much more money from programming than from art. So it is more beneficial for me to continue current career path.
Second, my main reason to do any of art is self-expression. I feel no interest in doing art which wouldn't express things which I personally want to express. Yes, I've dreamed to make some money from my comics, maybe not comparable to normal salary, but at least comparable to my PhD school scholarship. And of course I will be happy if I will succeed in it someday. But if I would work as an artist for another person, I will draw what they want, not what I want.
So... drawing things which I don't want, and likely for a very small amount of money, while I can earn more with my main profession? I see no sense in it for myself.

i always say to myself if all else fails imma become a train driver. i love trains and they pay out the wazoo

tho fr im planning to supplement my career with teaching / workshop facilitating and also printmaking

I don't work in any artistic field, drawing for me is a hobby and will stay a hobby because I want it that way.
I want art to stay something I enjoy doing, I know myself and feeling forced to draw would would make me hate drawing and get unproductive.
Also depends on the country you're living, artistic field (and mostly only doing comics) is sometimes difficult and can't provide you enough to live nicely.

I tend to get this question at my current work, too; "Why didn't you pursue something more artsy? You seem so talented."

Honestly, I'm not much of a risk taker, so going into the sciences as a career felt like a more secure move. I do like my job(researcher/technician (biology)), so I'm not stuck in a place that I hate going to everyday.

Secondly, I love art and comics, I really do, so I'd hate to make it feel like a job. I dunno, I guess I'm worried it wouldn't be as fun if I had to rely on it for steady income :frowning:

Well, right now I am studying to be an Electrical Engineer. As things are now, and if they keep looking up, I could be looking at a career with Com-Ed -- one of the bigger electric firms in the Mid-West of the US.

Like many others have mentioned, I like to keep art/comics as a hobby. I wouldn't mind making some money here and there from commissions, but other than that, I just wanna do this all for fun.

I don't mind the Engineering, tho. If anything, it's the third thing I enjoy the most, after art/writing and music. It started when I was young building with LEGOs and it evolved from that. So at least I know I'm going into a field I'll enjoy. Probably not to the length I enjoy art, but then again, some things are just left to be for pleasure and pleasure only :blush:

hmm i havent thought about it

maybe id like to be a movie actor :grinning: ( aim high right )

think ill give that a shot if lady luck is on my side :grin:

maybe i can be one of the bad guys that gets beaten up by marvel heroes :grin: