61 / 76
Nov 2018

@amortelito sorry for being late again I am embarrassed to always say I am sick and I also injured my hand so yes sorry for being late...
you are right that's so true when you think about it I am happy with what I have also I hate numbers too since it makes it like numbers decide if it's worth it or not...

I did have but I give up since i hated people judging me based of where i am from and so on so I was a coward hahaha... I decided to only return to my tumblr and youtube since instagram and twitter changed over the years and i feel more comfortable in tumblr and youtube since I want to make a video to explain my self i know it's weird but since it's bothers me better just go and tell them the truth and embrace both of my names again... hahaha sorry for talking alot it's hard to find people to hear me out... I am so lost these days I am trying to get on my feet I no matter what anyone says i only feel happy n confident when i draw and write alor of people say i have more than that but i don't know what i have i know what i want but now i am seeing grey as every color mixed for me not to be able to know what color it was actually hahaha sorry i will stop :slight_smile: thank you again amortelito

@kazukitakamura126 sorry for being late and thank you :') you are right and you said it right :> I am glad the person who won the contest was someone I believed in and respected ... I don't mean to be rude but I just didn't feel like the one they choose for a slice of life were anything amazing as a writer but as an artist I think they are good but I don't like the idea of what it sells i believe in what is purely good story/art... the final winner was someone who had both art and story she was an amazing writter who took care of every character adding to their personality making them like her babies studying to get depth in the story i don't mean that because i followed her for years or that its not the case for other but for me as a writer i can feel (i know its weird but its just my feeling) when this person did their best or so on idk how to word it so sorry for being weird i just felt happy yesterday when i knew she win cause she was the only one i would feel proud to lose too... and about you and me too lets do our best shall we? XD let's show them we are the BEST IN OUR OWN WAAAY!!!!

You're not worthless. Most of us are in the same boat as you. Trying hard to make it, being disappointed when no one has read your work. It's the reality of our medium - on the internet no less.

Nothing happens instantly, everybody goes through disappointing times, but it's what you do despite all of this is will bring you closer towards wherever you want to go. Trust me on this, you're not alone. A lot of us are with you. Not just web comics, but in everything else.

"Why is Logan Paul more popular, he sucks" says the youtuber
"Why is Lil Pump more popular, he sucks" says the fire lyricist
"Why did the guy who let others do the work for him get the promtion?" says the hardworking upstart.

It's more common than you think. No one in the top instantly got there.
They suffered, toiled, for years. Despite this, they never gave up. This webcomic path you chose if you wish to pursue it like most of us have, will lead to a billion heartbreaks and heartaches but keep at it. Never forget why you love making your work.

Lastly, the internet is a battleground. A battleground for the time and attention of everyone. You HAVE to go out there and interact with people, you have to show them who you are and draw them to your work. No one will randomly find you and appreciate you for what it is. You have to communicate.

You know how you just pass by posts in twitter and facebook because you dont care, but suddenly you find this gem of a post that's amazing? That could be your gem. That's if, you show people your gem.

Imma hit you up on twitter and share your stuff.
It wasnt too long ago that I was in your place.
I haven't exactly "made it" nor have I made money off of my passion yet, but I'm very comfortable with myself right now, and I'm just happy to be trying hard and going for my dreams!

can I hug you I will hug you even if you say no hahaha hugs you you are right sometimes things look unfair but I am sure we will reach it one day ...

you are right it's like a bloody battlefield .... WE CAN DO IT... I think we can hahaha x'D I just saw my old work (less than a year old) and was like .... how did i think this was good? URGH!
btw ur drawing is so cute and unique from far away it reminded me of Osamu Tezuka's style.
thank you and i saw it and it made me so happy!!! thank you again!

Hey! You're definitely not wothless. I entered that contest too, and I didn't place. I was so upset, I hadn't made a comic again since because of all of the time a day work I put into it. It's OK to feel this way though. I'm trying hard as well to get back into making comics but tbh I feel like I'll mess it up as usual. I think because you have such a strong passion, you should continue doing what you love!

You're welcome, I'm currently in your position so I know... :smile:
The reason I stay is not purely I love my work, I just don't wanna waste my effort... I Just fake it until I make it, thinking I can be something.
It's cause me great deal of emotional distress, because on contrary with what I said to you... I rely all my worth on others opinion of me, if my work has low subscriber I will think of it as bad. I have been thinking of quitting multiple times.

Life is unfair, is never fair and it's the way it is; the one who says it's fair are lying to themselves.
Why this work is cliched garbage but widely appraised? They have shitty art and don't even bother to improve it, but still popular? The person acts like total garbage, why anyone bother be a fan?

Those are normal intrusive thought... I have thoughts about that too. Envy is rooted in a sense of injustice. Sometimes that's damaging and malicious, although can be justified in some instances. It's so unfair, why I can't just curse their existence... But I can't and I don't need to.

Try to think positive... Maybe I'm not that good or ready yet for the breakthrough, or there is a better way for me in the future. We don't know fate, maybe those you envy now will become no one years later... Just be and believe in ourselves I guess, and try to bring the best version of it. At least being happy with your own is an achievement.

Anyway good luck, and your drawing style is unique :slight_smile:

@Taru_Chan Hello Worthless!
I'm also Worthless. :smile: Nice to meet you!

Joke aside, I'm glad that you're happy now. :slight_smile: I'm kind of late for this topic.

"The moment nobody cares about you.
When you're unnoticable, you can truly do anything you want.
That's real freedom."
- a quote from my comic.3

@senkzombie hugs you I feel you... can you show me your comic, please? I will be your fan <3 let's do our best, shall we? I am sure one day it will pay off so let's enjoy what we love for now

@kainatarma hugs you and pinch your cheeks sorry to do that since we might not be close yet but I needed too! YOU ARE GOOD AT WRITING AND YOU ARE AMAZING JUST SUBBED TO YOU AFTER READING THE PROLOGUE !!!! please don't quit!!!
I... for me .. my problem is I am scared to share my other me who is my real identity (real name) at first i used to use my real name then i went to taru n now i am divided between two personalities more like two identities... you are thinking why I do that? that's simply because i don't want people misjudging me based on where i am from or misjudge my country and so on because of me i am just a weird person born there not everyone like me i am trying to find a way i have many questions many thoughts organizing it is a hassle hahaha I wonder when will i finally figure everything out....

hugs you more and pats your back (I think you are a girl so if not please excuse me for hugging you alot)

yes you are right that's very true i mean we don't know whats best for us i am sure god is trying to lead us to better things...

thank you and you too !!! :tulip:

@kainatarma you are welcome :heart: :rose:

hahaha you are right XD the thing is i have been going by my real name for years then just 2 years ago or so i changed it to taru (also people in real life and my family too know taru i used to put my real name and taru together hahahaha) and i am trying to make people forget that this me is not taru and vice versa and you can see how confusing and weird that is ... people in real life know i am an artist and a writer trying to make them forget that and not show them is hard even if they are my family or so on x'D

i see and i understand :slight_smile: people like you are amazing i don't know why i am the type who is too honest for my good hahaha

I was talking about comics. I did read the prologue of Relative, it brilliantly used the webcomic's scrolling format. I liked when the main character said everything went black and you added a gradient to extenuate that point. I like the way you draw the hair it has a certain sketchy look to it. I also host my two shorties I wrote on Webtoons but it doesn't see much traffic. I can provide a link to though comics if you are interested in taking a look at them.

My Hollow Heart: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/my-hollow-heart/my-hollow-heart-cover/viewer?title_no=186586&episode_no=13
My Lost Heart: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/my-lost-heart/list?title_no=2360451

20 days later

sorry for taking too long to reply to you since alot happened in my life
thank you for the nice comments ^^
I read "my hollow heart" it was nice and cute i like the way you color the soft coloring methods its so nice :> I wish the story was more of a scroll one since webtoon style doesn't make it easy to go to the next episode or page smoothly
anyway good luck to both of us!

Hi TaruChan,

I read through your comic and your artwork does have it's merits. Whatever you do, don't give up, I can see genuine potential with your talents.

that being said, this line of thinking isn't really useful. I suggest you perhaps restructure your perspective and think things through a little more.

From what I can tell from this post, is that your insecurities as a creator stem from not getting immediate returns from your efforts, this is because you haven't quite found your niche yet.

Find out what it is you want to create then try to refine this until you achieve what you've set out to do.

If you want to create something immensely popular, then get a formula that is popular and adapt it so it's still artistically gratifying for you, but also interesting for the reader.

Keeping in mind that this may also mean making concessions from your original vision as an artist for your works.

If you want to create something personal, unique or weird than you'll have to accept that this won't appeal to everyone, and that it will likely not be as popular.

If you still feel unsatisfied with your work, try getting an editor to help out and direct your ideas, so your overall creation will be more polished.

I hope that helps,


I find the traditional comic method to be quite expressive. The scroll type can convey the same emotions if its in the right hands.