18 / 19
Sep 2019

i know people are going to take this the wrong way because you cant please everyone... i guess

so for the last 10 hours, i have been dwelling on my comic, i wanted to make a topic asking if it meant anything to anyone but am too afraid since because of they way my mind works, i have tarnished my rep on here and people seem to like to rub it in my face, or... thats how my mind sees it.

I have autism, i hate using it as an excuse, it is a valid one but i was told in the past to basically "stop being autistic then" so... i donno anymore...my mind interprets things differently than other people, what people may see as helping i see as unhelpful, annoying, belittling.

because of this i can come off as whiney, hypocritical, or just a bitch that pisses people off.

I've thought about wiping myself out of the existence of Tapas because these things were said to me. the only thing that keeps me sane is my comic. its an escape from reality for me, where im not getting the cops called on me just for checking the mail (yeah that schizophrenic neighbour is a cop chaser, he either threatens to kill me, vandalize my car or just calls the cops at the sight of me, before you ask, the cops won't do anything about the threats)

I guess i also should mention i suffer from Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). but you can look that up.

to be honest, i don't know what i'm looking for, i'm not sure if its validation, reassurance, clarification?

if anyone suggests going to therapy, i will be ignoring those comments, i had bad experiences, i can't stand them.

I don't know where i'm going really, maybe.

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    Sep '19
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    Sep '19
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I don't think people have a problem with you personally per se.
But from what I've seen from my time here on the forums is often your posts come off as rash and typed in the heat of the moment. Sometimes you do go back to the thread to clear things up when you've cooled off, so that's good.

Granted, I know a stressful environment like the one you're living in is not conducive to level-headed interaction. But sometimes it may help when you're typing out responses, to let it sit in the tab, open a new tab to do something else for a few minutes, and then come back to your response and re-read it to be sure that's really what you want to articulate.

I second this tip. If I'm REALLY angry and I can tell, I type out the whole thing, and give it a minute. Chances are I'll discard the post or shorten it to just my main point, having put it out of my thoughts, but no longer saying something I'll regret.

I do second/third the suggestion of typing a response in a separate tab (or perhaps on notepad) and then mulling it over after you have calmed down. Perhaps it may help to read it, update it with calmer thoughts or just erase altogether and realize that maybe it's not worth aggravation. I hope that is something that can help.

I am sorry that you have heard someone saying "Stop being autistic then". That's...wow that's astonishingly bad and lacking in empathy. No one can...stop being themselves.

However, if you read something that riles you up, not only take the suggesting of typing the first thing that comes to mind and then taking a few minutes to calm down, but also when you return to it, re-read those posts too. Maybe there is something that is missed that may help. I wish I could add more to help.

I mean anytime you voice any opinion on any subject, people are going to agree with you or not. People are going to like and not like you just by the way you behave. You simply cannot please everyone.
I think a lot of people have run along with the idea that the internet is a safe place for everyone, where no one is left out and everyone gets along.

This is and will never be the case.

Why? Because we are human. Just because we are interacting with each other over a computer or phone screen doesn't mean we don't act the same as we do in real life. We form groups of like minded people and reject those we don't like. All things that are natural not only to our species, but to many social species.

Like what @joannekwan said, its not an attack on you personally. Just the way you behave that can rub people the wrong way.
I remember see you start other conversations to ask for advice or help, only to shut everyone down while getting angry at those who commented. These people are trying to help, and you throw it back in their faces while behaving in ways that makes others not want to help you in the future.
Before pressing Reply, think about what you said. Think about with a calmer mind, not while all your troubles have made your head go a million miles an hour.

If typing what is on your mind helps, but you don't want or can take other peoples thoughts, just open a Microsoft Word page or something similar and write. Save it or discard it, but at least you got it off your chest.
If you do want other peoples help, don't be so quick to reject their advice. Yes, not all advice can help, but it also doesn't help to be negative about taking on advice.
Trolls will always be a thing, but this is where you taking the time to collect your thoughts will help you deal with them. They love getting people upset and the more upset you are, the easier it is for people to make fun of you. Keep calm and think before posting, or simply don't post. The easiest way to defeat a troll is not to feed them.

It's great that your comic is an escape, a lot of people feel the same way. But if you are having trouble on the forum, maybe just stick to your own comic and comments. You can interact with people who like your work and not think of you as such if that is what you are worried about.

You're not unliked, bud. I have a couple of friends who have autism. In fact my friend, Austin is autistic, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in Art and Animation. I'm proud of his accomplishment. People have things to do offline, that's all.

I mean, I've thought of you as abrasive in some posts and in other posts I'm in complete agreement with you Like @joannekwan said, going back through and clarifying on your previous points after cooling down is a good Idea. I won't tell you how to better yourself, but you mindfulness over your past actions is good and refreshing. From what I've seen, I don't think you're disliked on here.

If you think that your comic is helping you cope then by all means continue to do so. I do the same when I make my comics or draw things as a way to help myself. It's fine to see things differently too. I think people can't perceive certain text well because it can often give off a different tone than the intended one. Misinterpretation. It's a fault on both parties, perhaps, but it shouldn't be a reason for you to quit tapas unless you really feel that this community is toxic and impatient for you or in general makes you feel sad. I used to have a facebook full with friends and family but deleted it because it made me depressed and I piss people off due to the way I worded things. I meant one way but they see as another. I deleted it only because it always made me sad whenever I get on there. Now I state this experience because if you feel that tapas as a community have made you feel unwell every time you get on there then you should take a short break from it and deal some chill time with yourself...after a couple of days go back to it and see how you feel.

Now for the that police comment and neighbor problem...what state do you live? Different state have different laws in regarding regulations and methods. I only ask because I used to study criminal justice so I know a bit of the law, not enough to be a lawyer but enough to know that sound unprofessional and unethical on their part.

And lastly, you can take my words like a grain of salt. You don't have to take my advice. You can ignore it. I'm just putting in my own two cents. I hope you'll get better and that someone have provided a better solution/advice than I do.

Canada, specifically Ontario, the whole issue is since the guy has Paranoid Schizophrenia... they told us they CAN'T arrest him

and nah, your advice is much appreciated

I like you @BobbyjoeXforgotensb and I think it's important for you to keep up your hobby of making your comic. If it's your escape and brings you joy, keep working on it! If this community is too much for you, maybe stay off the forums for a while until you're ready to join back in. I mean, sometimes I have to do this with the news. I get sad or angry when I see the news sometimes and it's calming to break away from it for a bit.
But I've never seen your name on here and thought anything badly of you. I think it's great you're in this community, but if you need a break from it for a while, you should take it.

honestly just like everyone said which I'm sure you do not want to hear all over again, think about what you post. let it sit and come back to it. I myself have done this before and 90 percent of the time, I ended up deleting it because I didn't want to give people the wrong idea. so yes it's very important to cool off then come back to what it is you want to say to make sure you aren't coming off rude.

also, you want to slow down on tarnishing your image as well because there is nothing as distasteful as a whiny artist who wants attention. matter of fact, it's going to pull people away from your work and make them not even want to try and read it at all. and when advice is given, take it with a grain of salt. people will have their one opinion about things as long as they aren't directly rude to you.

I've seen your posts several times and honestly, I don't think I paid too much attention to it. not that I don't want to it's just that the subject you focused on isn't something i was necessarily drawn to so I can't speak on your behavior on here.

I have said this before, I do like you. Not everyone has to be all happy and positive, I am a pretty negative person myself, and understand how can you can feel ostracized when others project a more joyous vibe. Sometimes you just want to rant and whine and, in my opinion, that's okay.
I think that you are going through a lot, it must be hard to not feel attacked by harmless comments.
I also want to say that I love Royal very much, I don't know, it has a spark that I can't explain. It makes me very happy when I see an update and I hope you keep creating it as long as it makes you happy too.

I don't want to become a stalker by constantly trying to lift your spirit when you post sad stuff, :joy: but I'm just telling the truth, I'm saying exactly what I think.

just gonna reiterate most others here, don’t delete the comic if it’s your coping mechanism. I too have a place to post my frustrations with the world in the form of writing, it’s not very good writing and not everything I post is stuff i’m frustrated with, but it helps.

you'll prolly get a better response from posting this on your comic or wall, maybe as a survey. your comic wont mean much to most people on the forums bc statistically most people just havent looked at it, and thats okay. but it means something to your readers, otherwise, why would they read it?

more important is whether it means something to you.

as for if youre disliked on here, i dont mind you but i think you do have a bad reputation in some parts. theres no point denying it. like, hey, you were in the discord/s - which i now realise is a problem that i just wasnt aware of when i was denying it hehe... i think its mostly from times you speak in anger, which never reflect well on anyone. i know ive alienated people when i get pissed, and i know as a fellow autistic person that nothing makes me go loco faster than people talking behind my back. seconding other peoples advice about taking a minute before posting something from anger - its always good to get some perspective and cool off before you hit send. and while there are people who have had a bad impression of you, we're all mature adults and i know their feelings dont run any deeper than 'well that was a bit odd.'

Im not familiar with your posts but people on this forum are anal as all hell and get upset by literally anything. Ignore them and just post in sections that are like sharing your art/characters or whatever and avoid basically every other thread that involves arguing opinions or whatever. Like I get yelled at all the time by the forum members for literally jacksquat and I don't give a damn, a lot of users are very trigger happy lol dont like delete your comic cause some people on the forums are very easily annoyed.

First of all, if their words affect you deeply to the point of suicide, then perhaps it may be best to take some time away from the forums for awhile. I haven't really seen your posts so I don't know what you've said or when, but personally, I feel your life is more important than what others say. We are all here for a reason by God and should strive to appreciate our lives whether others feel the same or not. Now, sometimes we get angry and vent out-we're human it's natural, but we should also have a level of respect to other commenters (as opinions belong to everyone) and try to speak our points without needing to get heated. And if we do get heated and post, then after cooling off, review what you've posted and repost or apologize if you feel you should. And if you apologized, then the other person should be able to forgive. It may not be easy, but we have to remember we're all creators and readers here. Let's not push each other around when we're all here for the same reason.
Personally, I hope that you find from this forum that people are with you and not against you. And I hope that you stay strong and don't give up on yourself or your work.

Am I right?

Actually, I'm not mad at anyone. Nor will I yell at people. XD. Yelling hurts my voice and strains my dehydrated throat. Lol. Also, yelling can cause a host of problems.

Sounds like the crazy neighbour is the real problem here,since it be hard to think clearly.
with a nutcase threatening to kill you.
it kinda makes sense as to why you would be on the edge most of the time,well its my theory anyway.
I do hope that comic stays,its fun to read it with each new update.
hopefully everything gets better