So, I would like to know the opinion of everyone about the subject.
So usually in fantasy or supernatural genre that features romance (BL/GL counts) appear those spiritual entities, but in my case, I have seen mostly about demons, for me is hard to find a story that features an angel as love interest.
-So what do you think about it?
-What spiritual entity was featured in your case? Demon or Angel?
-Do you think one spiritual entity is more common than the other one for some reason? Why?
-What spiritual entity do you prefer?
-Do you prefer going to hell or heaven? ( just kidding, ignore that )
Well in my case I have seen more Demons than Angels, and I think it's for the fact of, I don't know, "you can sexualize demons because they are incarnate sins and one of those sins is lust, so is like some fantasy of interacting with the prohibited thing" and angels are usually "sacred and you must respect them at all cost or something like that". It's like that story in the bible that people turn into dust or something for having sexual desires towards angels. I don't know, that's the conclusion that I have in mind.
I would like to see more stories featuring angels, because sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable about the fact that those stories related to demons have vast knowledge about them but about the angels its barely known something, I just remember their hierarchy ranks, nothing more than that, I don't know what powers and needs an angel has, I don't know anything about their powers, their strengths, their weaknesses, only I have seen demons being humanized, but the angels are almost unexistent.
It's not a complain, so please dont get it wrong, I know that the whole point of featuring a demon is the "don't judge a book for their cover" thing and it works.
But well, what do you think about the subject?
And here you have my comic in case that you get interested in reading something related to fantasy
I'm just leaving it like a signature, so don't worry about it.