60 / 163
Apr 2020

Well, personally they were commenting on my comic continuously for about a 2.5 hour period every few minutes or so. Then they stopped for the first time about a half hour ago. I've been refreshing the page and still nothing. There were a total of 19 comments (18 I blocked + 1 I deleted), and my comic currently has 70 episodes (including the unpublished ones).

I guess I'll see what happens there.

It hasn't stopped, but significantly slowed. (Getting one comment every other minute)

It's spelling is getting better...it's learning....skynet-chan?

I was midly excited at the engagement for a moment(I'd just posted a chapter and my phone kept going off) but then I saw the account names >, >

It's babba jii 2: electric boogaloo

They're still our friens deep down.
I wonder if that means whoever is behind the bot uses the forums? tbh I don't know much about how bots work though so I could be talking out my ass lol

It's evolving!

I had no new spam comments for 30 minutes. And now I got three within the same second.

I had wondered too if they had come here and seen us making fun of being "friens", and decided they'd better use spellcheck haha. So if you're reading this amzza, thanks for the funny memes and false hopes. I thought people were actually commenting on my story!

It reminds me a lot of how YouTube bots work. They usually say almost the same thing ("Great video! Let's be YouTube friends! Here's a shady link!")

Thanks for letting us know! Hoping all gets settled quickly, and good to know about the blocking.

If anything the pause between bot spams likely came from stopping it temporarily to fix the grammar.

I think I'm going to just chill in my safe haven of webtoons where all my comments are currently legit lol

If they're going to comment on all the episodes they might as well like and subscribe.

Yes, so happy that this is being addressed, thanks for your work all!

Unfortunately, blocking doesn't have any affect as comments are coming from multiple accounts (while I still can't block via mobile, via desktop I've blocked 17 and actually just received a 5 comment wave in the span of a couple minutes;;:wink:. Serious gratitude to @travelercomic for suggesting alerting followers via wallpost!

For tapas's wallet's sake I hope not xD

And...Oof... I have over 700 episodes, gonna take a while to remove all this spam lmao

I keep blocking them but they keep creating new accounts :cry:
Can't keep up...

I don't think they are. I had several on the second series highlighted here and it shows no uptick in views. The view counter here is delayed though in real time - so those 17 views might just be from me manually going in delete/block the comments.
(I also got a new sub yesterday from a supposedly legit person, so they might actually be reading. I got 11 views yesterday)

At this point I've given up on deleting the comments because I have to actually, you know, work on my comic. Hoping the situation gets dealt with soon though.

By now it's probably easier / faster to just delete the comments instead of blocking all those single bot accounts.

It's about the same number of clicks to block as it is to delete through the comment directly but it requires more mouse movement on my part? XD

Tapas should just disable comments on their end for now, unless they are and the spambot comes in waves when they're testing out a fix...

Well I think it's clear at this point that it's coming in waves. Tapas should definitely implement an ability for us to turn off comments for the entire comic though. That would have saved a lot of time. I can't be assed to go through 110 updates to turn off all my comments.

Yeah, already did that and blocked / deleted about 100+ of those. I'll go back to working on my comic now. U_Ù
Hopefully Tapas will just delete all of those bot-accounts and with this the comments will vanish as well.

I can't block anything on my phone apparently, or even delete the comments. So I'll have to clear them all out when I get on my desktop in the morn

You can delete comments on mobile just not block. Press and hold the comment to delete.

No, what I mean is they should have a way to stop comments all together from their end for now while they figure out what part of the code the bot is exploiting.