100 / 163
Apr 2020

Wow I didn't know that glitch existed. I was wondering how all my unpublished episodes got spammed lol. I've been worried about possible security issues.

dude i found it :cry_02:
it isn't bad tho.
It's just saying "IF YOUR 18 AND UP CLICK HERE"
so ye.
Im not saying to do it DONT.

skims the url new dating you, huh? Like new to dating, or are you making a "new you" worth dating? The psychological ramifications of this wording is possibly far reaching :dark_sunglasses:

Oh thank god it's not just me!
I just went through blocking every account. That got REAL tedious. Hope y'all are able to nip it in the bud soon!

If there were a way for us to blacklist comments containing specific words it would probably help, since all the spam comments are more or less identical.

I'm kinda surprised it's not already an option.

Haven't gotten anything yet. Kind of wonder how they're doing this, it's pretty big on scale. This person should look into becoming an ethical hacker, they could use their powers for the good of websites instead! :cry_02:

Aww bots are back. They could at least leave a like :confused:

On your profile page there should be a section that lets you post on your own page. There's a bell under that. You can highlight it and it'll update everyone who subscribes that you've made a comment.

Click on your little icon in the top right corner, then on your avatar or your name to get to your own profile / wall.
There just share something and make sure the little bell underneath is filled / on before clicking "share".

I do appreciate the speedy response to this because I was so confused when I saw people were actually commenting on my episodes. :laughing: Glad this at least gives me inspiration for my story!

Thanks, guys. I've been getting hammered all day, haha. But you seem like you're jumping on top of things. Hope we get this sorted out. Thanks for your diligence.

That's the weird thing -- there's a variety of comments coming through. I've gotten "great work", "cool work", "good job", "nice work" , "check out my work", "please review my work", "do rate my private work", so there's a little pool of comments it's spitting up.

But honestly, it'd be much more reasonable to blacklist than individual accounts, though, ugh.

They probably have a several accounts at a time set to say different things in some attempt to get past anything that might try to fight against spam.

Maybe adding a filter that only allows accounts that are a day old to comment could help? :thinking: (Until this is fixed.)

Updated the parent post:

[3:30pm] We've blocked the main perpetrators and manually blocked and banned the accounts. There are a few spam accounts that fall outside of these main perpetrators that we're tracking and shutting down. We'll also looking into ways to remove the comments en masse to save creators time from individually blocking the spammers.

They all contain "amzza" That'd be the word I'd blacklist first.
sure they could change the URL but that's more complicated than just changing a random word.

I was the same nothing then i got like six in the same moment. then it stopped for one minute and did it repeatedly like 3-4 at a time every minute
It was making me want to rip my hair out.

yeah pudge of deep fried pudge (and lessons in mythology) has like 2000+ episodes so i do NOT envy them (or anyone else in the same boat who may have a lot of comics/novels/episodes/etc. who may have been hit lol)

and i say this as someone who has like 400+ accumulated episodes across all their work, 2000+ is a whole other ballpark entirely lol