6 / 10
Feb 11

Hope I can explain this right.

I am testing the anthology format for my 2nd comic series but don't know if I should stick with it. (I only have two stories on it currently.) For context, the idea is that it would be one series of mini comics (20 chapters or less pers story.)

Which do you prefer here on tapas? One series with a bunch of unrelated mini comics or each mini comic getting their own separate series?

  • created

    Feb 10
  • last reply

    Feb 23
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I'll read anything if it's good. BUT...

Anthologies tend to be the kiss of death regardless of the medium. Rod Serling is weeping in his grave but that's the society we made. Since webcomic culture is 100% "N-notice me, Senpai!" not following the crowd means that it's even more unlikely to work. BUT...

I say do it. Someone will appreciate it.

On Tapas you can't bookmark or create any sort of index in a comic, so it will be hard for people to find the different stories if you post all of them as one series. Anthologies are also not common on the site; there isn't even a genre for it, so it will be difficult to categorize it (unless all the stories are from the same genre). So I'd say for practical and organizational purposes, post every comic separately. 20 chapters is also enough for a story to have its own separate series on Tapas.

Back in the 1990s I used to read anthology type comics for sale every week in the newspaper stand for Php 7.00 (USD 0.12) and it had 10 different stories in it.

I'm not sure if that's still gonna fly today

I like anthology comics in print, but the ones I've seen online haven't been that successful. It's just like how people these days tend not to buy a newspaper pdf online but only read the specific articles they're interested in.

You can still do it, but you'll probably be less successful than any particular comic in the anthology would have done.

Yeah, I kind of felt this was going to be the answer, but I wanted to be sure. I think going forward I will just separate them for easy reading and fix my current ones once the series I am working on it over.

Really appreciate the feedback everyone!

I think if they are short and have a similar theme, it might be worth grouping them together.

Are your mini-comics connected by a theme or genre? If so, an anthology might work. If they’re completely different, separating them could help with discoverability. What’s your main goal with the format?

There not connected at all. I just wanted a place where I could put all the mini stories I come up with and thought an anthology might be a fun way to go about it.

11 days later

@thepenmonster I agree with this sentiment. It's very hard to find an audience.

My latest series is an anthology—a collection of short stories with one theme, the cognitive dissonance happening in cult members.

So far, it's quite hard to have an audience. My topic is so niche and my format is niche too, so it's very hard for me. But I hope I get the ball running.

@Azifri Yes, for organizing it would be very difficult to pull off. But sites like tapas, tend to reward series that update weekly or frequently. And having them put in one series solves that issue for me. However, I need to restrain my stories to one theme.

@NickRowler @RadiantHorizon Agreed. Anthology makes sense if there is one them that binds them together.

BTW, Here is my series if you are interested.

Cognitive Dissonance