10 / 33
Apr 2021

I was curious so I checked out their facebook page. Almost all of the comments are suspiciously vaguely positive on their posts, and all seem to be from accounts with no friends or very few. The company is based in china and seems to heavily rely on bots for advertising. Looking at the accounts that post on their page all of them only have posts on their wall advertising the stories on the app.


actually thats the same person who liked one of my series which hasn't been uploaded in like 2-3 months ago lol for today

I find it very much interesting as to how they've found me since I haven't uploaded in some time now, Just recently I had gotten two messages basically saying the same thing but in different wording

Recent Comments I have gotten

Lmao I did commented on them ..but in a long sentence ;-;

I love how they say they've read the whole story and you look at your stats and (in my case with 60 to 90 chapters) you see only 1 chapter read.

these guys are.. sadly laughable. and highly annoying.

LOL I got the exact same thing and i was wondering why I got that in the first place LOL I draw comics not even write novels.

I checked out their name, got a website, then, looked for reviews. Their reviews were missing and none of the reviewers had pictures by their names.

Mine only comment on the first post, haha--and it's like...you got a while to go, Novelstar before you tell me you've read it.

woke up and saw the notification. Saw a comment praising me and then clicked the whole thing to see, surprise surprise, novelstar. Sigh.

I'm getting them about daily now, just keep blocking the accounts but come on! I get so excited to see a comment even a negative one because readers who give feedback are a rare and near-extinct creature. Spam comments pump me up only to rip the floor out from under me.
You are the worst Novelstar, the worst! :rage::angry:

I haven't been around much recently but the other day I logged in to 40 some odd comments and hearts only to find out the majority were from multiple NovelStar spammers. I've just been blocking them. Thank god once you do it also deletes the comments. Makes it so much easier to erase multiple comments by the same person LOL

I really hate these bots. It was nice coming over from Wattpad and not getting that here. Well now they're here too. sigh

I have completely given up on trying to block and report the comments because I get so many of them every day. One of them trash talked my writing and then tried to salvage it (oooh, so cliche but he makes it work, f*** off)

One of them commented on every single episode of my main project... which is over 100 episodes long. FML.

I can't even keep track of actual reader comments anymore because there's so much spams it makes me not want to look at my notifs at all.

WTF??? trash talked it. Oh goody, something to look forward too (she says with completely no enthusiasm).

Maybe if we all got together and spammed them at the same time we could crash their server...

I wonder if that's what's happening to Tapas.

It looks like it's starting to get out of control... There has to be some sort of keyword automoderation for comments which could be implemented to help stem the tide of spam. I know the bots will just come back with different language, but then the devs simply block the updated keywords.

I'm glad that it's not happening with comics yet, but it's probably just a matter of time.

I've gotten to the point where I don't click on notifications for a few days. Which is bad because if someone does have a comment I'd like to answer them.

I've gotten two comments so far, and it's so heartbreaking as a small novel. I don't have a large fan base and my readers rarely comment (mostly because they're real life friends, and they just say whatever to my face instead of commenting). I got excited both times to see a comment, and then, so frustrated that it was spam.

So sorry. We're all with you on that disappointment. I know it doesn't make it any better but I think I'm pretty safe in speaking for most of us that we do understand.

It would be great if there was a way to stop this, and I wonder if Tapas will take any kind of action against it.

I had a comment like that on my work. I deleted it after publicly roasting the commenter.

It's likely I'll fail to tell you anything you didn't already know, but they apparently have an Android app that has reviews mentioning their payment system not even working correctly, as well as a suspiciously high amount of 5 star reviews considering the depths they are willing to go to on the recruiting side of things(I thought poachers with spammy messages were exclusively the domain of Webnovel). Their app is by a group nebulously called 'STARLIGHT.DEV' and that group has two other apps that are very similar on their face to Novelstar, with their descriptions being written in Indonesian.

Honestly, their app's whole premise confuses me. Why would you offer a platform for writers to publish and not have a website for at least pasting your work into?

I was so excited when I saw a comment notification on my phone! It was the first one ever (after my best friend's comments) but it turned out to be spam and I feel like I've been played...