4 / 17
Nov 2015

Much like the thread originally started by @maitanamiya are there any girls here on Tapastic that are interested in Shonen titles such as one of the big three Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece. Also what about any current anime, or recent anime?

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    Nov '15
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    Nov '15
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Just look at those armies of Sasuke fangirls...

Plus, lots of female readers enjoy shounen titles even if they're not fangirls.

I think I actually know more girls that read shonen titles than boys.

All my sisters read them, a good amount of my sister's friends read them, my mom reads them, most girls I run into that go to conventions I sold at read / reference / ask if I read them too. All the girls at the artist get togethers I used to go to read them. The list goes on.

While all the guys I know... seem to like the cutesy school drama / comedies / harems / romances.

I know a lot of girls who are into shounen manga, now that I think about it, most of my female friends read shounen manga vs other genre. The titles they read are SnK, Naruto, Bleach. KnB, Haikyuu!, Assassination Classroom and etc. Mostly Shounen Jump titles actually.

Personally, I prefer reading shounen manga as well, (or seinen , depending on what I'm in the mood for) because I like seeing long drawn out plots with intense action scenes haha. Like my friends, I mostly read Shounen Jump titles as mentioned above with the addition of Boku no Hero Academia. I've never really read Naruto or One Piece, mostly because of the sheer amount of chapters but I used to read Bleach a lot. As of the moment though, I'm trying to catch up with the recent chapters of Magi and I've started watching Nanatsu no Taizai. I'd list more but I'm not really sure if they fall under the shounen or seinen category

I've often thought that if you were to judge my identity solely based on my shelf of comics, you'd think I was a teenage boy. It's full of One Piece, Eyeshield 21, Hellboy, Blade of the Immortal, etc.

I confess, when it comes to the fighting-type shounen - all the big three you mentioned, for example - I'm more likely to watch the anime. Fighting really comes off well in animated form, what with there being a lot of motion going on all the time. So while I haven't read a whole lot of the big three, I've watched a lot of them. I watched Naruto up through the first 20 episodes of post-timeskip - and then quit, because I lost interest. Likewise with Bleach - I like to pretend the story ended after the first Soul Society-arc. After that, it just kind of goes bland for me.

One Piece, though... I may be some 20-odd episodes behind, but I love One Piece with a passion too fiery for words. <3 I've not only watched nearly 700 episodes of it, I've rewatched the first 300 of those episodes multiple times. It is dorky and weird and ridiculous and awesome and oh my gosh does Eichiiro Oda ever know how to suckerpunch me in the heart when I least expect it. One Piece proves, again and again, that you can have a main character who likes to stick chopsticks up his nose and pretend he's a walrus, and still deal with themes like slavery, oppressive governments and the right to live our lives how we choose.

I think One Piece holds the record for cartoon that has made me cry the most. I'm all feels and nowhere to put them when I watch One Piece.

As for more recent stuff... The internet's all fired up about One Punch Man lately, but I haven't had the time to try it out yet. I hear good things, though.

Yussss, liking adventure/action stories has nothing to do with gender. smiley

Same as with @AnnaLandin I loooove One Piece. It's just amazing in a very unique sense. It's ridiculous and will make you cry your heart out and the fights and the themes it talk about and and and... Yeah. <3 <3<3
With Naruto and Bleach I too have lost interest nowadays and like to pretend they ended earlier. :'D Which is a shame because I still like several characters from them even if the plot doesn't hold appeal anymore.

But several other of my all time favourites like Fullmetal Alchemist, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Rurouni Kenshin, etc are shonen. DOGS: Bullets & Carnage is seinen I think.

Some other titles I really like are One punch man, Haikyuu!, Magi, Death Parade, SNK, Noragami, Pandora hearts, Blue exorcist (haven't read for a while tho), Durarara, tsuritama... The list goes on and on and on. :'D

Shonen were a part of my adolescenthood.
From Naruto to Prince of Tennis. Full Metal Alchemist, one of the finest. I read some chapters of One Punch man one day, it was pretty nice too.

It's not a question of gender, really smile

I'm more into shonen than shoujo if anything, but in general I go mostly towards the comedy/gag type series. And some moe slice of life

I don't read a lot of manga nowadays, but I used to read lots of shonen titles as a teenager ( : FMA is still my favourite serie. But I also liked Shaman King, Kenshin, Naruto (though I think I read beginning, some random chapters in the middle, and later stopped cx) or One Piece ( : SnK and Assassination Classroom got me into reading manga again c;

Shaman King was my absolute favorite series and the first one to get me into manga, it still has a special place in my heart.
I also liked Naruto for a while but lost touch with it.
I loved the anime for Magi but I haven't gotten around to reading it, no time.

And then more seinen stuff I like: Monster, Baccano!, Death Parade, Vinland Saga (though my interest waned in the second part after that life-altering time jump for the main guy), and some more I can't think of at the moment.

I apologize for chiming in (being that I am a guy) but I wanted to contribute to the discussion. I grew up watching and reading Shonens like Naruto and Bleach which i have lost interest in. I don't think it matters what gender of the watcher or reader of a shonen is Here's a fun fact 99% of you guys already know is the authors of Blue Exorcist and D. Gray -Man are females. I watch animes of multiple genres ranging from action, adventure, sci-fi, romance and slice of life just to name a few. I always like the aspect of the cool fights so I will always have a place in my heart for a good shonen like Attack on Titan and Blue Exorcist.

But I was genuinely curious to see what shonen titles girls were into? That's all.

I enjoy shonen more than any other kind of comics.

All of them. probably, haha.

My list of top picks: eyeshield 21, FMA, My hero Acadamia, Bleach (though, just the first couple of arcs), Naruto (not so much now but def a favorite growing up), One Punch Man, Jing King of Bandits, Inuyasha, Dogs (but that's more of a seinen title as mentioned by someone else haha), D.Gray-man and Blue Exorcist. Way, waaaaay, more but I'm having trouble remember all of them.XD

I'm guilty of owning over 400 volumes of manga, the vast majority of which are shonen. Like several others here, I love One Piece with a passion and it'll always have a special place in my heart. FullMetal Alchemist has been a huge influence on my stories while Bleach and Trigun were big influences on my art style. There's far, far more to name but I think that pretty much answers your question!

Here a girl! xD
Well, I enjoyed Hunter X Hunter both versions of anime and manga, FMA, reading Boku no Hero Academia and waiting for the anime, Magi the labyrinth of magic. And right now watching One Punch Man (though people on MAL call it "seinen" while others put it as shonen D: )