I'm Set to Zero's author. The comic's just begun but I would definitely love to hear about what you think of it.
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- Nov 20, '15
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- Nov 12, '17
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- Nov 26, '17
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Closing this thread down as I've already found a writer to work with. Thank you very much to everyone who expressed an interest in collaborating with me!
i would love to participate as well !
I like shipping so long as there's material, either canon or fanon , to feed on. If I like how the character dynamics are and see a lot of fan content and if the ship is right up my alley, then I do ship it! I tend to become fan of pairings that aren't very popular. That or they're popular with the …
Hello! I'm an artist looking to collaborate with a writer on a hopefully short story (spanning perhaps ~ 30-40 pages). I've been looking to improve my skills by working on a different kind of project. I have some experience on writing and drawing webtoons but for this collaboration, I'm looking to t…
While I agree with what most of the other people have listed here , like Magi, Baccano , PASWG and Akatsuki no Yona. I really really painfully want to see a second season of Kekkai Sensen / Battle Blockade Battlefront. The anime skips on a lot of details from the manga in favor of their anime origin…
Philippines. I live in a very rural part that somewhat borders on living on a mountain. Haha.
Here's a chart of my OC Laine from Set to Zero! [image] Oddly enough, most of the pre-existing characters she's inspired from are male. Haha.
Thank you very much for replying! I think I'll be following the general advice of everyone to draw in a bigger canvas. The information on dpi was very useful as well! I usually just ignore that but whoops, I probably shouldn't. Haha.
I wouldn't really say that Twilight ruined it per se, since Vampire themed stories have been gaining a lot of popularity (or notoriety, take your pick) over the years before Twilight even got insanely popular. I think Twilight just added to it's popularity/ notoriety because of the added limelight? …
I've recently started my own webcomic and I was wondering what canvas size would work best. Is it better to draw on a bigger canvas size then resize it once it's done or draw on a canvas with similar dimensions to the final product? I'm not very knowledgeable about quality and resizing and stuff so …
I'm the type of person who usually 'tries' to go beyond their limit (and fail miserably) so there really isn't much themes I wouldn't draw. I wouldn't really want to draw something that involves sexual violence and extreme violence. Tbh, I'm fine with drawing gore and sex separately but definitely n…
I make a lot of mistakes with the hair parting of some of my characters. Since I rotate my canvas a lot, I tend to forgot which side is which so some characters end up with a different hair lines. I also forget to draw/ color accessories a lot of the time too. So it gets real annoying to fix when I'…
It is overdone, a bit. But I think it depends on how you handle it really. There are many ways to make a school setting more interesting and unique.
I know a lot of girls who are into shounen manga, now that I think about it, most of my female friends read shounen manga vs other genre. The titles they read are SnK, Naruto, Bleach. KnB, Haikyuu!, Assassination Classroom and etc. Mostly Shounen Jump titles actually. Personally, I prefer reading…
I used to use DAZ 3d to pose characters and stuff. It's been years since I last used this so yeahh, my memory's a bit fuzzy but I did find it really helpful at the time! Plus it's free.
Set to Zero isn't made of pages but is pretty much just one long strip like in webtoons. I'm currently coloring the whole thing. [image]
I'm nearing my 20s, and like everyone mentioned here, people usually write characters with similar ages or at least near their own age range. Personally , I like writing characters near my age group because I feel like I can make them more fleshed out since I'd be more or less aware of the kind of i…
Films! When I still wasn't busy with uni stuff, I'd always watch at least 2-3 films in a week. It helps me a lot with building dialogue and capturing atmosphere of scenes. So sometimes, when I storyboard, I think using a film mindset vs a comic mindset. Haha. But for interests that aren't really …
It's barely started, but if you have the time, I would definitely love to hear feedback for the comic I just recently started : Set to Zero. Thanks! :
As much as possible, I try to exercise every day and eat more healthy meals than junk food. And as an occupational therapy student, I try to apply all the helpful things I learn when I draw. For example: - Pacing my work schedule :I don't draw for hours straight and I take breaks in between to res…
Set to Zero was inspired by a series of dream / nightmares I had back when I was younger. At that time, it spooked me out a lot but my friend eventually persuaded me into developing a plot based on it. But instead of being horror and paranormal in nature, like my dreams were, it became more sci-fi a…
Since I went to a Catholic school (Despite not actually being a Catholic hahaha) we had a lot of nuns and our principal was a nun too , so the students usually called her 'penguin' because of how their habit looked like and because she walked reallllyyyyy sloooooooooow. She was pretty mean too tbh. …
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to this! Wow. I didn't think that a lot of people would actually respond to this. As someone really new to Tapastic, I was a bit unsure if someone would actually reply to this.
@somvi Thanks! I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
@Menbung I usually…
@Zanreo WOW. Thank you so much for the link! This is incredibly helpful.
@somvi Yeah. I was worried about the infringement thing, while I'm not looking to profit from my webcomic, I just don't really want to end up doing something that could border on infringement at this point. I'd feel bad haha…
I usually create the room from scratch but my main concern is the furniture and other tiny stuff? Like, I'm not too worried tracing from rooms that I created on my own, but when I add other small things like a table or a sofa I got from the 3d warehouse, I'm a bit worried that I might be doing somet…
Oh wow, I totally didn't notice that from Dr. Frost! Haha. Thank you very much for replying, and yeah, haha, I just get a bit paranoid when it comes to drawing stuff since half the time I feel like I'm totally doing something wrong. Though in the end, I guess so so long as it's acceptable then it's …
I'm pretty new to the whole webcomic creation thing and I realized that drawing complex backgrounds is super tricky for me. So to compensate for that , I create sketchup models for some bgs and just screenshot it and redraw over it. And so I was wondering if doing that's acceptable? I went over the …