20 / 38
Oct 2023

My current comic tends to parody major religions, but I forget sometimes that because I've substituted a lot of my own chicken-related mythos/terminology/traditions with a humorous twist, then it really doesn't bother me all that much.

There are some, uh, awkward moments between some human characters (and some coming up) that I tend to worry about, but I try to depict them humorously in a it's-not-what-you-think kind of way (racial, or it appears that way) I kind of base humor on broad stereotypes, but of coarse the characters themselves tend to override them, or at least a few of them. Beginnings are always kinda awkward - or maybe that's just something about my personality, but my hope is over time that awkwardness fades and you get to know the characters as they develop, albeit slowly (story is kinda slow, I admit).

Here's a moment out of context that illustrates what I mean:
Alec(basically Col Sanders): So, Aldi, white or dark?
Aldi(his African-American female assistant): Is he serious?
Alec: Or do you even like chicken?

Yeah, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, but no harm no fowl. There's bound to be someone out there that will get overly-offended, and I would understand, but it's solely meant for comedy.

Oh, on another note, I want to make a furry noir series that features NSFW, super-rated-M erotica, wanton violence and just plain vice. Even a human-doggo relation O.O ...
Not ashamed of that one, cause I'm gonna publish it under a different name/profile(don't want to soil this one too badly, Lol!) But it'll take a couple years to get the art done and I gotta do more--research.
I can't wait!


I agree with @ThunderChicken !

Reading Henry Hare, I saw the word f*ck in like the first one or two panels, and I KNEW I was in for a good and fun series!

Keep it up!

Me, on the other hand, my overly-cautious butt tryin' to censor vulgarities, and it kinda fits the 'sanctity' of the story, with c*cks(roosters) and whatnot. But I'm saving the f-bomb for a very satisfying moment way later down the line, hehe!

When I first published my comic back in 2022, I felt very ashamed for a long time. I am still a little bit ashamed about it but I believe it'll pay off once I finish the story.

Basically all my main characters are kids and oddly enough some people think it's weird. I don't know what they mean when they say that because I was just writing a story about friends being there for each other. Without a friend some people are just aimlessly existing.

Oh yes, all the time. I’m very sensitive to embarrassment and quote unquote “cringe” stuff, so whenever my ideas have like a drop of awkwardness or cliches in them, I get very embarrassed and ashamed. I grew up in an extremely country and conservative town where basically any hobbies other than hunting, fishing, sports, and camping were considered weird. I’ve kind of carried that over to my adult life and so I barely speak about my interests in comics, art, and storytelling. I’m lucky enough to have my mom be very supportive of my interests and a few close friends, but because of that I get very embarrassed and ashamed whenever someone brings up the fact that I enjoy these things.

I've been spending a long time slowly getting out of the mindset that my magical girl comic (which debatably isn't even that much about magical girls) is cringe, lol. Nowadays I embrace the cringe. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel that, I come from a small, conservative town and grew up with religion and
high moral standards

Yes. 100%. I've found ways to work around my embarrassment of writing spicier content but I still have to power through the discomfort.

But in general, the only time I've felt "shame" toward my creative ideas is when I'm forcing myself to do something that I didn't want to do, per se. I've written a couple of tropey romances and frankly, I've hated writing them. I felt ashamed to write them, though I did "want" to write them. Eventually, I felt better rewriting them the way I wanted instead of the way that made me ashamed

Just know, you don't have to admit to what no one has sought to point out! Just don't be heavy handed about most things and you'll be fine, haha

I wanted to write a spicy for their time scene for Elsie and Roy. I decided to not add it in there because it slowed down the story like by a billion times. I might add one in a future episode possibly.

And what I mean by spicy for their time is Roy in his union suit or long underwear and Elsie in her chemise and drawers.

One thing is clear sure, I am not ashamed of this artwork of Roy! He looks great!

But yeah there was also the motive of me feeling discomforted by the scene. I may do it when all the gang is in Paris or something.

However, with this scene.

I had second thoughts. It’s kinda strange. I put a warning at the beginning of the episode that said “Fair warning: Roy’s butt”

I mean I don’t know it bothers me. I might delete the warning but I’m not sure.

There's a few times where I have been like...maybe this is too far, in regards to what I make my characters go through. They're not so tragic right now, but I really made the worst (most upsetting) backstories I possibly could for them. Call it projecting a bit, but I was feeling pretty hopeless a year or two ago when the idea came into my head.

Hey, at least it will be worth it in the end, right? For everyone to get what they want :sweat_smile:

I have very little shame about my work now lol
My mom's decided to make it her mission to promote my comic to every single relative she meets because "the art's so amazing!" (it's not). It's really sweet tho, and at this point I'm no longer embarrassed.

Before starting Light Rising, I had a bunch of ideas for it but didn't think they were legit because it was just a "drama" and mostly pandered to my own interest of girl-groups and made-up politics. It wasn't like any of my other Fantasy Adventure Epic story ideas with like 12 major plot twists or something. I thought no one would want to read it.
This was because the only genre I ever really read/watched was Adventure-Fantasy. Once I branched out just a little bit, I realized how stupid I was being and that I do have an interesting story to tell. And such, Light Rising was born.

Cuddos to your mother! :blush: that’s so sweet of her.

I wish I had the same.

I remember feeling embarrassed for what I chose as an excuse to get Noah into the church. Many people complained that "just for a silly joke Noah is chased by bullies?? Why he said that if he knew it could happen??"
Noah basically tells a girl she is not as flat as he thought. She tells this to his boyfriend offscreen and with his friends he waits for Noah to avenge the insult. They chase Noah, who hides in the local church.

I wanted the chase to begin for a silly reason that ended up in something over the top, like what happens in some mangas or comedies from the 90s. People my age find that situation funny, they understand my intentions... Teens however reject it for beeing "too much nonsense" or something that excalates quickly

Not sure if it counts but I put my rock band 4koma back in the oven because it became nothing but an anti-man-o-sphere screed.

As much as I despise those limp dicks that wasn't the sort of comic I wanted to make.

I am rather ashamed that probably my skill cannot bring the best in the ideas.
Another case is when I have an idea regarding a field I only have a surface-level or no knowledge of (e.g. swordfighting). Even worse when I have very little ways to confirm it, combined with the dread of being ridiculed by "experts".